The pet king of the city

Chapter 031 is smashed

"It seems that you don't want to cooperate."

Mala Ot saw the expression of the treasure tiger and suddenly laughed.

The work of the surface has been made enough, since ,,,,,,

It is intertwined together, Mala Ott's fists are not in love with the past, and the air pressure is like a whirlwind, and the head is swept.

Mala Ott's exercises are 8 levels of avalanche, with ,

Although Mala Ot is unusual garbage, he will say that he is a senior 8-level big energy, a simple punch enough to enhance a mountain peak.

If the tiger is really only 8th level, it is probably it is difficult to survive today.

Have to say, Mala Ott actually dares to kill the hand, it is simply a heart.

Tiger Emperor!

Boxing, such as shells, violent and mountains.



More than 4 times smarter than the scorpion, it is not a smuggling than the high-spirited Mala Ot, which is bombarded, and the body is flying, and the mountain is collapsed.

However, Mara Ot is a senior level 8, and the racks have not been hit, so he doesn't have the same thing as the dog, but the first time swallowed the spirit Dan, and quickly stabilized the internal injuries.

"8 first-class?"

Mala Ot looked at the

He didn't know what the strength I have just broke out, but the first-class killing of 8 levels is true.

It's hard to accept, a level 8 that has just been promoted, an object that can be bullied, suddenly become a person who is crushing yourself.

But the Heji Tiger did not give Mara Ort more ideas.

He is inheriting that only the enemy is hurting, hitting it, the enemy will fear, will be remembered on the concept, and now, Mara Ot is the best target prey.

The did not waste any time, a red arrow like a lightning, instantly spanning the two kilometers from the distance, brave and went to the prestige, with the horizon of the Sanshan Wuyue.

There is no flower, there is no hesitation, some is just a boxing that never retreats.

"You are crazy ..."

Mala Ot didn't expect a Asian mankind, which actually so brutal. Once they got it, they will never be careful. When I just want to drink, I will see the .

The most basic defense of Mala Ottia did not organize it, I felt that my body flew, and a violent blood was sprayed.

In the final consciousness, Mala Otte saw that in half of the air, blending with sunshine to together.


Mara Ot hit something, then it seems that the mountain collapse has occurred, and many animals have passed.

The battle is over.

"Yes Yes……"

The dogs of Mala Ot were shocked and fear, and even the rolling tape climbed to the place where Mala Ot fell.

After induction of Mara Ort, it immediately turned out the buried Mara Ort, the Huang left.

The noisy scene is quietly quiet.

Luo Ji always arouses, asked: "Jiaojiao, are you really 8th?"


It only has 8-level first-class war.

Not the real level 8 first class.


"In short, you are amazing."

Luo Ji is completely convinced.

If you still have a lot of ambitions that you have, you have, but now ...

"Let's go."

"The father of this Mara Ort is a giant, we can't delay again."

"Nothing, a garbage that is promoted by luck, how can it be better than the boss?"

"That is also."

The three of them said, smiling, ready to go to the government.

After all, they have been playing in the battlefield for a long time, and it is time to go back.


They don't know how much it is.



"It's going to export."

"Hey, I know that I don't come to the battlefield, it is too dangerous."

"Yeah, the tempering effect is amazing, but the time a month is tight, it is really uncomfortable."

Three people who have seen exports in the exports, they should not help.

Luoji said weakly: "At the beginning, you are in an urgent point, and now you regret it, it is true."

"We are just talking about it."

The ghost is small.


Luo Ji returned a playful nasal sound.


It seems to feel threats, and the gesture is easy to scatter, the first time, the red blood is burst, and the blood is mastered.

The gas machine is sympathetic, and the eight-door lock is quietly launched.


One person actually tears the space and transferred to the head of the tiger.

In this way, the trials of the pet-in-plane battlefield are sitting.

To know that although it is not a regional area, it is an entrance and export, most sensitive.

Usually people will naturally not provoke.


The giant is not in this limit.

Because the people are a 9-level giant.

The unknown 9-level giant, the origin of the origin is very confused, it looks very ordinary, but can cultivate people from the 9th giant, where it will be cheap.

The face of Luo Ji and ghosts has become a sharp change, even other non-coherent trials are scared by the giant's prestige.

Unfortunately, ..

The scene forms a distinct contrast.

Due to the same, many people who pay attention to this will once again increase the level of the evaluation of .


Just promoted the 8th level shortly, the opponent of the giant.

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