"How is His Royal Highness Aiko?"

"Her Royal Highness Aiko, she won't..." "

No, definitely not!"

Seeing that the little girl still did not ease up for half a minute, the hearts of everyone present sank in unison, even Emperor Fumihito, who had already shown a smile, also frowned at this time, and looked at An Li anxiously:

"Ansan, this is..." "

Although the foreign body was removed, it was suffocated for a long time, and the best treatment time was missed, causing His Royal Highness Aiko's heart and pulse to stop." An Li shook his head slightly, while lying the little girl on the ground, his words made everyone present tighten, the empress cried again, and Emperor Fumihito was also in tears.

However, he tried his best to remain calm, and at this time he looked at An Li with hope: "That... That Aiko she... Is there still salvation?

"In the eyes of others, it should be helpless, but here I am..."

An Li did not say anything, directly gave an answer, at this time, she had already torn open a pair of the little girl's body, such a rough scene naturally made many people's pupils contract, but seeing that Emperor Fumihito did not speak, they naturally did not say much.

An Li still didn't pay attention to what the group of people thought, and at this time he had stretched out his left hand to press the little girl's heart, and his right hand formed a fist and smashed down towards his left hand.


A punch fell, and everyone was looking forward to it.


Two punches fell, and everyone began to worry.


The three fists fell, and many people finally couldn't bear it:

"Don't you tarnish the body of His Royal Highness Aiko like this!"

"Your Majesty, you can't let a Xia Guoist do this, this is an insult to His Royal Highness Aiko!"


all, An Li's method is not elegant at all, although the little girl is only eight or nine years old, but in the end it is a girl, not to mention that An Li carries extremely strong strength in every punch, not at all like saving people, more like killing people.

At this moment, in the face of the bombardment of this punch after punch, who can stand it?

But when these people stopped it, An Li also stopped the movement of his hand, couldn't help but glance at those people coldly, and then didn't say anything, put one hand on the little girl's pulse and waited quietly.

How long he waited, no one could tell afterwards.

It feels like a century.

It didn't feel like three or five seconds had passed.

At least for Emperor Fumihito, this short wait seemed to be the end of his life.

Finally, the waiting was over, An Li stood up and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Rescued, wait for the doctor to come over, let her take more oxygen, it'll be fine."


Everyone also exhaled in unison, the atmosphere just now was too depressing, at this moment, hearing the good news said by An Li, everyone couldn't help but cheer:

"His Royal Highness Aiko is saved!"

"Revived, saved, His Royal Highness Aiko's heartbeat has recovered!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Quick, quickly send His Royal Highness Aiko to the infirmary to take oxygen!"

"..." A

group of people were in a hurry, the queen glanced at An Que gratefully, and took her daughter for treatment, Emperor Fumihito was obviously greatly relieved, only to find out at this time that his back had been completely wet, and he was a little sticky and uncomfortable, but this time was obviously not the time to think about this, Emperor Fumihito pulled An Que with gratitude:

"Thank you, thank you Ansan!"

"This is what doctors should do, I believe that any doctor here will not leave a life away." An Li shook his head, and then a little strange:

"It's understandable that Kyoko chokes people, but since there are people who dress His Royal Highness Aiko, isn't anyone who knows the Heimlich First Aid Method?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

In this rescue, An Li did not use much effort at all, but used the most traditional and common first aid measures.

To force out the foreign body in the throat, the use of the Heimlich first aid method, in fact, this first aid method can be used by almost anyone, if it is used as early as when the apricot has just been stuck in the throat, there is no need for heart recovery in the follow-up, which is a first aid method that has long been popularized around the world.

And as for the three laps in the back, there is nothing special.

Those three punches, is a first aid method when there is no such thing as a defibrillator under conditions without permission, seemingly simple three punches, defined in medicine as life-saving three punches, as the name suggests, can perform cardiac rebeat on people with short heartbeats.

If these life-saving three punches do not work, then the next rescue, the possibility of heartbeat and rebeat is not large, and the relative hope of rescue success is almost half.

Of course, even these three punches are useless, An Que has the means.

It's just that the first two means are immediate, and naturally they also save the matter behind An Li, but he doesn't understand that these two first aid methods that have long been popularized all over the world, and even many ordinary parents know the first aid methods, but so many people are helpless.

It is not strange to say that ordinary people do not know, but the problem is that this is the imperial palace, and many people here are servants who serve the royal family.

So many people don't know this stuff?

An Li's doubts made many people present lower their heads and feel a little ashamed, and Emperor Fumihito also looked a little strange, unable to speak, and seemed to be a little unspeakable.

Seeing that Emperor Fumihito did not speak, An Li did not mention it at the moment.

Returning to the study again, Emperor Fumihito waved everyone away: "You guys go out, I want to talk to Ansang alone!"

When the others all left, Emperor Fumihito got up this time and personally poured a cup of tea for Anki and handed it to him: "Thank you again An-sang for your rescue, if it weren't for you, Aiko today... I can't even imagine how much grief this will bring me.

"The heart of the healer's parents can help His Royal Highness the Son, and this is what I should do." An Que did not take credit.

This kind of performance made Emperor Fumihito more comfortable.

Originally, I felt that An Li was an insatiable businessman, but then I felt that An Li was an impudent bastard, but now it seems that this Xia Guoist in front of him is not as unbearable as he imagined.

The change in attitude also made Emperor Fumihito's tone completely lose its previous sharpness, and he sighed at

this time: "Actually, when I see An-sang this time, I plan to let An-sang spit out all the wealth he swallowed, but now I pay attention to it."

"Oh?" An Que raised his eyebrows.

Emperor Fumihito smiled slightly:

"From today on, Ansang is my friend, the most sincere friend of the neon royal family, the friend of the entire neon family!"


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