Clues to the subsequent fragments of the Dao True Sutra.

I have to admit that this is very attractive, what is the origin of this sword twenty-three, why can he see that he has cultivated the Immortal Holy Body, and even can see that he has cultivated the Dao True Scripture, these questions An Li is too lazy to think about at the moment.

Anyway, this place carries so much fog that you can't see clearly, it's impossible to fully understand it.

Not at least temporarily.

An Li only needs to know that Sword Twenty-Three has what he wants, and the strength of the Dao True Sutra has been reflected, although at present, An Li has only cultivated the first layer, and there are two layers in the follow-up, but it can be expected that in the future, he will inevitably have a headache for the follow-up fragments of the Dao True Sutra.

Now that there is intelligence, An Que is naturally impossible to miss.

Therefore, that night, An Li lived in the Taoyuan Holy Land, not to mention, living in such a place, An Li would even feel like he had traveled to ancient times, no electronic equipment, not even electricity, but strangely did not make people feel any unacceptable or too much inconvenience, sunrise and sunset, this is the essence of human beings good life rules.

And, more importantly, the aura here is very exuberant, and every place contains a large amount of aura, which cannot be seen in the outside world.

For one night, An Li was cultivating his Dao True Sutra, and by the next morning, the sun rose, An Li opened his eyes, only feeling that the whole person was refreshed, and there was no sleep all night, on the contrary, the whole person was full of spirit.

Walking out of the room, An Li headed towards the cemetery west of the Taoyuan.

"An Gongzi, early!"


On the road, occasionally passers-by greet An Li, many of these people only have a one-sided relationship, but each of them is very kind, and when the interaction between people is no longer linked to interests, this way of getting along has become much simpler, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The cemetery to the west is a sacred place in Taoyuan.

In the history of Taoyuan, the mausoleum can find the ancestors of each Taoyuan resident, and the difference from the mausoleum outside is that this mausoleum is very leaky, each person has only one stele, a name on it, and then there is nothing, no life, no death for many years.

However, the humble cemetery was cleaned exceptionally cleanly, and apparently Taoyuan residents often came to worship their ancestors.

An Li stood in the cemetery, looking left and right, with some doubts in his heart.

Jian Twenty-three only told him to come to the western cemetery, but did not say what it was, let alone asked An Li to help, standing in the cemetery at the moment, An Li was a little idle for a while.

At this moment, a group of young men and women came from afar, the men were handsome, the women were beautiful, making people feel youth.

An Li touched the stubble on his chin, he seems to have just turned twenty now, but unconsciously, his psychological age has already matured, which is naturally related to his rebirth in a lifetime, and more importantly, because he has experienced too much in this life.

The more you have seen and experienced, you can no longer look at a person only by age.

To this group of young people, An Li just glanced at it hurriedly and withdrew his gaze, but he didn't care about this group of people, but this group of people all looked at An Li, especially one of the Qingli girls, at this time, after seeing An Li clearly, she jumped up for the first time:

"Wow, bad guy, I ran into you again, this time Muzhi's brother is not there, I see what you do!"

Hearing the voice, An Li looked back and saw that it was the little girl called Bottle that he saw after coming in yesterday.

With that, the girl squeezed her long sword and struck towards An Que.

The speed is extremely fast, full of attack, An Li can see from the breath on her body that this girl has actually reached the level of qi training, ordinary innate masters in front of her is the younger brother, in the face of this move, An Li frowned and couldn't help but pick, the whole person did not retreat, but blatantly greeted the girl.

It looks like a search for death.

At this moment, the girl panicked, and the hand holding the long sword suddenly tightened, obviously she didn't think about really killing An Li, but with her strength, she obviously couldn't fully control her own strength, and her combat experience was almost nothing, and this temporary change at this time obviously caught her off guard.

Although she hurriedly retracted her strength, this sword was obviously not something she could send and receive freely, and at this time, the strength of the long sword was weakened, but it still stabbed straight towards An Li.


The girl's frightened little face turned white, and she couldn't help but close her eyes.

But in the next second, the long sword seemed to be stabbed on an iron plate, and it didn't look like it was stabbing people at all, and she couldn't help but open her eyes, and the girl was suddenly shocked.

I saw that his long sword was firmly grasped by a hand.

The picture of An Li being stabbed to death by a sword did not appear in the phenomenon, on the contrary, An Li just stood in front of him, grabbed his long sword with one hand, and said with a smile: "What's wrong, it looks like you want to kill me, why did you stop again?"

"You... Hmph, I just don't want to kill! The girl's face was a little hung up, but then she looked at An Li with a strange expression: "How can you take my sword with your bare hands, this is impossible, even if I collect my strength, but my sword was made for me by my master, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to touch it!"

"Yes?" An Li shrugged: "That's probably because I'm not an ordinary person." "

No face!"

The girl suddenly rolled her eyes, full of playfulness and cuteness, this girl looks sixteen or seventeen years old, with An Li's psychological age, naturally will not be angry with this little girl, not to mention that the little girl was close to his eyes at the critical moment before, and at this time he will not care about this, and asked at the moment:

"I still don't know, why do you hate me so much, can you tell me?"

"You don't know?" Bottle Er was stunned, and looked at An Li with some disbelief, An Li spread his hands: "Heaven and earth conscience, I came to this place for the first time yesterday, whether it is you or the Qing'er sister in your mouth, I don't know, I really can't understand what kind of contradiction there is between us."

"You're lying!"

Bottle Er shook her head, her face full of disbelief: "If you don't know Sister Qing'er, how can you ask Sister Qing'er for a kiss, and the person you sent to raise a kiss at that time even injured someone, you dare to say that you don't know Sister Qing'er?" "


Hurting someone?

What the heck?

An Li was a little dazed, unable to understand the bottle's words at all.

But when I looked sideways, I saw that a group of young people next to Ping'er actually nodded:

"That's right, I remember too!"

"It's a white-bearded old man who came to raise a kiss a year ago, and he said to give them a kiss to the young master of their family!"

"And at that time, Wang Sheng wanted to marry Qing'er's sister, and Wang Sheng's parents went to say it at that time, but they were defeated by that white-bearded old man with one finger!"

"This guy still wants to pretend he doesn't know."


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