The pet king of the city

Chapter 038, four elephants

Suzaku's Phoenix Fallow can be the 8-level spirit of the heart soul. At that time, her Master had a large amount of time and effort for this strange weapon.

But today, just once, although the white tiger will be saved, but her war has weakened at least 30%.

Tiger Emperor!

Bringing a punch with the fire of the refining days, Xuanwu's guardian magic treasure is also pulverized.

"Qinglong's life!"

Qinglong actually burned the martial arts directly, clicking with horrible pressure.

He knows that it is no longer an opportunity to attack Jiangchen, otherwise they will be finished in one.

Although the burning martial art will not give him a year, he has no choice.

"Phoenix life!"

"Xuanwu's life!"

"Baihu's life!"

Not only Qinglong, the other three elements have begun to break out.

This is simplicity!


This is a sword method of wine sword fairy.

Not a simple sword, but smashing the knife of the heavens and the earth.

Numerous knives are emitted in the sky, through the four elephant body, passing through the four elephants who are burning, some of the knives, some, even in the hundred knives.

At this moment, the time pause.

They all know that Jiang Chen's martial arts is very strong, but it is not strong to not only condense the knife, but also an infinite evolution.

Such skills have been infinitely close to the edge of the ultra-off.

He is just half a step 9, but he is not that kind of experience.

Life and death!

But it is not enough, since they can play this, why should Jiang Chen will be polite?


Four elephants are broken.

"Strange, kill this point, don't see the sound of giants?"

End the battle, Jiang Chen, very tough.

He didn't think this is the face of the day, and the giants of the judge will endure.

This is the fact that this is the case.

Even if he has reached all the branches of the Judgment Day, and the hope of promoting the 9th level.

But the giant of the trial day still did not appear.

"Since your relying on the mountains don't appear, then I didn't continue to play."


Jiang Chen looks into refining.

Refining has taken the opportunity to save his people.

"Let's go."

Jiang Chen was afraid that the night grew more dreams and decisively evacuated.

The refining peaks have been super gratitude.

This ethnic is the most talented seed in their family, is the next hope of their family.

I thought I had to look at the hope of hopes like this.

Can you save it now, can you not be excited?

At this point, the refining peak is instantly increasingly increasingly improving the good feeling of Jiang Chen.



"You said, what does the group mean?"

Chen Lie has already known that there are at least 3 giants in the trial.

But these three giants, clearly being blocked, but they can't die.

Luoji: "Maybe it is afraid of two defeats, after all, the strength of the boss is terrible."

Chen Lie shook his head.

Although he confident, he has not blindly.

One of the giants of the pet world, which one is cheap.

There are minimal cultivation hours, and those giants cultivated in the world that are different in different times, the actual age is not a thousand years old.

The foundation accumulated in the years, it is by no means a few years to make up for a few years.

As far as the strength is divided, Chen Lie is basically 9th and then relying on the defense.

Of course, slag like Ott is definitely the 9th level of the bottom.


According to the information from Chen Lie's collection, there is at least 9 top, two 9-level bismuth giants.

And this is also a manner.

The strength of the secret reserve is probably more exaggerated.

"Will it be a system?"

Summit: "I came here, I always invisible, but the power that I can't resist it is monitoring us."

"I also have this feeling."

The devil raised his hand: "There is no special reaction at level 7, but now, the stronger it is, and it feels strong."

Heji Hu is also nod.

It seems that level 8 will be taken care of by the system.

"I didn't feel it."

"The first possibility is that I used to be in the earth, and the second is a lot of treasures that I am peeking."

In fact, Chen Lie has not said that the monitoring of the system is not the superficial naked eye, but the rule fluctuates, the soul pears the high-end monitoring.

Unless there is an isolated aspect, it is impossible to avoid peeping of the system.

However, Chen Lie has been a strengthened Elf Bao diamond.

There is a world exquisite Pagoda.

So defense, it is estimated that there are not many people in the 9-level giants to compete.

"Even our level 8 is so, 9 levels are not used."

"So the 9-level giant does not shot, or it must be the trend of thunder."

The refining peak said very seriously: "However, the owner's world is exquisite, and there are many bottom cards that have not been displayed, let them be jealous."

"Well, there is a possibility."

Chen Lie reminded: "If you use the system as a world awareness, then everything is explained."

Faces of refining and others.

Systematic world awareness, that is extremely horrible.

Because no one can compete with such strength.

"No wonder the giants want to be super off."

"No wonder the giants are not staying in the pet, prefer to stay in smaller half-bit faces, partially fragments."

Everyone came over.

In fact.

Even if the half-bit face, the plane debris will run well, but it is just the shortcoming of the disabled, can you better get the wonderful favorite?

Chen Lie has now known.

The system mall, the surface looks on the earth.

It can be actually a separate, perfect space.

However, because of the closeness of the earth, everyone has the illusion of the system of the system in the middle of the ocean.

However, these are secondary.

Even if the system mainland is located in another large plane, it is not surprising.

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