For the six realms, there is a perfect explanation on cultivating immortal enlightenment.

If you want to cultivate, you must first know what cultivation is.

The so-called cultivation is to constantly purify oneself, constantly allow oneself to catch up with the realm of heaven and man, and make oneself completely otherworldly. As for the way of cultivation, each sect and each school has its own way, but the realm of cultivation is basically these six realms.

The first is the acquired realm.

Cultivators, except for a small number of people with special physiques, basically all need to enter this realm, mainly to pile the use of physical strength and strength into the mechanism, and after completion, and then under the guidance of the cultivator, they can begin to gather spiritual energy and enter the innate realm.

Objectively speaking, this realm is actually not a step into cultivation.

Innately, it is a watershed.

By this realm, he has been able to master some powers and abilities that ordinary people do not have, and he already knows the existence of Spiritual Qi and can open up his own Qi Sea Dantian.

Opening up the Qi Sea Dantian can basically make yourself completely otherworldly and open a gap between you and ordinary people.

In the innate realm, opening up the Qi Sea Dantian is the most important, but similarly, after opening up the Qi Sea Dantian, a large amount of Aura is also needed to accumulate, because although at this time it can gather Aura and even use Aura to fight, in fact, the use of Aura in this realm is also very rough.

If you want to keep up with the next level, only the Dantian Qi Sea can reach sufficient accumulation and can achieve qualitative change.

In this way, it is the next realm.

Refining period.

What is gas refining?

To put it bluntly, it is to refine Reiki, even its own qi, to perfect the effect of Reiki, and even let Reiki warm your body. Basically, the lifespan of cultivators in the Qi training period will increase, as little as sixty years, as long as hundreds of years, because in this realm, it is basically possible to perfect the use of Spiritual Qi.

After the Aura is fully used and the Dantian Qi Sea is consolidated and strong, the next step is to begin to forge the Divine Hidden Knowledge.

This is refining God.

Everyone has his own Knowledge in God, and the existence of Knowledge in God even surpasses the importance of the physical body on the path of cultivation. At this level, the monk can still be killed by destroying the physical body, but if there is any strange treasure that can be preserved by the Divine Hidden Knowledge, there is actually hope for resurrection.

Because their power is no longer just gathered in the Dantian Qi Sea, but in the Divine Hidden Knowledge.

When the accumulation of knowledge in the Divine Vault is sufficient, and the spiritual energy of the Dantian Qi Sea is accumulated to a certain extent, it is necessary to enter the next realm.

Return to the ruins!

This realm is the realm of life and death, and it is also the realm of the fall of a large number of cultivators.

But what kind of realm it is, the enlightenment of immortal cultivation does not elaborate, but only says that all the cultivators who reach the realm of returning to the ruins can survive one in a thousand miles, but those who can successfully cultivate and enter Mahayana are none of them.

As for the Mahayana realm after that, it is not clearly stated above, but it is simply said that when you reach this realm, your lifespan can even reach a thousand years.

Obviously, this cultivation of immortal enlightenment itself is a certain sect used to give the introduction of disciples science popularization, which does not involve too many things, many of the cultivation above the top is very vague, I think it should be after reaching that high realm, there should be other things to refer to, or maybe it is an unpassed secret in the sect.

But these alone are enough for An Oak to see.

Not to mention the Mahayana realm of a thousand years of life, nor the realm of the return to the ruins of the entrance of life and death, even refining gods and refining qi is actually very far away.

Because An Li counted the cultivators he had seen in detail, and finally found a problem.

The current cultivators seem to be different from the above description of this Immortal Cultivator.

The Dementors seem to follow this method, and there is also the practice of condensing spiritual energy, but what they mainly cultivate seems to be more the Divine Hidden Knowledge that should have been cultivated during the refining period.

Is it because the disciples of the Dementor Sect are all masters of the realm of the refining period?

This is obviously impossible, and they seem to have found a different route.

In fact, according to the actual combat ability, the group of people of the Dementor Sect survived, even if they were a person at the peak of the Acquired Realm, Fan Qi may have reached the innate realm, but I am afraid that he has only just started.

In addition to the Dementors, whether it is the Z Organization or the Holy See, it is completely different.

Needless to say, the Z organization focuses on physical strength, one by one the transformation does not recognize ghosts or ghosts, and the Holy See is even more different, they will also borrow Reiki, but Reiki is more of a medium, what they really improve is actually similar to the spiritual power of God hiding Knowledge, and then call the power of the Holy See Lord God to fight.

In terms of rating, although the cardinal did not make a move, An Li guessed that most of them had reached the innate peak realm.

These people didn't seem to be very good in the entire cultivation realm, and they didn't follow the same way as they were divided in that cultivation realm, but each took a different path.

An Li noticed this for the first time.

"Why is that?"

"Since there is a perfect cultivation system, why not cultivate?"

"The Holy See may be different from the ancient sects of the Xia Kingdom, but it seems that the Dementor Sect was also the sect of the Xia Kingdom in the early years, and they seem to have changed to a certain extent while using the cultivation system, what is the reason for this change?"

A series of questions appeared in An Li's mind.

These questions, obviously no one can answer to An Li, but fortunately, he is a good thinker, and after realizing this at this time, it is inevitable that several guesses will arise in his heart.

The first guess is that the system of ancient cultivators is not used because the inheritance is broken.

This can also be said, from the information above the jade, many of them are actually unpassed secrets, basically the sect is gone, the cultivation method may have changed, and the time has been extended to thousands of years, the inheritance break is also a reasonable explanation.

The second guess is that the inheritance has not been broken, but the environment has changed.

The smartest thing about human beings is that human beings will not adapt to the environment one by one, but will adapt themselves to the environment, and even not only humans, but all living beings on the planet are following this principle and trying to make species more adaptable to the environment.

The environment has changed, the spiritual energy has been exhausted, and the spiritual stones have been scarce.

An Li has heard these words more than once, since this is the case, is it understandable that some rules of this world have changed, and the ancient cultivation methods have been greatly different from the current environment, so everyone has begun to transform themselves to make themselves more adapted to the changes in the environment?

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