The pet king of the city

Chapter 062 cooperation

Luo Xue does not seem to count too much, say coldly: "Don't think that you are dispatched by the martial arts giant, you can be free. If I don't have it in my hand, you are now a dead body. Give me Go back, don't let me see you again! "


Subsequently, Luo Xue simple feet, I took the 8-level dark whistle to kick, and I have been hitting it soon.

And the exclusive 8-level secretine is frightened, and even the rolling belt will roll away, and it has disappeared in the night.

"Very strong."

Chen Lie saw Luo Xue, very surprised.

If Luo Xue is only an early level 8, that Chen Lie is not so.

However, she didn't even have three% of the power, and I would like to have the exclusive 8-level dark whistle, such a war, I am afraid that I can call with ghosts.

The genius of the metalloyi, is really not a confident.

But Luo Xue did not return to the house, but asked in place: "You have seen it for so long, can't you come out?"

Chen Lie's heart is noticeable.

Luo Xue is taking advantage of: "How? Also when I am trying?"

Chen Lie helpless.

Luo Xue saw Chen Lie, the expression was a little strange, but it didn't say it.

Chen Lian asked: "How did you find me?"

Luo Xue said: "When I felt the enemy invasion, I felt that there was still a wave of branches on the side."

The voyeur was hit, Chen Lie is very embarrassing.

Luo Xue is not excited, laughs: "How? I still have a color?"

Chen Lie can't find a deny reason, you can only nod.

Luo Xue is very beautiful, completely from Luoji.


Bi Luji has also a mature attractive taste.

Luo Xue suddenly bloomed a splendid smile and said: "I don't know how, I just can't find the reason for you. Although I am very confident in myself, there is always a sense of inexplicable crisis in front of you. This makes me a reason for me. "

"Thank you."

This sentence is free of Chen Lie.

Although the style of the green duff is very like ancient society, because of Xian Xia, the cultivation is based on the cultivator, so the social pattern is not as conservative as ancient times.

But Chen Lie quickly knew why Luo Xue was so big, because he smelled a fragrance, he was very familiar with the spiritual fragrance.

This fragrance does not have substantive, pinned in spiritual soul, very hidden.

Chen Lie had just heard such a place, and he didn't expect that he actually has a day of medicine. Chen Lie immediately smirked.

Looking at Luo Xue's exquisite face, I remembered that the perfect figure was present, Chen Lie's heart suddenly rippled.

In the face of such no one, Chen Lie sighed, reminded: "Look at the face of Luoji, I hope you will use the low-level gathers for my spiritual powder next time."

The expression of Luo Xue suddenly solidified.

You must know that she has just now, everything is so secret, but the other party knows.

This kind of insight is too exaggerated?

It is more horrible than that of the martial arts giant.

"If it is fine, then I will leave."

"and many more!"

Chen Lie didn't want to take too much with Luo Xue, but Luo Xue did not want to be so cheap, I wanted to ask: "Who are you? Seeing your appearance is definitely more young, but your repair It is better than me, the green feast is absolutely no younikon! Which of the martial arts? "

Chen Lie laughed back: "This is unpopular."


Luo Xue's body is a floating, instantly killing Chen Lie, such as the onion small finger, leisurely point to Chen Lie's eyebrow.

Don't look at this point, it is normal, but its power is concentrated, the secret of the fairy is strong, the position taken is also a dead point, even the 8-level first-class energy must also hit.

I just said that I was so funny, but now I'm turning my face, it is really good.

The expression of Luo Xue suddenly solidified, actually after receiving the last time, rapid retreat, the location is more farther than the original distance.

Luo Xue said: "It's impossible! You are so young, how can it be a level 9 martial arts?"

Chen Lie got up, said: "I am not a martial arts giant, just a giant, you can rest assured."

Luo Xue suddenly countered: "Even the giant is also abbrevantory! You are afraid that you haven't even 30 years old? How can I have a quasi-giant to repair! Even if the martial art world is not like this!"

Chen Lian asked: "Your understanding of the world of Wu Shen is from Yinki Zong?"

Luo Xue defensive is not asked: "Wait, you just mention Luoji, do you know us?"

Chen Lie laughed back: "Is she now my warfare, understand?"

Luo Xue's expression is even more horrified, but there is no more awe, but it is more alert.

Chen Lie remembered the secret tonight, very simply recommended: "We are not a way to delay, it is better to ask me a question, I answer you a question, how?"

Luo Xue thought, nodded.

Chen Lie said: "You have justified what I have justified, and asked me a lot, let me start."

Luo Xue did not refute.

Chen Qian asked: "Luo Ji can come to you, what is your explanation?"

Luo Xue's face changed, and said coldly: "You really caught Rocky!"

After the words, Luoxue began to break out.

Chen Yan sighs: "It seems that you don't want to cooperate, then let a message."

Chen Lie turned and went.

"and many more!"

Luo Xue shouted, and replied: "I can tell you, but you have to tell me your true identity, and cooperate with me, take the required."

Chen Lie Xi and asked: "Your agreement is only you, not your Qingqiu family, do you want to carry the Qingqiu family secretly collide with me?"

Luo Xue laughed: "I believe that before you come here, I also see the face of our Qingqiu."

Chen Lie nodded.

The Qingqiuyi family has a label living in Angqiang since ancient times.

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