The pet king of the city

Chapter 104 Dog Contest

Chen Lie found a shameless secret through the system:

In the Pengcheng Pet Association, at least half of the members have an interest connection with the Beihua pet breeding base or the Qiyuan pet shop.

Even within the self-proclaimed neutral association, some of the core members are people from the Beihua pet breeding base or the Qiyuan pet shop.

The embarrassing Beihua pet breeding base and Qiyuan pet store secretly control the public opinion of Pengcheng's pet circle and even the entire pet market through the Pengcheng Pet Association.

How can you trust such an association?

Such an association should be cleaned up one day earlier and be at ease one day earlier.

And Bao.

They are the spokespersons of the new pet association formed by Chen Lie.

However, this pet association is still in the initial stage, and there is still a long way to go.


It's just that Boss Qi came here this time, not for dinner or to talk about the association.

He said seriously: “You share your precious feeding experience with those pet shops that are willing to follow you, and you can improve the quality of their pets in an extreme time. This is a good thing, and it greatly improves our small group’s Cohesion."

"That's nothing."

That's really nothing.

It's just an experiment experience shared by a certain senior breeder in the future. With this kind of goods, Chen Lie can come up with hundreds of sets anytime and anywhere.

Even more advanced ones, such as master breeders, are fine.

As long as Chen Lie is willing.

"It doesn't matter to you, but to them it is a guarantee of a better life."

Boss Qi then said: "So, in order to thank you, they are willing to share with you those treasured pets in their hands."

Chen Lie laughed and said, "Don't tell them that they can't sell pets!"

"No no no!"

"They never meant it."

Boss Qi was nervous and quickly explained: “The pets they are willing to share are all competition-level pets with extremely good pedigrees. But because the price is too expensive and the sales channels are narrow, they have not been promoted.”

Recently, Chen Lie's business has been so good, almost one person tops the sales of 10 ordinary pet shops.

Therefore, Chen Lie bought more and more pets from him, which made his life more and more comfortable.

Naturally, his attitude towards Chen Lie also changed slightly.

"I understand."

Chen Lie didn't expect Boss Qi to be so sensitive, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and promised: "You ask them to post a pet video, and then give me a price, I think it's appropriate to buy out, how about?"

"it is good!"

"I thank you so much for them."

Boss Qi was relieved.

In the pet circle, it is normal for several pet shops to sell a famous pet at the same time.

After all, famous pets are expensive. If such a sum of money is held in your hand, if you don't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will cause huge pressure on the funds, and those small pet shops are more likely to cause financial problems.

Moreover, the food of famous pets is very particular, and the daily consumption is also a lot of support.

There are more reasons to let go.

"you are welcome."

"If it's really a pet, I have to thank you."

What does Chen Lie need now?

The increasing number of customers and the demand for high-end pets continue to emerge. No matter how strong Chen Lie's professional skills are, he cannot be overcome every time.

He still needs high-end pets to sit in.


The profit of high-end pets is far from that of ordinary pets, but the channels are too difficult to find.

How could Chen Lie refuse to send someone to the door now?

"thanks for treatment."

"I will report the good news to everyone."


Boss Qi left quickly.

But Chen Lie saw the poster that boss Qi had forgotten at the corner of the table.

"Hey, boss Qi is really impatient."

Chen Lie picked up the poster, but realized that it was not a simple poster, but an invitation letter.

"Cantonese Dog Competition?"

"The place of the game happens to be the football stadium in the city center?"

Chen Lie came here immediately.

This kind of competition jointly organized by the official and non-governmental organizations is equivalent to the competition-level dog conference, which is particularly appealing among pet dogs.

If Chen Lie can get the first place in a few key competitions, then the reputation of the super pet shop can spread throughout the circle.

The gain effect brought by this reputation is not much inferior to that of live broadcast.

The key is.

In this world, that dog can be compared with Xiao Hei?

"I want to see which dog can pose a threat to Xiao Hei!"

Chen Lie is looking forward to such a conference.

That night.

Chen Lie is in the live broadcast room, sharing his experience of raising pets with fans and helping some fans solve their pet problems.

Just now.


There was a dull impact.


Chen Lie couldn't help but help.

He is so familiar with this voice, it has appeared at least once a day in the past half month.

Because this is the sound of hitting something.

And it's basically Bao.


Chen Lie has also learned Ren Qing's name as a fierce tiger.

After all, shouting like this is more intimate.

But at this time Chen Lie was full of dissatisfaction.

"Visually detect that Brother Pet is angry!"

"Jiaojiao, run, Brother Pet is going to pass."

"Brother Pet is angry, Wan Beast retreats."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became warm, sweeping away the calm before.

Chen Lie didn't rush to leave, and asked, "Do you want to know who is doing the trick this time?"

There are countless "thinking" character screens.

Chen Lie walked out with the camera.

The eye-catching scene makes people laugh and cry:

A Bao lay half of his body on the wall, half of his body was paralyzed on the ground, and on the top of his head stood a majestic fierce tiger.

Needless to say.

The fierce tiger must have abused A Bao again.

A sigh in the live broadcast room:

"Why did Abao lose again? Hey, why did I say the word'again'?"

"I'm wondering, why is Ah Bao so strong, but always bullied by fierce tigers? Does fierce tigers really know martial arts?"

"Animals are the same as humans. Women are strong and men are weak. Hey, the earth is getting more and more difficult to mix. I'd better return to Mars sooner."

"I'm back to Mercury."

"I'm back to Jupiter."

As soon as the Rhythm Party came out, it was completely crooked.

"Jiaojiao, why did you bully Abao again?"

The fierce tiger became furious...

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