In the vast white snow, several figures quickly shuttled through the snow.

A person's body is filled with power, pushing the snow away.

Like an icebreaker, he carved out a passage for his companions.

"Where are we going?"

"The chief is about to be unable to hold on!"

Behind the man, three soldiers ran quickly with Wang Yan.

Since escaping from the evacuation point, they did not dare to stop running for a moment.

Only at night, hiding in a residential building, the fire does not dare to start, relying on the supernatural to consume physical energy and maintain Wang Yan's temperature.

At this moment, Wang Yan closed his eyes, and the wounds on his body were already inflamed, red and swollen.

The blood stained the clothes, and the wound did not heal well at such a low temperature.

If he doesn't get healed again, it won't be long before he becomes a member of the zombies.

"Where is the hospital here! Even if there is a pharmacy!

"If only we could find the leader's base, he would definitely be able to help us."

"We're not familiar with this place at all, plus the snow is so deep now, we don't know where it is!"

"Look! A building collapsed there! "

Everyone stopped in the snow, even if the snow was more than three meters high, they could still see that a hundred-meter-high building collapsed in front of them!

Obedient! What a situation is this!

What kind of terrifying creature is capable of destroying a building!

"Could it be that terrifying mutated zombies have appeared here!"

Mutant Zombie: You think too highly of me.

"Mutated zombies capable of destroying edifices... This, this directly crushed ah..."

"What to do? Let's take a detour! In

the midst of the discussion, the powerful person signaled them to silence them.

"I'll look at the situation, you guys don't run around."

The supernatural jumped, climbed on the street lamp on the side, and stood at a six-meter-high street lamp, and the situation in front of him was clear.

The collapsed building hit the residential area in front, the upper part of the building was broken, and the lower part was supported by the building in the residential area.

It presents a magnificent sight, like a great performance artwork.

Looking out at the street, you find that the snow on the street has been carved out of a road.

Don't think, it must have something to do with the collapse of this building.

At intervals of this road, a piece of the road was destroyed, and a lot of rubble was scattered.

This situation has been stretching into the distance on the road, causing the Psychic to frown.

"This? What does that mean? "

Is it a fight?

But it's not right, what kind of battle will last such a long distance?

Not to mention the regularity.

The Psychic jumped and jumped near the rubble.

After observing, I found that there were footprints around, and there were quite a few, and there were more than a dozen of them.

Humans, survivors?

Those who can survive in the present apocalypse must have a lot of skills.

Not to mention, these people had something to do with the collapse of this building.

This strength is simply explosive!

Could it be the leader?

The leader in his mouth is naturally Lin Wan, who is different from ordinary heights, and has strong, explosive muscles.

Just looking at him from a distance, I felt that this guy was able to kill more than a dozen people with one punch.

When the power didn't appear, that guy was so fierce, didn't he appear more fiercely?

Whoever it is, this is hope, as long as you follow this path, you should be able to find them!

"Everyone keep up!"



Hongyuan Square, evacuation point.

A raging fire was burning, and survivors gathered around the fire to keep warm.

Many people skewer food and grill it around the fire.

Under the burning flames, the starchy sausage was nourished with oil, and bursts of aroma wafted out.

In this cold weather, an ordinary baked potato equals a warm bed.

"Leader, it's baked, you eat first."

A dogleg licked his lips, held back his hunger, and handed the baked skewer to Liang Guangzhi.

Liang Guangzhi took the grilled sausages and handed one of the strings to the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Thank you, leader..." she said with a gloomy, stiff expression.

Being spoiled by him was completely forced, and her husband was watching from not far away.

But what is the way, if you do not obey Liang Guangzhi, there is no need to say the end at all.

Looking at the expression of this beautiful woman, Liang Guangzhi was slightly displeased, pinched her chin, and said viciously.

"What kind of expression do you have? Give you food with a straight face? Laugh one! The

beautiful woman grinned at the corners of her mouth with melancholy eyes, revealing an ugly smile.

"Whew..." The

corners of his mouth just opened, and Liang Guangzhi went straight up.

Push her teeth apart.

The beautiful woman's expression was immediately frightened, and she was so frivolous in front of her husband.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about the taste.

Like a frightened little white rabbit, shivering in Liang Guangzhi's arms.

Weakly reached out and pushed him, full of resistance.

And her husband can only be from a distance, clenching his fists and watching mournfully, but he can't do anything.

"Good, keep it that way."

After a while, Liang Guangzhi smashed his mouth and raised his head in disbelief.

He liked the feeling of resistance, so that it was fresh.

Otherwise, completely obeying your own words, under the cultivation of no feelings, is simply no different from a toy.

If they don't have a choice, who will use toys?

Tears flowed from the corners of the beautiful woman's eyes, eating the grilled sausages in her hands, and the taste of the other party remained in her mouth.

Swallow, full of humiliation.

"Leader, this is the crystallization fragment we obtained today..." A

group of people came to Liang Guangzhi with the crystallized fragment and handed it to him.

Liang Guangzhi issued a task to these people, and each of them handed over at least one crystal fragment every day.

Otherwise, there is no food to eat, and you will be severely beaten.

And the more crystalline fragments are intersected, you can enjoy better housing and food.

You can even enjoy special services between people.

"Good, go get food."

After taking the crystal fragments, Liang Guangzhi directly absorbed them.

Now the base has a lot of manpower, and it can get more than a thousand crystal fragments for itself in a day.

These are used to improve their own strength.

Now Liang Guangzhi, the energy level is ready to rise to level four.

"Congratulations leader! Strength improvement!

"Long live the leader, long live the leader!"

The horse boy on the side took the opportunity to echo a few times and stammered him.

Liang Guangzhi enjoyed their praise, and just as it was fluttering, the sky began to change.

One portal after another appeared above the firmament.

The frightened crowd looked for a place to hide, thinking that something was coming again.

"Don't hide! A bunch of useless things!

But after a long time, the portal did not react, and Liang Guangzhi cursed and let them come out.

Just because nothing happens now, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

The strong sense of crisis made Liang Guangzhi understand that he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Order down, the crystallization fragments handed in every day will be increased to two, and whoever does not meet the requirements will let him be used as bait!"

As bait, it is used to attract zombies, which is a cruel means to deal with those who are useless.

"Yes! Leader, let's do it! The

horse boys secretly cursed in their hearts that this guy didn't have to do anything to sit back and enjoy it.

But no way, who calls this guy high-strength?

Now in this world, strength is respected.

You don't have the strength, you can't be a person if you want to.


This apocalypse is the first time I have written, and many places written are not good for everyone's forgiveness, as for the update, I dare to come up with an update condition, urging more than 1000 I add a chapter, and the tip is enough for 50 plus a chapter, this requirement is not too much....

(not an overlay!! )

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