The sword radiated into the sky, with golden brilliance, mixed with Haoran qi, and came in an instant.

The neon sword saint's face sank, the unsheathed sword swept in front of him, a cyan light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, the sword qi did not dissipate, but formed a wind wall condensed by sword qi in front of him, An Li's fierce sword, when facing this wind wall, instantly disappeared without a trace.

"This sword, called the sword and shield, if you can still learn it, I will spare your life today!"

The cold voice of the text came out, and his face was still silent, but if he looked closely, he could find that his eyes had already brought a bit of interest, obviously An Li learned his own move between two moves, and his heart had risen interest.

An Li's face was cold, and he didn't answer, just snorted coldly.

The figure flashed, An Li rushed forward in an instant, the terrifying physical strength reached the limit at this moment, the text sword naturally will not give An Li the opportunity to get close, at this moment the footsteps are still not moving, the sword in the hand is used several times, one after another sword qi continues to shoot towards An Li, the terrifying power makes the surrounding onlookers only feel frightened.

But in the face of this sword qi after another, An Li turned a blind eye.

Of course, not really turning a blind eye.

After seeing through this so-called sword drawing style, all the advantages and disadvantages of this move were also seen by An Li, and when every sword qi impact came, An Li could avoid it just right.

Seeing An Li so fierce, the text couldn't help but frown slightly, but it recovered again in a moment.

Soon, An Li came closer, seeing that he was about to enter the range of An Li's physical strength, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared, without any hesitation, An Li's whole person suddenly retreated, and at the moment when An Li's figure just retreated, almost at the same time, a terrifying sword qi suddenly spread out centered on the text and a knife.

This is a storm of sword qi, sharp, sharp, capable of piercing everything, capable of destroying everything.

An Li had already retreated in advance, but even so, he still underestimated the horror of this terrifying sword qi, and his body was hit by three sword qi, although he avoided the point, but these three sword qi also left three wounds on An Li's body, looking embarrassed.

"You're very good, you can let me use a third move."

"This move is called Douluo Sword."

The sword saint still opened his mouth with the appearance of promoting the junior, so that many people present had red eyes, what kind of existence the sword saint was, in the neon sword path, one of the top powerhouses, let him carry guidance, is the dream of countless people, but now, the sword saint has opened his mouth to this Xia Guo kid many times, which makes people can't help but feel envious.

Unfortunately, the sword saint spoke again, and was still greeted by An Li's cold snort.

He didn't answer, didn't mean to speak, after a little repair, the whole person had rushed towards the sword saint again, the sword saint shook his head slightly, and seemed to be quite unoptimistic about An Li's reckless impact, and he drew his sword in his hand and started again.

But at this moment, he saw An Li running and unexpectedly used the sword drawing style, even faster than the speed of the sword saint, and the sword qi came out in an instant.

"Kind of interesting!"

The sword saint pursed his lips and smiled slightly, and the strength in his hand was lengthened at the moment, and he did not dodge or dodge An Li's sword drawing style, but he also responded with the sword drawing style, rushing towards An Li's sword qi.

The two sword qi, one green and one gold, collided instantly.

There is no imaginary heaven and earth cracking, there is no imaginary terrorist explosion, on the contrary, the two sword qi quickly dissolved each other at the moment of contact with each other, dissipating between heaven and earth, but it is clear that the strength of the sword saint is stronger, An Li's sword drawing style is canceled cleanly, but the sword drawing sword qi of the text is still more than half, sweeping towards An Li.

At this moment, An Que himself is rapidly approaching, facing this move is inevitable, and he is about to be hit.

But see you!

An Li swept the branch in his hand towards him, and a sword qi suddenly appeared, forming a wall, just enough to block the aftermath of the sword saint.

This move is really a sword and shield that has only been used once just now!

But now, it is used by An Que.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, even the words in the battle with An Li had an unconcealable shock in their eyes.

The sword-drawing style is good to say, and it is not so difficult to use.

But swords and shields can also be learned, which is a bit outrageous.

What the sword and shield need to do is to use the spiritual energy and sword qi in the body to form a barrier to resist the opponent's attack, the difficulty is higher, and the use of strength needs to reach a certain level to do it, but this trick can be learned when the sword saint only uses it once.

This situation is difficult to calm down.

"You can't just look at me once and learn, who are you?" The neon sword saint frowned, and ripples finally appeared on Gu Bo's frightened face, and the whole person looked at An Li with vigilance, as if An Li had become a traitor of the Sword Sect at this moment, or a thief who stole the secrets of the Sword Sect.

But unfortunately, An Li still did not respond, and the branch in his hand picked a sword drawing style again, and then without stopping, he rushed towards the sword saint again.

He wants close combat!

Seeing that An Li ignored his question again, the Neon Sword Saint snorted coldly: "Stealing my Sword Sect cheats, you are really bold, today I will let you see, even if you can learn the moves, you are still an ant!" After

speaking, the Sword Saint finally moved.

He finally didn't stand still for half a minute, on the contrary, the whole person turned into a streamer, and instantly rushed towards An Li, so fast that everyone seemed to have only an afterimage, even An Li, at this time, he couldn't react.

A second ago, he saw the sword saint in the distance, but in an instant, he had already reached his side, and he wanted to make a move, but the speed of the sword saint was faster, and he did not pull out the scabbard of the sword, but came towards An Li and made a vertical slash.

Caught off guard, An Li only had time to tilt his head slightly, and the branch in his hand was filled with spiritual energy rungs.

But what will happen if one comes prepared, and the other is caught off guard?

What's more, one is the great consummation of the refining period and the well-known Neon Sword Saint, and the other is a newbie who has just entered the cultivation world today to light up the Dantian Qi Sea?


A sound of cutting a blunt object came, and the branch in An Li's hand was cut off first, even if it had been infused with spiritual energy, making this branch turn into magic, but it was still difficult to resist.

Soon, the sword blade slashed into An Li's right shoulder, and the blood light instantly burst out.

Two inches into the flesh and chopped directly into the bones of An Que.

And the attack of the Sword Saint is not over yet!


With a crisp sound, everyone found that the long sword in the sword saint's hand was not even unsheathed, and at this moment, he pulled out the blade and swept towards An Li's neck.

This sword, decapitated!

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