"Perhaps, you should ask your Majesty..."

An Li's words, let Watanabe Jikawa originally planned to chase away the guest's hand, stopped in mid-air, only to see his brows slightly wrinkled, the corners of his eyes flashed with golden light, his eyes stared at An Li, for a moment, murderous aura permeated his eyes.

But in a moment, the murderous aura dissipated, and Watanabe Jikawa once again returned to being the ordinary middle-aged man, only to see him shake his head:

"We are indeed loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, but if you propose like this, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely not heed."

Watanabe Jikawa said this can be regarded as straight.

He did not deny that he was doing things for the emperor.

In fact, the existence of the Yamaguchi group is very special, this is obviously an underground black and evil force, but this underground black and evil force, but many members are in important positions in the neon political circle, and even many are a big guy, which gives people the feeling that the Yamaguchi group is actually closely linked with the neon political circle, and some people even rumor that the existence of the Yamaguchi group is actually to do some things that are not good on the neon surface.

But in fact, is that really the case?

Perhaps on the surface, Yamaguchi-gumi has indeed been serving the neon government, but in fact, just look at what Yamaguchi-gumi believes.

They believe in the Neon Emperor.

Not a government.

There is a fundamental difference between the two, as a once colonized country, the power of the emperor has long been weakened, and the establishment of a new government and a new order has made the country develop rapidly, but at the same time, it has also made the country a watchdog of the Western country.

And the power of the emperor has long been compressed without limit, and there is almost no real power.

All the emperor has now is just a symbol.

Many people believe that the neon emperor is just a decoration, and the imperial family is just a title, not even of any use. But An Li knows that the neon emperor does not seem to have any rights, but in fact, this does not mean that the emperor will stop there.

The Yamaguchi Group was also established in the medium environment.

Their purpose is mainly to serve the emperor, but many people do not know it, and even because there are too many members in the political circles, the Yamaguchi-gumi has become the eagle dog of the imperial court among many people, and they can't even connect the Yamaguchi-gumi with the emperor who has been erected for many years.

An Que naturally knew why Watanabe Jikawa suddenly revealed his murderous intentions.

After all, the emperor showing weakness is not a matter of one day or two, Yamaguchi-gumi secretly does things for the emperor, but when the timing is not right, it is naturally impossible to take the initiative to say it, and at this time, it is inevitable to be murderous by himself like this.

However, in the face of such a murderous opportunity, An Li was not panicked at all, and even a little happy.

He guessed right!

That's enough!

"Whether your majesty will agree to my proposal, whether you say it or not, I don't count if I say it, my personal suggestion is that you can relay what I said next."

An Li shrugged, as if he couldn't see the change in the atmosphere on the field, and continued to speak:

"The current neon has long been full of holes, as more and more old people die, the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor has been forgotten by more and more young people, and even many people no longer pay attention to a family that has lost its rights and doesn't even report much on the news."

"People are more willing to believe that the current neon authorities are developing more harmoniously and civilized, but they have abandoned following tradition."

"To fight back, this may be an opportunity."

An Li didn't say much, and stopped talking here.

But these few words made Watanabe Jikawa fall into deep thought, and his face was cloudy, making it impossible to see what was going on in his heart.

Because although An Li didn't say much, it went to Watanabe Jigawa's heart.

As a loyal fanatic of the emperor, he was destined to serve the emperor for the rest of his life from the moment he was born, but in fact, in the past, it was a noble and happy thing, but now, saying that he served the emperor is likely to be laughed out of people's teeth.

The influence of the emperor is indeed getting lower and lower.


"Even so, if you want to short the yen, there is no benefit for Neon, and there is no benefit for His Majesty the Emperor, why should we help you?" Watanabe Jikawa asked.

"Help me?"

An Li shook his head:

"This is helping yourselves."

"My purpose is to make money from the beginning, but the ways and methods are different, and I make money, you can naturally make money, don't tell me that it is useless for you to make money, this year, you can do a lot of things with money, I believe I don't need to explain this truth, right?"

"Secondly, if our plan succeeds, the yen is shorted, the neon economy is affected, who do people hate the most?"

"It's me, I'm not hiding."

"And there is another, that is, the neon authorities, and everyone will hate the incompetence of the authorities."

"And look at you, you make money, and you can avoid all risks, even as long as you are not stupid and operate by yourself, in the end the biggest profit is you."

"In this way, do you still think that you are helping me?"

An Li had a smile on his face, as if he was tempting people to sell his soul.

Watanabe Jikawa understood that An Li was arguing with his own clever words, but on the other hand, for what An Li said, Watanabe Jikawa could not even refute it.

Because what An Li said is true.

If you think about it, the population has lost confidence in the authorities.

You can also make a lot of money.

After this, how to operate, how to let His Majesty's prestige continue to spread throughout the wilderness, obviously no longer a problem, so calculated, although An Li's idea is bold enough and risky enough, in fact, they don't need to pay too much.

But the benefits they can reap are incalculable.

He was moved.

It was unimaginable before, and maybe even ten minutes ago he wouldn't have felt that he would be moved by An Li's proposal, but now he was really moved.

"I have a question."

Watanabe Jikawa did not rush to agree, but looked at An Li: "I want to know, what is your purpose in doing this?" It's really just to make money, you are a cultivator, although I can't detect it, but you are definitely a cultivator, what do you need so much money for, I think this logic cannot be explained. This

is Watanabe Jigawa's biggest doubt.

What does a cultivator want so much money for?

He is also a cultivator, so he knows very well that in fact, more money to a certain extent is a number, according to the money An Li earned in the spot gold market before, An Li will not be able to spend all the money in this life.

And what is the use of so much money?

An Li was also helpless for this problem.

He didn't want to.

But the system is here, urging him to keep making money.

However, it is naturally impossible to say this, and after a little thought at this time, An Li smiled slightly:

"Life in the world, you always have to leave something for this world."

"I'm going to do something big and let everyone know my name!"


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