
At this time, everyone in the ground dispatch command center was stunned, looking at Qin Feng's trusting appearance towards An Li, it was a little difficult to understand. As a commander, he frowned for the first time.

What's going on here?

"Chief Qin, An Li has already said before that he himself does not have any experience in flying an aircraft, not even a pilot's license, in this case, it is too risky to rashly hand over the driving right of the entire aircraft to him." Can't help it, the commander spoke, the meaning was obvious enough.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the commander's words fell, Qin Feng asked rhetorically: "The risk is indeed not small, but I don't know if you have any better solution?"


the commander choked.

What can he do, in fact, the situation is already very bad now, not only him, even everyone in the entire dispatch command center can't think of any solution in their brainstorms.

"No one on an airplane has experience flying and no one has a pilot's license. But in this case, to be honest, the only thing that the XH580 can do this time is to save itself, but no one can fly the plane, how to save itself?

"You should know better than I do that there is very little we can do."

"At this time, we have no other way but to believe in An Que, after all, we can't go into the plane and fly the plane at this time."

Qin Feng shook his head and spoke.

Where did the commander not know that what Qin Feng said was the truth, but now he really handed over the qualifications of the plane pilot to An Li, so what if something went wrong?

On this plane, An Li is not the only one.

There are 134 others!

"Piloting aircraft, especially civilian large passenger aircraft, the two most difficult nodes, the first is takeoff, the second is landing, and the difficulty of landing is higher, the average beginner is basically impossible to master the landing skillfully, even if it is a flight veteran, it is difficult to land accurately when first contacting large passenger aircraft."

"And on the plane, even a slight miscalculation, can bring unimaginable disaster, not to mention a novice with no experience at all, the probability of success is too low."

"Moreover, there are still 135 people on this plane, which is one hundred and thirty-five lives. If there is an accident, the result will be unbearable for anyone. Seeing

the commander's fierce objection, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "And then?"

"Then..." The commander choked: "Then we should think about it again, this matter is too hasty to decide, I think we should think about the long term and come up with a complete solution, instead of so one-sidedly putting the lives of the passengers on the plane in the hands of An Li."

At this moment, Qin Feng smiled:


"In the long run?"

"I don't know how long your so-called long-term plan is, this plane flew from Honolulu to Kyoto, and now it has been delayed for more than half an hour, how long do you think the fuel reserves in this plane can last, and how long can you make a long-term plan?"

"And, to be honest, it really makes you think, are you sure you can think of something else?"

Speaking of this, Qin Feng said faintly:

"I know what you are worried about, it is nothing more than responsibility, you can rest assured, this matter is my responsibility, if there is any problem, I will be responsible for this time, so you can rest assured?"

"I..." The

commander was speechless, wanting to say something, but eventually closed his mouth.

Does he really not know what the situation is now?

Of course not!

In fact, he knew very well that there were no people with flying experience on the plane at this time, and every trace of fuel wasted could make accidents happen.

The reason why he never dared to try, in addition to his distrust of An Li, was more important than the issue of responsibility.

Think about it.

If this plane finally crashes because of An Li's mistake, then someone will inevitably seize this point to attack themselves madly, after all, let a person who has no flying driving experience, and even a pilot's license fly the plane, such a thing is afraid to be on the hot spot in minutes.

This responsibility is too great for him to make up his mind.

And now, Qin Feng was willing to take responsibility, although he felt a little overwhelmed in his heart, but he had to admit that this really loosened the stone in his heart.

"Okay, the command here, I'll leave it to you."

Finally, the commander wasted no more time and directly gave up his commander position, and at the same time gave up the XH580's driving permission password.

This is a dynamic real-time password, want to fly the aircraft, not only need an identity tag, not only need a key, more importantly, also need the ground dispatch command center to give out the driving permission password, only with the password, the pilot can fully control the aircraft.

This is also a kind of safety guarantee, and An Li did not directly sit in the driver's seat to fly the plane, which is also for this.

He does have hacking skills, but of course he must use normal means if he can use normal means, after all, the situation is not so bad.

Yes, for Angel Oak, the situation has not been affected to that extent.

After An Li's proposal was rejected, he did not put his mind on this, but led the purser to wake up several flight attendants one by one, and after briefly explaining the cause and effect of the matter, An Li directly asked them to take care of the safety of the unconscious passengers on the plane.

After all, there are more than a hundred people, God knows who did not buckle their seat belts, it is impossible for An Li to get these.

When he returned from these busy, he just received the real-time password from the ground dispatch center, which was somewhat unexpected to him, and without hesitation, after entering the password on the touch screen, he completely mastered all the permissions of the aircraft.

As soon as he finished this, Qin Feng's voice came from inside the walkie-talkie:

"An Li, can you hear it?" I am Qin Feng! "

Qin Feng?" An Li was stunned, and then overjoyed: "I heard you say that you are safe before, but I didn't expect that we haven't met yet, so we can talk first." "

Qin Feng, they were indeed detained at the airport before.

But fortunately, as the king of Xia Guo's soldiers, Xia Guo naturally has a way to bring him back, in fact, the main reason is because no one associates them with An Li, otherwise when Qin Feng and them are caught, they will be afraid that they will be unable to escape death in the end.

At this time, listening to An Li's words, Qin Feng smiled: "I heard that you are coming back, of course we are coming to pick you up, but I didn't expect that it would be so difficult for the two of us to meet each other." The

two of them used walkie-talkies, one in the sky and the other on the ground.

This scene, whether it was the purser beside An Li or the staff of the ground dispatch command center, they were all dumbfounded.

Big brother, the situation is still very dangerous, do you have anything to say later?

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