"Oh my God, what the hell is going on here?"

"Why is Fluttershy here, and when did she come into the cockpit?"

The cockpit door was opened, and the purser was immediately attracted by the scene inside the cab, in the end it was the person who could become the purser, although the bloody scene in front of her was terrifying enough, but she still analyzed the situation inside for the first time.

"Fluttershy, how could she do such a stupid thing?"

After a long time, the purser thought about it and turned into a sigh.

As if noticing An Li's doubts, the purser explained after a moment of silence: "Fluttershy seems to have been bullied by these two captains, and I only heard about this matter, but I didn't think that it was true, how could this stupid child do such a thing..."

A simple explanation, but it has already given An Li a general understanding.

However, now is obviously not the time to discuss this, An Li asked, "Do you have any good solutions next?" "

Good way?

The purser shook his head bitterly:

"There is no way."

"I wanted to get into the cockpit before, I was hopeful, thinking that the captain might just be in a coma, but now it seems that the two captains can no longer fly the plane."

"The only two people on the plane who will pose the plane are dead, what can we do next..."

Saying that, the purser looked at the satellite phone in the cockpit: "While you are not dead, explain the situation to your family first."

The purser's tone was thick with exhaustion and despair.

Although she tried to keep herself calm, judging from the fact that she was trembling when she spoke, the purser at the moment was just pretending to be calm, in fact, if she had not received professional training, she would have been panicked at this time and did not know what to do.

It's not that she's not firm enough, but because she's professionally trained, she knows better how bad the situation really is.

First of all, skydiving is impossible.

Civil aircraft are basically not equipped with parachutes, because equipped with parachutes will increase the weight of the fuselage, increase fuel consumption, and make it more difficult to control the aircraft, so there will basically be no parachutes.

Even if a parachute is found, but now the altitude is at least eight kilometers in the air, from this altitude, high vacancy oxygen and high-speed air blowing can make the success of the skydiving infinitely close to zero. In fact, there is no need to wait for people to jump out, at this time, if you open the cabin door, because the cabin is pressurized, once the cabin door is opened, many people in the cabin will be swept away and sucked out of the cabin at the first time.

The second thing to rule out is to land on its own.

Flying an airplane is not a simple thing, especially this kind of civilian large passenger aircraft, the difficulty of operation is skyrocketing, even people with a driver's license, may not be able to operate such a civilian large passenger aircraft, just those dense buttons are not ordinary people can pilot.

What's more, the plane has been circling here for more than half an hour, although the speed has decreased a lot, but the speed is still very fast, at this time, even the most professional pilot has no way to make a forced landing successfully, and the survival rate is also close to zero.

"I'll fly a plane, or should I try?" An Li suggested.


The purser refused without hesitation: "This aircraft is a new aircraft this year, and this large passenger plane is very difficult to operate, and if there is no flight surprise for more than five years, it will only accelerate the death of the members on the plane."

"We might be able to contact the ground command center to see if they have a solution."

Finally, the flight attendant came up with such a solution.

At this moment, a voice came from the walkie-talkie in the cockpit:

"XH580, this is the Kyoto ground command center, the current air traffic control has been activated, please immediately start adjusting the manual posture and landing, please reply when you receive it, please reply when you receive it!"

"XH580, this is the Kyoto Ground Command Center..." A

continuous call came, apparently the ground had already discovered the abnormal condition of this aircraft, and it seemed that it should not be the first time to contact.

"Ground command center, this is XH580, I am the purser of this flight!"

Without any hesitation, the purser immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and answered.

She absolutely did not know that her response at this time, I don't know how many people on the ground brought hope.


"Someone answered, someone answered!"

"Finally there are living people."

"Quick, ask them what is the situation and why they have been hovering in place for so long?"


In the ground command center at this time, with the purser's answer, everyone exploded in an instant. For the unconscious passengers on the plane, they had no idea what was happening, but the command center on the ground discovered the abnormality of the plane as early as the first time.

To do this, the ground command center tried to contact the captain of the aircraft from the very beginning.

But without exception, no one answered.

The ground command center's reaction speed was divine, and with almost no hesitation, air traffic control was immediately carried out, adjusting all aircraft arriving in Kyoto to ensure that there would be no collision between the two aircraft.

Various departments were in operation at the first time to discuss the hovering plane, but unfortunately, for half an hour, although they made a lot of preparations, they never contacted the crew of this aircraft.

All they can do is air traffic control.

After all, the people on the plane could not be contacted, and the plane did not seem to have any intention of landing, and they could only do it on the ground.

Originally, for the people in the ground command center, what they urgently needed was that the aircraft could respond.

And now, the response came.

But for the crowd in the ground command center, this response is better than no response at all.

The two captains on the plane are all dead!

This is a thunderbolt for anyone, especially after they understand the cause and effect.

The flight attendant killed the two captains!

Although he also committed suicide on the spot, there were still passengers and other crew members on the plane!

What do they do?

"In this way, you calm down first, do your crew have anyone with driving experience, or someone with a pilot's license?" After listening to the flight purser's report, the commander of the ground dispatch command center was also hesitant, but he could only try to remain calm and ask.

"No, none of the crew members have the ability to fly."

The result quickly made the commander's brows frown, the captain is dead, no one will fly the plane, then won't everyone on the plane wait for death?

At this moment, a voice came again on the other end of the intercom:

"Maybe, I can try!"

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