The pet king of the city

Chapter 021, Jiu Hemou

Chen Lie Zhou's magic ripple flows, this is the result of the Magic Fully blessing.

Now Chen Lie is equal to all the power of the magical spirit.

For this time, the magical spirit has to be caught in a sleep, and it is better for a while and swallowing a lot of heaven and earth to recover.

For this line, they have no problems.

"Well, if you don't have Mr. Chen, I still don't dare to come."

Li Yifan looked around.

Chen Qian: "You really don't know which corner of your master brother?"

Li Yifan shook his head.

"Then let's work hard."

Chen Lie helpless, but only five times.


They start searching in this half-bit face.

But I didn't find the target character for a few days.

Under the helpless, they can only find it.

But in order to avoid things, they always contact, the scattered distance must not exceed the limit distance of rescue.

Just another day.

Li Yifan is a bit numb.


A sunny day, the heavenly space of the half-plane world crashed.

Li Yifan's face has changed.

This power.

It is the force of Jiuqi, only nine can cultivate such a grievance!

Only Jiu You can cultivate a desperate decay!

This is, even the space, it is necessary to be decayed!


Li Yifan just came out, he was stuck.

In the face-to-face, when the Jiu Houjian, the Jiu Huanxian, who appeared, drilled from the spatial crack.

Let look down from the crack of the world, watching the collapse of the sky, there is no reaction, as if there is no self.

At the same time, the famous weapon of the master - Nine mocodes also broke out to make Li Yifan extremely painful fluctuations.

Just a sound, like the fluctuations of the airflow, the fluctuations of the airflow have also destroyed all the defense of Li Yifan, and the flesh is in the borderless pain.

Such power is completely rolling level.

At this time, Li Yifan found that he is so true, actually to compete with this power, trying to communicate with the master of this power.

The other party looked too lazy.

Li Yifan can now think about it, no more ideas.

But Li Yifan has overestimated himself.

The Nine Second Sword of the Sword stood up and culked directly to the grievances.

At this time, it is not only a Jiuqi, and there is a power of death, grievances, etc., all in the direction of Li Yifan.

Li Yifan didn't have a road, he looked at the nine glasses of the size of the normal door.

No nonsense, drill directly into it.

He didn't know if there was no chance to come out, but he knew that if he continued to stay here is definitely a dead.

Whether it is the nine swords, the riots of this world, their Yu Bo is absolutely enough to destroy Li Yifan, even if Li Yifan is now unlimited to be close to 8 levels.

The second breath after Li Yifan leaves.

Chen Lie is coming.


Tiandi color, the whole world becomes a painful ocean.

This is not a soul attack, but an infinite approach to the power of the heavens, can directly hook out the pain in the heart of the soul, so that everyone is lost.

Even Chen Lie is also changing in front of this force.


Absolute giants!

However, next time, Chen Lie was wondering.

Because people who have this nine-level power, God is not very clear.

It is like a fool of God.

Now, this fool is the first to launch a strong attack.

The nine edemodies that are almost swallowed by the grievances of the sky here, at this moment, there is no self-consciousness at the moment.

He saw Chen Lie, I didn't want to kill.

His goal is very clear, that is, it is to kill all life.

Needless to say, the power of Jiujing Sword is terrible.

But the problem is that he is a fool.

Magic Chen belongs to the kind of freak that can be slightly counter-resistance.

A stupid of a natural god, encounter an ordinary person who knows fighting skills.

The strength of the fool on the surface occupies an absolute advantage, but in fact, this ordinary human fighting skill is just a targeted restraint of the fool.

A punch!

One foot!

It is such a simple attack, Chen Lie is brittle, and the Jiu Houxian will fly.

On the other side of the world.

I have a good tiger and others who have helped search for the vision of Chen Lie, and now I am fortunate to enjoy this peak.

Hey, I'm okay, I'm afraid, I think this Chen Lie is the best mentor.

Among them, the feelings of will be most profound.

Because it has recently been thawled in the madness of the martial arts that he used to be in contact.

Although there is a breakthrough, it is basically only a simple flesh to push, or is filled with infusion, it is not possible to make a level that can break out the challenge of the combination.

Although all martial arts have become talent, it becomes a fashionable skill that is suitable for level 8, even 9, which is almost impossible.

However, he is not considered, and even other people's opinions are too lazy to pay attention to Chen Lie's championship, constantly confirming their own experience in mind, integrating his own military understanding.

Its ambition is not very large, even if it can't become the strongest 9-level cross-school, at least becomes the martial arts that is best for it.

Chen Lie in front of me, the attack between raising hands and saves is the foundation of martial arts, but the 9-level skills may not be able to do the destructive power.

Some skills are connected, and the power is all, all make the tigers to be cheerful.



Keep your palm!

Simple and simple attack, playing the nine swords and wolfs.


Jiuqi Sword fairy hairdresses a sword that makes up with a purely nine gas.

A sword with purple lightning exploded a deafening horror, the swords were condensed with a weird lightning.

Nine .

The unique lightning power of Jiuki.

Kill out of lightning and Jian Ming, the target refers to Chen Lie's head.

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