"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a voice came from An Li's ears, turning his head to look, An Li suddenly found that the blood color that was originally full of sky had disappeared at this moment, time seemed to flow backwards, look around, he was still standing in the cemetery, and the bottle and his group were standing in front of him at this moment.

"What's wrong with you, just fine, why did you suddenly look like this, you shouldn't be having nightmares in the daylight, right?" Bottle looked at An Li a little strangely, his face full of doubts.


An Li was stunned, and the whole person finally reacted.

Look around, several people in the bottle are standing in front of themselves, next to the bottle, Xiao Qing is also standing, looking at himself with a puzzled face, everything that happened before seems to be really a dream, is it all a dream?

Shaking his head, An Li felt a little unbelievable.

If it is really a dream, then this dream is inevitably too real, until now, under the scorching sun, An Li still feels a chill in the bottom of his heart, everything before is like a real existence, any detail, at this moment An Li can clearly recall it, not like a dream at all.

"You guys... Ever feel something wrong? An Li asked tentatively.


Everyone looked strange, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Bottle Er looked at An Li: "The most wrong among us is you, since I met Sister Qing'er just now, you are like a dream."

An Li frowned.

Is it really a dream?

Could it be God's foreknowledge of the future by Knowledge in Tan?

An Li guessed in his heart that Knowledge in God possesses a certain ability to foresee the future, and that Knowledge is proficient and is able to transcend events and see fragments of the past and future.

Could it be that you happen to see what will happen in the future?

But soon, An Li shook his head, his Divine Knowledge has indeed been lit up, and it is even stronger than ordinary people, but in fact, now it seems that his weakest is Divine Hidden Knowledge, not to mention that everything before is real enough, it is not like he has met the future at all.

What's that about?


At this moment, a subtle sound came, exactly the same as what he had experienced before, An Li hurriedly looked up, his heart suddenly sank, exactly the same as what he had encountered before, in the woods not far away, the spirit beast that was somewhat similar to the squirrel appeared, and then quickly rushed into the woods.

It was exactly the same as what he had experienced in his previous memory, seeing the spirit beast appear, the group of bottles suddenly became excited, and immediately planned to chase away.

But this time, An Li stopped them:

"You can't go!"

"Why can't you go?" Some people were puzzled:

"Do you know how long we waited for that spirit beast, that is a mirage cub, there are only two in the entire Taoyuan, we waited so long to wait, we can't let him run."

Everyone else also looked at An Li who was blocking the road strangely, their faces full of confusion.

Even Xiao Qing flickered with doubt at this time.

Facing everyone's gaze, An Li shook his head: "There is a problem with this place, I suggest that we leave immediately now, we can't stay here for a long time." As

soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly looked at me, I looked at you, a little unclear.

"Why, I don't!" Bottle shook her head and refused directly, but as soon as her words fell, she saw that Xiao Qing had already put on a serious face and said: "Are you not when I don't exist, when is it, the master has repeatedly told you not to come to the cemetery, you even dare to sneak in, and don't go back immediately!" "

Master sister is really a master sister, Xiao Qing's status in the minds of this group of people is obviously not simple, at this moment, as soon as he spoke, a group of people suddenly looked like frosted eggplants, and suddenly lost their spirits.

Even the raw jumping out of the bottle, at this time also held his mouth, looking at Xiao Qing pitifully: "Sister Qing'er..." "

Go back with me immediately, if you don't go back, then I will take you back, but I may have to make you suffer a little." Xiao Qing obviously didn't eat this set, and at this moment, without waiting for Ping'er to finish speaking, he directly spoke, which made everyone present suddenly lose their temper.

Everyone looked in the direction where the spirit beast disappeared, but finally lowered their heads and obediently walked towards the outside of the cemetery.

Seeing that everyone gave up the chase, An Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He still didn't understand what exactly happened just now, but he knew very well in his heart that this place was definitely not simple, seeing a few people in the bottle leaving, An Li did not dare to stay longer, quickly walked outside, to Xiao Qing, seemed to glance around with some doubt, and finally left.

Soon, the group came to the gate of the cemetery, and several people in the bottle were reprimanded and left on the spot, and after everyone left, Xiao Qing asked An Li

: "Did you find anything just now?"

"What do you see again?" An Li did not answer the rhetorical question, looked directly at Xiao Qing, and saw Xiao Qing's pupils shrink slightly, but then shook his head: "The ones I saw can't happen."

"I also hope that what I see doesn't happen." An Li smiled bitterly, and there was a guess in his heart.

The two of them had things in their hearts, and did not communicate much, after saying goodbye to each other, they left separately, An Li did not have any hesitation, quickly returned to the town, as he saw in the morning, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and occasionally greeted them politely.

Looking at the peaceful and peaceful picture in front of him, An Que could hardly imagine that this place would eventually become a dream picture.

Shaking his head and shaking off the messy thoughts in his heart, An Li walked straight towards the central tower, just like when he came yesterday, the gate of the tower was closed, and there was a world of difference from his dream.

An Li wanted to step forward and knock on the door, he planned to smell Jian Twenty-Three well.

But when An Li just approached, he saw that the gate of the tower suddenly opened, and then a flying sword flew out, and there was a letter on it, after approaching An Li, the flying sword swirled around An Li, An Li took the letter and glanced inside with some doubt.

Then, when I opened the envelope, I saw a line that began with it:

"You should have seen the future."

This line of words made An Li's pupils contract for a while, he didn't understand what was happening, but he knew that what he saw before was mostly related to Jian Twenty-three. However, from the meaning of this sentence, what I saw before may really be what will happen in the future.

Thinking of this, An Li couldn't help but be more and more surprised in his heart.

Putting away his thoughts, An Li continued to look down:

"About the future, I can't explain much, but you will inevitably understand the future, what I can tell you now is that the future cannot be changed, but your variable can change, if you don't want the future to come true, then try to make yourself stronger!"

"Only by becoming stronger can you see the truth."

"Only then can you change these already doomed endings."


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