Chasing out of the gap, outside is more than three meters of snow.

In the midst of this snow, several figures broke through the passage formed.

These passages spread out, making it impossible to know where Wang Yan left from.

"Hmph, a waste that has no powers and is seriously injured, what use can you take away?"

Although today's wind and snow have stopped, the temperature is still minus 30 degrees.

In this case, normal people did not keep warm, and they could not survive outside, not to mention that Wang Yan was seriously injured.

Without having to do it yourself, God will naturally be able to take them away.

"You guys, go chase it, and come back if you don't find it for an hour."

Ordering his men to follow, Liang Guangzhi returned to the evacuation point.

Looking at those who were still stubbornly resisting, Liang Guangzhi said coldly.

"Wang Yan has already run away, what are you resisting!"

Although with their strength, they are not afraid of the resistance of these ordinary people at all, and they can kill them all.

But as mentioned earlier, they need class, they need servants, or slaves.

Otherwise, a base is full of superpowers, so who will do the dirty work?

Without ordinary people, how to reflect the sense of superiority?

"I count three seconds! Lay down your arms for me! Whoever does not surrender will give me death! Hearing

his words, the faith of these people was completely broken, and the chief Wang Yan was defeated, and their resistance was meaningless.

Soon, Liang Guangzhi led the rebels and completely took over this evacuation point.

"Leader Liang!"

"Leader Liang!"

The victorious rebels supported Liang Guangzhi as the leader of this evacuation point.

Enjoying the cheers, Liang Guangzhi was very useful, and he had already tasted the full taste.

"Good, good, everyone be quiet!"

Signaling their cheers to come down, Liang Guangzhi stood in the center of the crowd.

"The current era is a new era, the era that belongs to the strong, that is, us!"

"In the future, under my leadership, I will build a strong safe base to shelter everyone to survive in the last days!"

"In this base, only those who have strength can obtain resources! We speak by strength! There can be absolutely no injustice!

"Ordinary people, people without powers, under our protection, should be our servants!"

Liang Guangzhi's words amplify the darkness and selfishness of human nature, and directly put the position of ordinary people at the bottom.

And this is what these supernatural people want to see the most.

After all, who wants to get a bunch of supplies after exhaustion, and after returning they have to share equally with some civilians.

"We protest! We protest!

"Who said we're going to be your servants!"

"That's right! It's not fair at all! Some

ordinary people took the lead in protesting Liang Guangzhi's order.

I was thinking about Liwei, and now someone jumped out.

Liang Guangzhi looked at these thorns with a smile, you guys are really good, the scar forgot to hurt.

"Protest? I said, speak by strength, those who have no strength are not worthy of making a sound!

"Escort them up!"

Commanding his subordinates to get these people up, in front of everyone, Liang Guangzhi cruelly used fire power to burn them all alive.

Screaming in pain, he became a burning man and fled in all directions, falling to the ground and rolling.

Finally, it gradually fell silent and became a piece of coke.

Seeing the end of provoking Liang Guangzhi's authority, those ordinary people were frightened.

"We have no opinion..."

We are willing to be servants! "

As long as ... Just give us something to eat every day! Faced

with these people's statements, Liang Guangzhi was very pleased, nodded and began to give orders.

"Count the age and physical condition of these people, old, weak and sick, unless you can still do things, otherwise you will be expelled from the base, we do not feed idlers here."

The first order was to eliminate the old, weak, sick and disabled, and there were many such people, according to statistics, there were seven or eight hundred.


, leader, we should be able to have privileges, right?"

The supernatural carefully came to Liang Guangzhi to intercede for his family.

Faced with the situation in front of him, Liang Guangzhi naturally knows how to buy people's hearts.

"Don't worry, if it is the family of a superpower, you can stay here safely and be separated from ordinary people."

"The leader is wise!"

"Wise leader!

They were very satisfied with this answer.

Subsequently, some daily actions were issued, such as searching for supplies, building bases, cleaning and tidying up, and so on.

These things are basically arranged for ordinary people, and the supernatural can enjoy the resources brought by these people with peace of mind.

"Leader, now we have lost a lot of entertainment..." A

few henchmen quietly found Liang Guangzhi in private to discuss things.

"Yes, so usually, it is possible to arrange some women..." Liang

Guangzhi smiled, where did he not know their thoughts, full of warm thoughts and desires, and now he began to think before he was full.

"You guys pick the good candidates, but the best ones have to be delivered to my room."

With Liang Guangzhi's permission, several henchmen lit up their eyes.

"That's nature! We dedicate the most beautiful and best looking to the leaders! "

The evacuation point has now become a safe base, but this base is probably more terrible than hell."



Family area.

Lin Yan and his party returned safely.

Far away, Li Gang and Wang Wei found that Lin Yan had returned and immediately came out to greet them.

"Young Lord!"

Finding that Lin Yan was followed by a group of people, the two were surprised, the young master brought someone back?

"I rescued these people, and I will take them down and add more people."

"Wang Wei, you arrange their food and accommodation, you control the proportions."

Lin Yan handed these people over to Wang Wei to deal with, although he did not say the standard of treatment.

But with the phrase "self-mastery", Wang Wei knew what to do.

That is, you can't be too nice to them!

At this stage, they are still in the inspection period.

It was not officially accepted.

Therefore, there is no need to provide electricity where you live.

As for eating, just send a little dry bread to deal with it.

Everything adheres to the ability to save and save.

Let them understand that this is not a comfortable shelter.

You must show enough loyalty and self-worth to enjoy the resources here.

"Understood! Less Lord! Leave it all to me!

Wang Wei smiled and winked, leading them towards a residential building.

"You guys have worked hard, let's rest and rest next."

Wang Wei showed an easy-going side, and the survivors relaxed, but they didn't know that this guy was a smiling tiger.

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