"Neon?" Xin

Gehao was stunned, not understanding why An Li asked this, but still nodded: "Although many of Tianle's business is mainly carried out in China, hypermarkets and supermarkets have developed throughout Southeast Asia, and Neon also has our business, and there are quite a few." "

Since there is a business dealing, is there a problem if I ask Mr. Xin to help me introduce the loan from the Neon Government?" asked An Li.

"Introducing loans?" Xin Gehao frowned immediately.

"Rest assured, my company's business has a big step forward and will develop to the neon side, so I need a lot of yen, but my own funds are not very mobile at the moment, so I may need to communicate with the government there and issue me a loan." Listening

to An Li's explanation, Xin Gehao breathed a sigh of relief.

If so, then naturally there is no problem

, the current said: "Any country attaches great importance to the introduction of foreign business, whether it is to improve the local economy or solve the job employment rate, these many countries are very supportive, especially the neon side of the current economy has a big loophole, so it is simpler."

"In fact, as long as Mr. An comes up with this idea, Neon will inevitably give you preferential treatment for loans."

"If Mr. An wants me to introduce me, I would be happy to do so, and it just so happens that I have been in contact with the development minister over there at Neon, and if Mr. An wants it, I can help you communicate tomorrow." "

As one of the Goryeo consortiums, this is just a small matter.

Even, just a one-sentence thing, naturally there is no difficulty.

But An Li shook his head: "I want a lot of money.

"It's big?" Xin Gehao was slightly stunned: "How big is it?" but

saw An Li put up a finger:

"This number."

"One hundred million? yen?" just exported Sin Gehao felt impossible, how much was that, and thought for a while: "One hundred million meters knife equivalent to yen?"

An Li shook his head.

"A billion?"

"A little more than that." An Li shook his head again.

"It won't be ten billion, right?" Xin Gehao asked strangely: "This amount is not impossible to borrow, but it is a little difficult."

"Nope. An Li shook his head and did not sell Guanzi:

"What I want is the equivalent amount of 100 billion meters of knives, I wonder if Chairman Xin has a way?"

Normal projects, even 10 billion meter knives are already outrageous, this opening is 100 billion, such an amount, completely beyond Xin Gehao's imagination. It's not that he hasn't seen so much money, but such a large amount of money can almost buy Sanzhao, even if the valuation of Sanzha is reached, it is difficult to earn so much money.

This opening is a 100 billion meter knife, which is simply a fool's dream.

"Why, Chairman Shin can't do it?" asked An Li.

Xin Gehao smiled bitterly, this time is not the time to save face, immediately shook his head: "It's difficult, almost can't do it, after all, the amount of 100 billion meter knife is too big, even if Tianle wants to borrow so much money, it is impossible."

"So..." An Li had an undisguised disappointment on her face.

Although it was just a sigh, it made Xin Gehao feel embarrassed to the point of being landless.

After thinking about it, Xin Gehao said again: "But if Mr. An needs it, I can help you fight for it, although it is difficult to have a hundred billion meter knife, but I have a good relationship with the minister of development, it should still be possible to get tens of billions, but this money..." "

Don't worry, I don't need Mr. Xin to help me guarantee, I can accept a higher interest rate, and if the other party doesn't believe it, I can repay it every month." An Li spoke.

Xin Gehao waved his hand again and again: "No, no, I didn't mean that, Mr. An's credibility must be trustworthy, not to mention the relationship between Mr. An and the Holy See, even if I use Tianle's reputation to vouch for Mr. An, there is no problem." The

mouth was atmospheric, but An Li could see Xin Gehao's concern.

Such a large amount of money, if he really vouched for himself, and as a result, he did not pay back, I am afraid that Xin Gehao would go crazy.

He was a little funny in his heart, but An Li still said: "It's okay, of course, the money I borrowed will not let Chairman Xin take advantage of the family's reputation to guarantee me, I just hope that Chairman Xin can help me get on the line, but in terms of amount, I hope President Xin can help me fight for more."

"It's nature.

Xin Gehao was obviously relieved, and assured with a smile: "I will help Mr. An get in touch as soon as possible, and I will do my best to help Mr. An win for you."

"It's just that I don't know what Mr. An plans to do with the investment

?" "It's better to have a more detailed plan, after all, it will be more convenient for me to get funds, right?"

What Xin Gehao said does make sense, but An Li understands that what Xin Gehao wants most is to explore his own bottom, for this problem, An Li has long been prepared, and said with a smile at this time:

"I have a technology company, Taijiang UAV, which is currently developing well in Xia Guo, but many domestic operations are not convenient, so I want to open this company to neon, and I want to make the volume a little bigger."

Hearing this explanation, Singhao suddenly understood:

"It turned out to be the field of science and technology, the technology version Since the Internet bubble, the momentum of the technology version is very strong, Mr. An's ability is so strong, and now the name of the Taijiang drone is so big, I believe that the neon side will be very willing to introduce such a powerful enterprise into neon."

"Don't worry, Mr. An, I will try to help you do all this next."

"Of course, if Mr. An can give me some information about Taijiang, I believe that it will be more convenient to communicate with Neon in the future."

"Of course, I'm ready.

An Li smiled, took out the briefcase he carried, pulled out a stack of information from it and handed it to Xin Gehao, Xin Gehao quickly took it, it seemed that he still put his posture very low, and looked at An Li with his eyes, although he did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

An Li understood what he wanted, and said with a slight smile: "

President Xin's friendship, I An someone will naturally not forget, next I will contact the cardinal side to let him understand that you are my friend."

As soon as these words came out, Singhao suddenly smiled:

"Then thank you Mr. An."

"You don't have to thank me, we're already friends, aren't we?" An Li smiled and shook his head, holding up the wine glass: "Then I wish that we each get what we want." "

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