On the other side, when all the fryers were in the command center, An Li had canceled the plane's autopilot mode, switched to manual posture mode, and turned the nose towards the direction where the hill road was located.

He really doesn't have a pilot's license.

But that doesn't mean he can't fly an airplane.

With the Rebirth Wealth System, anything for An Li as long as he wants, there is no no, flying seems to be quite difficult, but in fact, it has become one of An Li's skills half a year ago, and this is not the first time he has flown a plane.

After all, when he left the floating island before, he flew away.

Although this kind of large passenger aircraft is different and more difficult, as long as it is mastered, in fact, it is just like that, sitting in the driver's seat at this time, the familiar feeling is born, just like the old driver who has long dominated the sky, there is no sense of rustiness at all.

For An Que, these are like things engraved in the bones, skillfully and simply drinking water.

But in his opinion, it was extremely simple to operate, but the eyes of the uneasy purser next to him were about to pop out: "You really haven't flown a plane?" "

Well, I just haven't flown such a large airliner." An Quercus spoke.

"Really?" The purser was somewhat skeptical.

After all, it is considered to fly in the sky every day, and the differences between various types of aircraft are still understood, large passenger aircraft and ordinary small aircraft or even fighter jets are completely different, those bells and whistles are basically invisible on large passenger aircraft, and the operation is more clumsy and difficult.

Generally speaking, those pilots flying a passenger plane for the first time, the most difficult action is to make a quick U-turn, after all, if you want to pan and turn around, only those who have really experienced it will understand how difficult it is.

However, An Li didn't explain, and she didn't have much to ask.

It's just that the hope that has long disappeared has been reborn at this time.

I couldn't help but look at An Li, and the purser had a little hope in his heart.


It is really possible to live on your own.


"Coming, coming!"

"The lights are all on!"

"It's about to land, the fire brigade is ready, the fireproof foam is now ready, once the landing fails, immediately spray the entire runway, absolutely can't let the fire burn!"

"Everyone pay attention, it's about to land, all cheer up!"

On the ground, Xiaoshan Highway, at this time, the entire multi-kilometer-long road has been completely cleared into an airstrip, the road is full of people, and the fire brigade ambulances are all in place, waiting for the huge passenger plane in the sky to land.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

Even Qin Feng, who had shown great confidence in An Li before, couldn't help but sweat at this time, and he who originally did not smoke, lit a cigarette and smoked it fiercely at this time.

No way, too nervous.

After all, this time is not a joke, he acted lightly before, naturally because he has enough confidence in An Li, but having confidence does not mean that he is not worried.

In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else.

He knew exactly how difficult the landing was.

Aircraft landing training is an extremely headache for all pilots, which requires a lot of experience accumulation, because the final mortality rate of aircraft landing failure is as high as 80%, which is no joke.

Success is naturally happy, but if it fails, it can be very bad.

At worst, the plane dives directly and directly clash with the ground, so that the powerful impact will instantly knock the passengers inside the plane into meatloaf, and the strong impact will ignite the aviation fuel and cause a violent explosion.

This situation arises, only the fire brigade extinguishes the fire, cleans up the scene, and then ends.

As for the medical team?

Not required.

In fact, in this case, basically no one survived and could not wait for medical team treatment.

Of course, there are better situations.

The plane barely landed, and then because of sufficient friction with the ground, it was still inevitable to catch fire, even if there was fireproof foam spraying, the fire may not spread, but in this way, the aircraft disintegration rate is also very high, when the fire brigade and rescue team together.

There are survivors in this situation, but it basically depends on who has a big life.

To be able to live one, count one.

But one thing is certain, in the event of an accident, the pilot in the cockpit will be the first to suffer.

Now in front of this XH580 in the sky, it seems that there are only three choices.

As for what kind of situation it will be in the end, it is completely pinned on An Li's hands, he plays well, naturally everyone is happy, if he plays abnormally, or there is some accident, then the result... I dare not imagine.

"You guy, don't die!"

Qin Feng clenched his fists tightly and muttered to himself as he looked at the plane in the sky that had descended to a sufficient height.

"It's down!"

At this moment, someone shouted, and everyone immediately looked towards the plane in the sky, and saw that the huge passenger plane had swooped in at this time and flew quickly towards the ground.

At this moment, everyone's hearts lifted.

"This angle is just right, it should be fine, right?"

"I don't know, I didn't succeed in landing and stopping, no one knows the situation."

"It must be successful!"

Many people below prayed in their hearts, but just when everyone thought that the plane was going to descend, they saw the nose of the plane suddenly lifted, and then rose high into the sky.

What's going on?

The low people were puzzled, it stands to reason that the landing angle this time was perfect enough, but they didn't expect to give up in the end.

Is it because you don't dare?

This can also be understood, after all, Xiao Shen is in this move, and no one can remain calm.

But when everyone thought that An Li suddenly did not dare to land, someone exclaimed: "Where is the child, how to run here, flash away, this is not where you can come!" Everyone

brushed their heads sideways, and immediately found that on the Xiaoshan Highway, which was originally empty and cleaned up, there were several children holding footballs at this time, after all, this road is so long, even if it blocks the end of the road, it is inevitable that there will be children from the village on both sides.

This can only be considered an episode.

But many people suddenly had a surprising idea in their hearts.

An Li suddenly gave up this landing, shouldn't it be that he saw these children, so he gave up temporarily?


How is it done?

Looking at the ground in the sky, the people below are like ants, not to mention that at this critical juncture, change a person whose mind is not firm enough, even if he sees these children, he will not have any hesitation to land directly, in fact, even if he wants to react at that time, it is simply too late.

But An Oak, but staggered!

Moreover, avoided at critical moments!

Strength, or luck?

This confusion was over in five minutes.

Because five minutes later, An Quercus had already reoriented the plane and landed again.

This time, it can be called a textbook template that can be loaded into the pilot's classic landing.

The plane dives in, and then raises its head slightly when it is close to the ground, the wheels behind it land first, the contact angle is perfect, and the tail does not touch the ground in the slightest, then slow down, the front wheel lands on the ground, and then glides forward, slows down, until it stops.

All this, whether it is the angle of landing, or a series of reactions and operations after landing, is perfect.

It wasn't until the moment he saw the plane successfully landed and stopped that Qin Feng's heart that he had been carrying finally relaxed, and he saw that he smoked a cigarette fiercely, threw it away casually, and stepped on it heavily.

Then, he took a quick step towards the plane....

It's back!

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