The pet king of the city

Chapter 016 gives you a 9th road

Among the hotel's system stores.


Knocking up, Luo Ji passed the way in the outside: "Boss, the ancient refers to bring his son."


Chen Lie carefully took a good red and bloody fairy.

These red and blood fairy are not from the teacher to fall out, all of which are masterpieces of Chen Lie.

Of course, it is not a real refining.

Chen Lie combined with some of the door tricks, picking out the most suitable from the Finan of the finished product, then instilled in his red blood, it took a day to refine one.

Therefore, it can be called Chen Lie to refine.

However, only Level 6 of Lingdan has only reached 7 after Chen Lie's refining.

It can be said that Xiao Jing Dan belongs to the fairy Dan, which is processed, and its price is doubled.

Comprehensively, Chen Lie chose to refine the red fairy Dan, on the one hand, in the accumulation of experience, on the other hand, is a reserve for his red blood.

Because the efficacy of the red blood fairy is a lot of red blood.

For Chen Lie, , a red fairy can restore their at least 30% of the fairy.

There are more than three cents in the battle, sometimes it can determine the victory.

Unfortunately, the time is short.

So far, Chen Lie has only barely refines three, far from satisfying Chen Lie.

This is the case.

Chen Lie is still very happy, after all, this is an accidental idea.

This accidentally made Chen Lie's power.

Originally, it is good to have a big exhibition, but now I have to suspend it.

Mr. Chen. "

The ancient law came, with his only son ancient Kai.

It is not Chen Lie to invite them, but the ancient discipline is quietly coming in private identity for your own son.

This is a natural reason.

Since Chen Lie showed the amazing strength, the ancient law began to plan for their own son.

He didn't want his own son to embark on his old road.

So try to cultivate your son's battle talent.

And Gukai did not let him down.

It shows a good talent in the sword.

Under the relationship between ancient deacons and resources, the ancient Kay, which is less than 20, is now a level 6 trialist.

Chen Lie looked at the ancient Kay, who had not completely calmed, and asked: "Gukai, if you choose, drink the sword and swords, two kinds of swords, you are willing to choose which one?"

Gukai watched it with a look: "Sword". "


Chen Lie curiously asked: "Although the sword is very powerful, but did not meet the challenge giants; the cockroach fairy is different, not 9th but the 9th level, the two swords have a certain gap?"

Chen Lie is not a falsehood.

This is recognized inside the mainland.

Gu Kai straightly replied: "The Jianxian's sword needs the born sword, understanding the sword, and the feelings of swords are very demanding. And I don't like wine, and their pulse is all likelihood Wine. "

Chen Lie has been smiling, and the ancient law is stunned.

Originally ancient deacons did not expect their own baby son to understand the understanding of the two.

This time, it is natural to find a higher martial art.

They knew that Chen Man was proficient in the knife.

But his mountain stone can attack jade.

So, in this way, I will do private transactions.

"I won't teach you the knife."

Chen Lie suddenly asked: "But if I give you a chance to go on the road of swords, will you accept it?"

The ancient Kai Double eyes suddenly flew fine, and ancient deacons were standing.

The story of the so-called "mountain poor water is as long as the road, Liu Dark Ming and a village", saying that it is like this.

The road to the sword is just a word:


Gukai only recognizes the obsessed with the swords and not inferior other swords and genius, and natural confidence is full.

And Chen Lie also felt that as long as the ancient kaes made a point, he can definitely stand out in thousands of trials, the future is not necessarily better than going to the wine sword.


Why can Chen Lie say that can give some people?

Very simple.

With his understanding of the knife.

With that he has touched so many swords, even the swordsman can.

More than he has an enlightenment wall, as well as Bodhi's heart.

Chen Lie imitated the model of the wall.

The sword will have refined from the soul memory from the soul memory, and the wall is reflected in the mortality.

Among them, the mysterious swordsman Li Yifan, the sword, the sword crane, the sword, and the ectopic Swordsman and so on.

Seeing this wall, you can feel the priests of these people.

As for the ancient Kaikenee, it is the matter, that is his own thing.

In order to this wall, Chen Lie spent more than 10 million fans.

Why do he do this?

Very simple.

Exchange resource.

For the current Chen Lie, the meaning of fan value is no big.

He lacks a variety of scarce resources.

So he rewards another relationship network in this way, so that he can interwork with others.

This means is not fresh.

After all, Chen Lie has taken it, it can be used as a special product.

The mainland of the system is not sold.

Even organizes this to operate this.



Along with the accumulation of reputation.

Chen Lie's "Wu Jian Wi Wi" and Bodhi's heart quickly opened a reputation.

Just the first transaction with ancient deacons.

Chen Lie also also conducted a dozen of this type of transaction.

All are related to the sword wall.

Chen Lie exchanged with a lot of intelligence information using the same level of the sword wall, as well as scarce resources.

But let him disappointed that the intelligence he got is not very hidden and let him live.

Instead, the exchange of scarce resources is to let Chen Lie are happy. At least the wine god, the teacher falls, and the players are laughing.

of course.

Because this relationship is opened, other transactions have also increased.

Especially those who can increase the ability to fight the capabilities, such as runes, emergency, and so on, sales have begun to show steadily growth trends.

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