What the?

Hearing this, the employee who was originally a little high-spirited suddenly couldn't help but frown wildly, and suddenly felt a little angry in his heart, turned his head to look at the K-line chart, and sure enough, he saw that the K-line, which had fallen steadily again, was once again sideways at this time.

What's going on?

It's not scientific!

Forced to endure the doubts in his heart, the man snorted coldly: "What is this, it's just a normal shock, after all, the price of gold has been rising before, and it is normal for many capital to want to change, and it will soon stabilize."

"After all, the tide is irreversible."

Although what the man said, although it is still true, if you look closely, you can actually find that he already has some lack of confidence.

"What is a normal situation, because you are still a veteran of more than ten years, this is obviously a problem."

"That is, if you don't understand, don't force it blindly, what is the nonsense?"

"This is someone who is operating and controlling spot gold for trading, but I didn't expect the boss to find out."

"Cut, you better shut up quickly, if you take a step slower just now, the boss will earn a lot less, are you still embarrassed to talk, don't you hurry up?"


turns out that in front of a group of professionals, everyone except Dr. Park has to face hard in the face.

Everyone is knowledgeable, and you can see at a glance what the situation is.

Today's spot gold is obviously abnormal rise, and when An Oak is sold, just before the increase, in fact, a closer look at the operation of An Oak can see that when An Oak buys is the highest peak, and when it is sold, it just reaches the lowest point, which is simply accurate to buy short.

With such data, compared to what men say, it is already obvious who is stronger and weaker.

In the face of so many people spraying, the man's face turned red for a while, embarrassed to find a seam to drill into, he had the intention to say something more, but before he spoke, he saw several tall figures already standing beside him, and one of the dark-skinned security captains directly smiled viciously:

"Do you pack up and go by yourself, or do I help you?"

At this moment, the man understood that he was completely thrown out.

His face was blue for a while, but in the end, he could only pack up his things and leave, after all, this security guard is not a weak hand, if he loses his job and is beaten, it is really worth the loss.

But in my heart, I am still a little unhappy.

Holding his own things, looking back at everyone who was still busy in the operation room, the man was a little unhappy in his heart: "Hmph, it's just luck!" "

The loser cries out weakly.

No one paid attention to it, even An Li himself did not look at it more, seeing that his words did not have any effect at all, the man was suddenly a little depressed, and under the repeated urging of the security guard, he could only turn around and honestly follow and leave.

But just as he was about to walk to the door, a voice came:

"Do 500,000 more hands, 5,000 orders without hands, or 100 leverage!"

As soon as these words came out, the man couldn't help but be a stumbler.

Crazy, still going to go short?

In addition to the men, everyone else in the company was also stunned.

Wasn't it cleared just now, what does it mean to re-short now?

Previously, the clearance was to avoid this shock rise, in order to avoid risks, in fact, it was indeed avoided, but now it runs in, is it because the money is too much to burn?

Moreover, shouldn't you buy up now, why still short?

Such an operation is unseen and unheard of.

It is inevitable that everyone present will be on the spot.

But when everyone was stunned, An Li had already frowned:

"Hurry up!"

Everyone suddenly became excited, and several operators instantly executed An Li's order, although An Li's operation made their second monk scratch their heads, but at this time, they had nothing to hesitate, and it was definitely right to listen to the boss.

Fortunately, so many operators are in battle, the speed is quite fast, coupled with this shock, a large number of short-selling forces are desperately fleeing, An Que entered, and soon all of them were successfully bought.

"Another 500,000 hands, it's still the same operation, hurry up!"

Everyone had just finished their front foot, but the back foot An Quercus had already shouted again.

Helplessly, everyone could only continue to repeat the operation.

Next, An Que added several more times in a row.

All the employees of the entire company were busy, compared to before, this time An Que asked for a fast speed, almost as soon as they completed the transaction, new tasks immediately came up, even a few old billing clerks had a feeling of being in a hurry.

When Oak was buying, the rise in gold prices gradually slowed down.

Everyone took the time to look up, and they were immediately stunned.

I don't know when, the number of orders on the plate began to increase, which should have been a good momentum to continue to be bullish, but suddenly came to another emergency stop, and then turned sharply and fell down again below. At this time when it is generally believed that it will start to rally and rise, it has begun to go towards the bottomless abyss.

All this, outrageously fast.

Even many retail investors have not reacted, and the gold price has come to a serious roller coaster.

And at this time, An Li ate several hands in a row, and the operation quota was comparable to before.

When the gold price continued to fall and reached a certain point of sale, An Li once again issued an order:



Yes, there is a busyness.

Everyone hurriedly operated again, crackling on the computer, and even the opportunity to look at the K-line market was gone. And under such a quick process, in the end, in a very short time, An Li actually completed another short sale.

From admission to departure, it only took more than 20 minutes before and after this time.

And when An Que had just cleared its position, a banner shock began again, and the gold price that had originally fallen slowly warmed up, but the speed was extremely slow, and there were almost no changes.

But it was this kind of growth that made everyone of Pude Fund sluggish on the spot.

Even the entire company was quiet for tens of seconds.

It's so godly!

If they didn't believe in the so-called stock gods before, they thought that many stock gods were blown out, and even thought that Buffett was just lucky.

But now, after seeing An Li trading twice in a row, they understood.

In this world, there really is a god.

And his own boss is a stock god!

Two in and two out, An Li seized the opportunity every time, and each time he was stuck at the peak of the shock, completing the operation and feat that everyone dreamed of.

But in the midst of everyone's attention, An Li only smiled faintly:

"Report the income."

Soon, someone quickly counted next to him, and finally came up with a data that shocked everyone:

"These two short sales, the harvest is very rich, and the profit on the books has now reached 5.3 billion meters of knife!"

"Big profit!"

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