
The cold wind howled.

It's snowing.

Overnight, the entire city was covered in snow.

The snow has reached the anckle, and the temperature has reached minus ten degrees.

With such a strong temperature difference, it is reduced by nearly 30 degrees!

Originally, many people had a cold because of this, and before they had time to recover, they encountered this temperature difference.

This night, many people froze to death.

Sirius City, evacuation point of Hongyuan Square.

Wang Yan was wrapped in a thick military coat and looked at the white snow that kept falling in the sky, like cotton wool.

"What's going on? Could it be that something big has happened again? "

Chief Wang Yan is very worried, heavy snow, cooling, survival directly from difficulties, pulled to hell.

"Report chief! There are many survivors who experience vomiting and fever!

"Last night, someone froze to death without taking precautions against the cold, but the family refused to carry the body away."

"Chief, there are not enough heating materials ... Where should we look?

"Some people think that we have withheld food and supplies, and are taking the lead in making trouble..." Listening

to these soldiers coming to report things, Wang Yan's head grew for a while.

Now in the evacuation point, there are more than 3,000 survivors, more than 3,000 mouths, and they have to arrange their own eating, drinking, and Lassa.

Wang Yan was bitter in his heart, which was also too difficult.

"Send more people out to find supplies, the survivors, I'll go and pacify..." Ordering

the soldiers to act, Wang Yan walked towards the survivors' residence, while the adjutant Liang Guangzhi looked at these.

His expression flickered, not knowing what was planned in his heart....


Family area.

Lin Yan opened his eyes and stretched his arm.

Depend on! It's cold!

Retracting his exposed arm, he glanced out the window, where snow was falling.

Groove, what's the situation?

After using the Dragon and Tiger Qi, activating the qi and blood, and warming his body, Lin Yu dared to stretch out his hand from inside the bed.

If I could, I wouldn't want to leave the warm bed!

But no way, there is still a lot to do today.

You have to arrange all the bases before disaster strikes.

"Little puff, get up."

Liu Wen lay on her chest, sleeping sideways with her head on her side.

Patting her flicked butt, Liu Wen raised her head in confusion, and her fleshy cheeks muttered.

"Hmm... Don't think about it, you're so warm. Liu

Wen's red fluttering little face was steaming and her hair was fluffy.

This kind of appearance of just getting up is the most tempting.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed Lin Yan's neck and leaned over, burying her head in her neck and rubbing it constantly.

Lin Yan is numb, and the little puff is too sticky....

There was no way, Lin Yu could only let her hang on herself and continue to sleep, and then hold her up and get up.

Just make breakfast with one hand and eat fried eggs and bread this morning.


A box of eggs in the pan, simply stir-fry and finally sprinkle with salt.

The bread is the kind of whole bag sliced, and a bag can have twenty slices.

Sandwich the scrambled eggs between two slices of bread, order lettuce, make ten sandwiches, and the nutritious breakfast is ready.

Open the huge mouth of the abyss, stuff it into a few chews and swallow it.

After eating four a little choked, 250ml of pure milk, Lin Yan was the same as drinking that bagged soy milk.

Bite open a corner and that's it, purr, and squeeze in three seconds.

"Hiccup ~"

After eating breakfast hiccups, okay, there is a seven points full.

"Little puff, I'm going out."

Touching Liu Wen's back to comfort her, at this time, Lin Yu felt a burst of warmth in his neck.

Go for it, haw, haw.

Liu Wen kissed all the way, and finally it was customary again, a two-minute chest attack.

"Don't forget me~"

Lean, I really want to exercise in the morning.

Lin Yan swallowed his saliva and suppressed the mood of morning exercise.

Carrying her back to the bed, Lin Yu draped himself with a quilt as a cloak and went out.

Today, I want to complete the task of tearing the zombies by hand, and improve the dragon and tiger qi.

[Hand-torn zombies: 2741/10000]

Tear 7259 zombies by hand to complete the task.

Outside, Li Gang and Wang Wei were building a base, and the snow on the ground was cleared by them.

Wang Wei led his men to build stronger fortifications of steel and iron.

Li Gang, as Lin Gang said, began to build passages between floors to shield from the wind and snow.

The security base is in order.

Now that Li Gang is a second-level blood corpse, it should not be a problem to cooperate with other team members to guard the house.

The main himself will not leave here too far today, just clean up the surrounding zombies nearby, and see if there are any supplies by the way.

I won't drive today, the road is slippery in the snow, and I can't drag racing.

Stepping on the snow, Lin Yan slowly disappeared into the wind and snow.

Today is really cold, minus ten degrees, and the birds have frozen to death.

Under some trees are the frozen carcasses of birds.


A group of zombies saw Lin Yan and rushed over with a roar.

Four days have passed now, and the skin of these zombies has turned a dark purple.

I don't know if it's frozen like this.


Lin Yan inserted one hand into the zombie's chest, and then easily tore it open.

After the frozen zombies, the body is a lot weaker.

Effortless, without the slightest obstacle.

Some zombies even wanted to run over, but before they ran two steps, their legs were broken.

After all, zombies have no body temperature, so their muscles are frozen hard.

Let them move more than twice as slowly as usual.

If you look at it this way, this heavy snow is still a good thing.

"According to this situation, these ghost things will freeze for a few days, won't they all be destroyed?"

Tearing up the zombies, Lin Yan couldn't help but think of this question.


At this time, a group of zombies with strange moving speed rushed over.

They walked with the wind, and the wind and snow passed behind them, forming a stream of air like turning on special effects.

Mutated zombies?

Fifty-yard thugs grabbed a zombie and flipped it over and over as if examining a chicken.

"Roar! Roar! "

That zombie was inspected by Lin Yan like this, and I felt insulted, can you respect me?

I'm a zombie!

"Call a fart, be honest!"

With a slap on the wrist, this zombie was immediately stunned.

Lin Yan groped at him and found that there was actually a temperature!

"Groove? What's the situation? "

Did you mutate?"

But looking at the wounds on his body and the degree of corpsization of his skin, it doesn't look like a new zombie.

Touching his heart, there was a beating feeling.

Without further ado, strong hands crack bones.

Digging open the heart, a fragment appeared in Lin Yan's hand.

[Item: Zombie Crystal Fragment

] [Ordinary zombies have a chance to produce zombie crystal fragments, and 10 fragments can be synthesized into one crystal]

So it is, in this case, it is not necessary to kill the mutated zombies to obtain crystals.

Killing these ordinary zombies is a little easier for the survivors.

"Depend, if you say so, I killed so many yesterday without checking, isn't it a loss?"

When I beat Saviji yesterday, I killed so many zombies, thousands of them!

I don't know how much can be in it.

By the way, the base also killed a lot of zombies yesterday, and when I go back, let Li Gang and them find it for me.

It seems that in the future, it will be necessary to touch the zombies to ensure that good things are not missed.

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