A phone call, talking for almost ten minutes.

An Li said a lot in the past ten minutes, and at this time he felt that his throat was smoking, but thinking that this would also allow the two of them to learn well, it was worth it, hung up the phone, An Li picked up the coffee handed over by Qi Wei and took a sip.

When I looked up, I saw Gina and Kim Sung looking at me with wary faces.

An Li didn't know what they were thinking, but after a little thought at this time, he understood, and he didn't shy away from it at the moment, and smiled calmly: "What's wrong, are you worried about me doing a Ponzi scheme?"


Gina said quickly, nodding without shying away at this time, staring at An Li deadly: "10% annual return, this is simply impossible to do, in fact, let alone 10%, even 5% is difficult to do, except for Ponzi schemes, I can't think of any investment that can reach such a high level."

"Such an annual rate of return is too high, and I personally feel that it is impossible to complete."

Kim Sung-sung nodded in the same way.

Those who are engaged in finance are actually familiar with financial scams.

To put it bluntly, in this line, when someone tells you that there is no risk, it means that the risk is very large, and when someone tells you that it completely exceeds the industry guidelines, or even makes a steady profit, what you need to think about is no longer whether the other party is telling the truth, because the other party is two hundred percent false.

An Li swore so much, they couldn't help but worry.

If An Li engaged in a Ponzi scam and finally cheated the money and turned away, then these employees would be unlucky in the end, and this kind of thing did not allow them to be careless.

Even if it weren't for the fact that An Que's performance in Pude Fund was surprising enough, they would probably have called the police.

Fortunately, for the doubts of the two, An Li had already prepared.

At this time, he did not speak, but directly opened the briefcase, felt out a stack of reports from it and handed it over, the two opened the report suspiciously, and after reading it for a while, they suddenly gasped:

"29% daily yield, is this report true?"

An Li smiled and did not speak.

Qi Wei pushed his glasses at this time: "Of course it's true, I think even if this thing is fake, it is estimated that it has no meaning, right?"

Upon hearing this, the two nodded.

Indeed, there is no point in falsifying this thing, everyone is engaged in finance, as long as you check it, you can find out, there is no need to make means on it.

But this yield is inevitably too outrageous.

"In the past few days, Jinwei Fund has begun the investment pilot of our new products, which is yesterday's report. Qi Wei smiled confidently: "Next, we are a team, we need to fully roll out the business, I can give a perfect investment goal, and what you need to do is to bring in funds and absorb enough funds."

"How much money are we going to absorb in total?" asked Gina.

Qi Wei smiled confidently: "President Jia has already said before, two billion meters of knife is only the first phase of the goal, in fact, in terms of the overall goal, how much we accept, even if it is ten billion meter knife, we can also eat it."

As soon as these words came out, both of their eyelids jumped wildly.


this way, don't you think that this, 10% annual yield, a billion meter knife needs to be paid out in a year

? What business can make so much money?

But to the amazement of the two, An Li, who was sitting on the side drinking coffee, smiled.

They only know how much they have to pay for eating ten billion meter knives, but they don't know how much money they can make when they take this 10 billion meter knife, those are real money, such a large amount of money, with his ability, he wants to earn more.

Ten billion, not much at all!


In the next half day, the entire Jinwei Fund entered the mobilization stage, and after Gina and Jin Cheng conducted brainwashing training and education for the company's employees, everyone in the company had enough understanding of the new product by the end of work.

And in an afternoon, the harvest is not small.

The chairman Jin, who had called An Li before, came to the company as soon as he went to work in the afternoon, brought his wife and children, and even his brother-in-law, brother and sister-in-law called up, and took out three million meters of knife on the spot and directly purchased six new product funds.

Others, although not much, also more or less bought some.

By the end of work, in one afternoon, the funds raised by Jinwei Fund had reached the level of five million meters.

This is much faster than the Pude Fund.

But in the face of this situation, An Li was still not satisfied:

"It's still too slow, only five million meters of knife a day, although it is only the first day, but every day is a lot of funds, one day less in the market, it means that my time to make money is constantly wasted, what I need is not just five million meter knife."

In the face of An Li complaining, several employees were a little bitter:

"BOSS, although our annual return and conditions are attractive enough, after all, our Jinwei Fund is newly opened and does not have too high visibility.

"yes, and a lot of people suspect we're liars."

"No one at all believed we could deliver the promised rate of return, and they all thought we were exaggerating."

"And the clients that Pude Fund can bring over are also limited, and the popularity is not enough."

"Since the popularity is not enough, let's go out and distribute leaflets, go out to sweep the streets, and let more people know about our major project." When I go to work tomorrow, in addition to the necessary operators, I will divide into several groups and go to various points to set up stalls to publicize it, just as publicity. An Li made a decision directly.

"Goryeo people have a very strong sense of investment, as long as enough people know, enough people will pay attention to this product, and no one will know when the time comes."

"And even if the street sweep doesn't actually come to fruition, it's a good thing that we're able to do enough publicity."

"By the way, in addition to pulling customers normally, we can also do some activities.

"If you invest as much money as you want, you will give some small gifts, rice cookers, pressure cookers, TV

sets, etc., and win the market as quickly as possible!" Under An Li's call, the next morning, the mighty army of street sweepers immediately launched.

And An Li's side is not idle.

Since yesterday's fermentation, more people choose to invest today, and even some people who invested yesterday have brought their friends to buy today.

They are not fools, everyone has thought about it after going back, and even many people have taken the contract to find a professional lawyer to check it.

The end result is obvious.

The contract prepared by An Li naturally will not have any problems, this is a normal entrusted financial agreement, which clearly determines the guarantee model, as well as a 10% rate of return, and the key terms that can be taken after one year are all clearly written, so that people can't fault it.

Of course, there is another special thing in the contract.

There are no clear restrictions on where the investment funds are used, there is a lot of free play, these investment funds, can be used for currency trading, futures trading, etc., there are no restrictions, as long as they can make money, they can be used.

In this way, naturally everyone's doubts were dispelled, and they all took the money and smashed in.

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