In the dark dungeon of the floating island, four core members of the Holy See are meditating in their dark cells.

They have been in this place for half a month.

People who can become core members of the Holy See, and even be left by Gaia as blackmailing the capital of the Holy See, naturally have a good mind, even in such a harsh environment, they still maintain calm and restraint, not like ordinary people madness and despair, let alone shout and waste their physical strength.

Everyone sat quietly in their places and meditated.

At the beginning, they were broken in their hearts, after all, leading so many people to this ghost island, originally to defeat the members of the Z organization, but they never expected that in the end, whether it was the Z organization or their Holy See, they would become dishes on other people's plates.

What is even more sad is that their companion Gaia directly betrayed the Holy See and recognized the devil as the lord.

Even, they even planned to blackmail the Holy See with themselves.

However, as time slowly passed, several people's hearts gradually calmed down, because their hearts were still full of hope and awe for the Holy See, and they understood that the Holy See would inevitably find a way to rescue them, and at the same time crush An Que.

With such thoughts, several people can be regarded as calm.

Even, some old gods are there.

"An Que, get out!"

A shout penetrated through, causing several people meditating in this dark dungeon to open their eyes, and several people looked at each other, and their eyes were shining:

"The one who saved us is here!"

"Listen to the voice, it seems to be Ned the black bear among the Templars!"

"It's really him, but he is known for his strength and physical fitness, the tomahawk is invincible, no one can block his attack, I heard that he has recently been transferred to the Iron Knights, so Ned should have come with the Steel Knights, right?"

"Haha, friends, we will be free soon, get ready, thank you!"


it was just a shout from afar, it became a flame of hope that ignited the hearts of the four people.

Ned's strength is very strong.

They were confident that since Ned had arrived, it meant that they would soon be able to leave this dark dungeon.

"When I go out, I must personally tie An Li to the stake and completely purify him!"

"And Gaia, Gaia is a great sinner, he dared to betray the Holy See."

"Yes, neither of these two can be let go."

"This An Que has obtained the inheritance of this Great Priest of Ghost Island, and there is still some use value, although I also hate him, but I think we can squeeze all the value out of him first, this is the best reward for the Holy See."

"You are right, we are blinded by hatred."

"Bypass An Que's life for the time being, but Gaia must die!"


Ned's roar, they stopped meditating, and while preparing to leave, they discussed how to squeeze all the value of An Que next, as if the results of the battle outside had appeared, and even they could generously spare An Que's life temporarily.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound at the door of the dungeon.

Here it comes!

Soon, as the dungeon door was pushed open, a faint but unusually dazzling light appeared for several people, illuminating the entire dungeon, and at the same time, several people couldn't help but close their eyes, squinting their eyes towards the figure at the door:

"Knight Ned, thank you for your rescue, after I go back, I will personally prepare wine to thank you."

"May the Lord bless you and thank you Knight Ned."

"Haha, Knight Ned, congratulations on your victory!"


people spoke, some thanking them, and even congratulating Ned on his victory.


But at this moment, a dry cough appeared, and it was Ned who made a dry cough, but it was clear that his voice was weak and embarrassed, and just when everyone noticed that something was wrong, they heard the voice that An Li had turned into ashes and they could also recognize:

"It seems that excessive speculation seems to be the traditional virtue of your Holy See."

The owner of this voice is An Que!

And in the voice, there is undisguised sarcasm.

Hearing this, several people's hearts suddenly sank, so good at kung fu, get the already weak light finally gradually adapted by everyone's eyes, at this time to meet the light curtain, see that the person in front is indeed the black bear knight Ned, but his appearance is very embarrassed at this time, the whole face is pale, the whole body is gray, there is no half victory at all.

And behind him, An Li's figure walked out from behind Ned, and he didn't care more than half a point, but pointed towards a separate cell door:

"This room is good, at least you don't have to worry about hitting your head, he is your next room."


What do you mean?

Several regular residents who had been in it for half a month instantly froze, and even a fool could understand at this time that something was obviously wrong.

But unexpectedly, it has always been rumored that the black bear knight Ned, who has not had a good temper, although his face is a little embarrassed at this time, but he still obediently groped towards the cell pointed to by An Li, but after entering his cell, Ned couldn't help but say to An Li:

"I promise you to be your prisoner, and I hope you can keep your promise."

"Of course, I need the messenger myself." An Li smiled, pointed again, the lock of the cell automatically buckled, and after doing this, An Li turned and left.

But An Li left, and the pan was fried in this cell:

"Knight Ned, what just happened?"

"Did you lose to him?"

"Even if you lose to him, why do you listen to him so much, you are a Black Bear Knight, you are a member of the Templars, even if you fail, are you going to completely submit to this demon?"

"What the hell happened?"


people asked repeatedly, but Ned just smiled bitterly.

He lost....

Originally, in his dictionary, although there was not no failure two words, at least in the face of non-Holy See people, he had never experienced failure. But now, he has not only failed, but even completely failed, whether it is strength or explosiveness, he is a younger brother in front of An Li, and he is not qualified to win at all.

Even now, thinking of the way An Que opened up and killed in the torrent of steel before, Ned would feel fear in his heart.

As for obedience, it was only to let the last remaining three knights of the Iron Knights leave.


The Iron Knights numbered more than two hundred, and only three people remained, and although these three people were alive, each of them had very serious injuries. The Iron Knights are a fierce team that can fight to the death, but they will definitely not retreat.

And it is precisely for this reason that after facing An Que, they have completely become chickens and ducks to be slaughtered.

There was no resistance at all, but like a moth to a fire, one after another died on the spot.

In fact, as a Templar, Ned, also thought that it was better to die on the spot than to survive, but he thought that the Holy See did not have any exact information about An Li's strength, maybe when someone would make the mistake of underestimating the enemy like himself, so he had to let people go back with the letter.

I only hope that the Holy See can make preparations as soon as possible and not let others suffer the same losses as themselves.

But Ned harbored this idea, but things often unexpected.

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