The pet king of the city

Chapter 023 will play again in the future

"How do you be small !?"

The Jiu Houxian pointed to the eight-door :: Source, you can also support the past. "

Chen Lie heard his eyes.

The Elf Bao Diamond is originally a treasure of the spirit, soul type.

Later, he used him to condensed with himself, but also recorded a lot of patterns, and now the quality of the original version is multiplied by the original version of the elves.

It can be said.

Nowadays, the body is now unlimited to level 9.

This is also the foundation of the Chen Lie eight-door lock days to resist 9 giant attacks.


Chen Lie wants to think, and finally choose to shook his head.

If the Elf treasure drill can be promoted to level 9, the eight-door chalets also changed to level 9. He may try to see this fragmentation of Jiucang like a Jiu Himian.

but now.

Still temporary.

Chen Lie does not want to kids with his life.

"what's your plan?"

"Don't let me take you away."

Chen Lie decisively reminded: "The crime you committed, I cut this opportunity."

"I know, I am not stupid to the point."

"I have no resentment now, but there is still a little uncomfortable."

Jiuqi Sword Xianyu Yu said: "Give me some time, I have recovered it again, I want to fight it right away. If I lose, a repair is given to you; if I won, you want to let the way I maintain reason, keep at least a few years. "

"it is good."

Chen Lie answers are uncomfortable.

This is very simple, wrong, is a very favorable condition.

Winning can get 9 level strength, but only need to pay a little brain cell, plus some fan values.

Revenue and payment are completely incomparable.

The fool is rejected.

The Jiu Houxian said: "Then I will wait for your good news."

"So be it."

Chen Lie put his hand, after leaving everything, left.

Wine Juxian just called him to see Jiu Houxian, inexplicably fighting.

Now, the rack is finished, and the gambling is also standing.

Chen Lie did not stay again.

The nine secret swords went to Chen Lie who went to break, could not help but scream: "The 60-year-old 6-level trial person, but with the level of level 9, it is weak to describe him with enchanting."

"I really stay here too long."

The Jiuqian sword fairy is falling into sleep.



"Is this the gas of Jiuqi?"

"I feel like that, I am not worth it."

"I feel so too."

The super-warfare pets have not much careful.

"This is indeed a nine-earth, the world of the world!"

"But if you try to refine, you can experience the taste of endless resentment."

For the attitude of super pet, Chen Lien is nasal.

Summit: "Boss, how do you plan to deal with this group of Jiuqi. This gathering contains too much negative things, if you want to refine, it is too difficult."

Chen Lie asked: "Can you refine it into a magic weapon? After all, it is a 9-level giant's source of power. When you use it, you can play the biggest power. At that time, our base card is powerful."

"I know."

The refining is awkward: "I didn't refine such a high-end thing, and I didn't have material. The most critical is that even all the conditions have it, I can't support the soul of Jiuqi."

"It seems that we have to think other ways."

Chen Lie is very unhappy.

This is the level of level 9.

Once successful use, proper level 9 level.

Although it is only at the bottom of the 9th level, it is also 9th, I don't know how many times the high end of the eight-door lock is.

"I will try it first."

"You go to the relationship network to see how others use Jiuqi's gas this world of heaven and earth."

Chen Lie said that he cut the topic.

Such a good opportunity, why not miss it, at least test it will be dead.

It is 20 days behind.

Chen Lien naturally didn't die, but he burned a lot of heaven and earth, and even hurt his roots, and the realm was almost half-level.

Fortunately, he has a lot of money, and the support of many resources, coupled with the system's shelter, so after a short period of rest, he finally revived.

Originally there is a system, this should not be rest so long, but Chen Lie feels that it is the most fundamental place to take this opportunity to calm down.

So he chose to avoid the world, and he is in the paradise, and the two ear will not ask the world.

However, this does not have an industry not to completely don't care, but a selective forgotten.

All of them are important, they will deal with them.

For example, the store has encountered a premeditated robbery, and the result was suppressed by the manifold, the magic spirit, and the tiger and others in the most overbasive way.

These people gave Chen Lie a large number of valuable scarce materials, and added a lot of slaves to Chen Lie.

There are many other things.

For example, refining is still learning the refining rule of pet world, such as .

However, Chen Lie felt that his life is enough, and the Ling Dan does not say, the runes of Chen Lie can be willing to emergency.

Coupled with many preventive means arranged before Chen Lie, basically no problem.

This is the case, land and continue, does not interfere with Chen Lie's hidden.

More than 20 days of precipitation caused Chen Lie to catch a little mystery of Jiujing.

If he now forced breakthrough, ten eight nine can break through the Jiuyin.

But Chen Lie is not willing, his creation is not completely condensed; the martial arts, the same yet, has not become Chen Lie's source of power.

Chen Lie's appetite is very large, I want to condense all the power at 9 levels when breaking through, I don't want to give up any one.

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