The pet king of the city

Chapter 051 Wushen World

"Pet World, our Wushen World is coming!"

"Welcome to the end of the world!"

Countless warners rushed from the so-called Wu Shen world.

"Unauthorized into the pet world."

"Town! Kill!"

The icy voice rang in the minds of all Wushen world.


These testists equivalent to Level 7 are like a dumplings falling from the stars, and then they are imprisoned in the half air.

"This ... this is the world's will! How can it be!"

"The pet world is a world will completely wake up!"

"This death! Intelligence error! We were pitted by the guys of chaotic world!"

"Fast! Please ask Zhu Tian Sheng!"

A guy equal to the 9-level trial is forcibly supporting the suppression of the system, crazy roaring.

Pet plane.

Oh, it should be said that the pet world is full.

Because Chaos Big World invited the world of terrorist assistiers.

The system also issued a message in the first time:

"Hey! The plane war is open!"

"Chaotic plane, that is, the chaotic world invites the Wu Shen World to invade the pet."

"For the pet plane, for you, the system is now ordered to enter the war state throughout the world, all resources enters the formation state, all the trials unconditionally guarded the war."

"From today, the mall mainland began to get from this place, resist the front line in the plane. There will be a big turmoil in the plane, please prepare for all the creatures."


Chen Lie received the system announcement, and the first time passed back to the pet.

Do not.

It should be said that the world should now be said.

Because of Wanjie, it is commensurate in the world, distinguishing the world at level.

For example, the pet big world is the leader in countless worlds.

In addition to the top world, it is a big world.

"damn it!"

"How can you suddenly suddenly!"

The devil and the angry.

Because the Otte family has robbed.

As long as Chen Lie can get Ott, the Otte family must break the destruction in their one by one.

did not expect.

Now enter the full-length war state.

All internal chaos must be stopped, otherwise the system will be suppressed.

"The Otte family is now purely talking."

"Their family is located on the world, the first to be robbed, and it is good to save it."

Chen Lie said: "The most important thing we now is to improve your strength, others are nonsense. To know that this can be three big worlds, two on one unfair aggression war."

The pet big world did not have suffered a crisis.

But that is all levels of chaos.

Which is like now, the two equivalent powerful worlds play one.

"Yeah, Wu Shen World is notorious."

The refining face is unnaturally said: "In our chaos, he also heard the mission of Wu Shen World. The legendary martial arts system cultivated to finally condensed a world, but later had a magical giant thought of a method It is to refine the whole world for the use, simple, and the cultivation of the cultivation is fast, this has long nightmare. "

Chen Lie always feels familiar with this road.

So he asked: "Refineting, you talk about the situation of Wu Shen World with us."

"The Basic Level of the World World, we can ignore it."

"But high-end, you must pay attention, especially those martial arts saints, simply not die as the saints of Xian Xia World, because they have swallowed a big world."

Refindries conversion thoughts, "Simply said that their martial arts saints will follow our super pencil trials."

"Oh my God!"

Even the tiger is also colorful: "Canadal a big world for yourself! This is fiercely!"

The peak nodded: "Well, so the world is a natural plunder, so it is said that this is notorious."

Chen Lie asked: "How many super-level martial arts people have?"

"not very clear."

Refining Recall: "I have heard that I have elected a war at the edge of the chaotic plane, and there is a battle with the four martial arts to enter the chaotic world plunder. That war, only for a few months In the result, there is a thousand fragmentation plane, and hundreds of medium-sized planes are swallowed. If it is not a chaos will awakening in time, otherwise, even the chaos will be swallowed. "

Everyone listened to the face.

Eleven martial arts saints, equal to 11 10 trials.

The pet plane seems to have now hidden level 10 trials is 7, 8?

"not good!"

Chen Lie suddenly shouted: "The giants who go to chaotic world plunder are dangerous."

Everyone wakes up.

The chaos of the World and the World World of Wushen are all attacked to the edge of the pet.

Where can I get better?

Chen Lie even doubts that they all have a whole army.

"There is also a shadow of hell!"

"The Otte family is also calculated, but what should I do with the shadow of hell?"

Everyone is taboo for hell shadows.

After all, no one wants Chen Lie to go to the front line, and the result is assassinated.

It is necessary to know that the hinter shadows are quickly separated from the system constraint, and a separate small world is built outside the pet big world.

"Usually these giants are nothing more than the independent small world, all in the influence of the system, and the system is estimated to have only eyes."

"But now it is different, it is totally most sensitive."

"Hell shadows cannot be so happy as before, but the specific result is how to determine the system."

Chen Lie also helpless.

After all, this time is a big big difference.

", 8-level organization [Jianghu Spyx] Because the sale of information is given to the chaos of the world and the world, it is considered betrayal, the system launches a comprehensive encirclement and supplement, and everyone can hunt all members of the shadow of hell, and all the war is returned to personal. "

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