The pet king of the city

Chapter 044 is not so simple

This time is not as simple as the eyebrows.

Because this mortality task is to grab their trophy, and that the war is not general, so there is no living port.

Otherwise, Lian Ludu didn't have to go back, and directly wipe your neck and suicide.

It is, Rododet, with 8-level skills, and the founders of the Otte family personally gave 8 level skills.


At the time of RoddoTe, when the gesture of the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, the leaves and branches above the leaves suddenly explode, and even the thick and sturdy giant trees were in this stock. The violent explosive force was blown into a dotted plastic shock.

But this is just a secondary, the most important thing is that a meteor whose golden light is whistling, and the air suddenly has been compressed, ashamed, like a mud.

Between life and death, Rododut decisively gave up the eyebrow testist, and the head did not return to the palm of the palm.

Is it simple to do?

Broken splash leaves, branches and wood filings cover up the brilliant golden light, accompanied by a violent explosion, Roddope's body is still retreating.

However, his 8-level martial arts is not a scene, and even the golden meteor is bombed, and even the sneak attack hidden in the dark will also send a sigh.

Just give Roddope a wheezing opportunity, he will rush all the people here, leading everything.

A battle for a realm, sometimes it is so simple.

Can I want to be asked?

It's just willing to hibernochan, it is not the opportunity.

The meteor tiger emperor was defeated, but he still had a tiger emperor, and there were nine days, Xunmei flash, etc.

The emergence of red blood is like a firefly in the night, how can you cover the light of it.

But this time, the Roddo is unwilling to see this, because the red blood rushing is like a peerless touch, breaking through the heavy shackles, with the resentment and blood of the blood sea, straight touch Rudyte soul.

For a time, Rottert seems to be in Jiufang Purgatory, as if soaking in the blood sea, the countless soul is entangled, pulling, swallowing, the body and the soul are tortured.

Such an attack is definitely the first time in Rododel, and he did not expect to have such a terrible martial art.

The instinct, Rododate can only handle one hand.

This hand is very simple, but it is a full-scale hit in the magnitude 8, and the power exceeds the level of 7 levels.


If the body of Rododat is short-line, the stone is short-line, and the blood is sprayed out of the shiny crystal.


Heji Hu is actually a blast.

It is just to break out in the way it understands it.

Rododate only hurts, not dead, this is not the ending of the Tigers.

He wants to kill, and he will revenge for ghosts.

It is also necessary for all the gains of this time.

It is a straightforward that is very straightforward, violent and bloody brilliance spans several hundred meters away in an instant, directly killing RoddoTe.

"Do not!"

In the face of death, Rododate's body and soul are roaring. His body of the body does not have to move, and even burning life, make up the simplest and simpler body magic wall.

It can be facing a few points of spike of all the Lingjia below 8 levels, where the magic wall of the district is to bear, and the collapse of one side is collapsed.

Of course, the weakening of countless magic walls is getting weak, and the color is getting dull.

In the end, the weakness of weakness is still in the body of Roddo.

At the same time, Rododat saw the true look of the .

"Oh it's you!"

Rododat has fallen with remorse.

The eyebrows and other people are glanced.


The killing of Heji Hu is still going on.

The remaining quasi-level 8, one hit 7, for the

a long time.

The eyebrow trial is full of blood, swallowing the water, thank you: "Thank you for rescue."

"take it out."


The eyebrow trial is weakly asked: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

: "You and Rododet discovered things."

"You always know."

The eyebrow trial is aware of his innocent.

He said: "If I shot, you can't even have a point. Just, I want to consume the strength of the Otte family, and I am exhausted, so I will wait until now."

Things are very simple.

Since the Le Park, since it retaliate, it will naturally not speak.

After collecting enough intelligence, I gave a revenge to give the ghost to take the lead in dispatching, staring at the genius of the Otte family.

I didn't expect this Roddy to discover a magnitude 8-level hi, and finally the two sides have discovered by others, so the peace is divided into 8-level high-energy hi.

The eyebrow trial is thought that it is cheap.

But I didn't expect Roddi just for an invitacity.

After the excitement of the eyebrows came to the remote side of no one, Rodi turned his face, and she was prepared to kill the exterior.

He has always seen it in his eyes, and there is no outbreak.


The eyebrows will be said to be said.

"Big Brother, we fight with him."

"Yeah, he is alone."

The partners who have the eyebrow trial don't have something.

"Live your mouth."

The eyebrow trial is said: "Are you stupid? People can easily kill Rudi, what do we do with others?"

The partner of the eyebrow trial is awake.

"For you smart."

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