The pet king of the city

Chapter 107 Oath (3rd)

"Okay, don't talk nonsense."

In order to seize the initiative, Chen Lie said: "We have to prepare, you have to adjust the state, at least restore the power to the power, and there are many excavatable, I believe you, I will not Empty hand from Baoshan. "

The sky said seriously: "Okay, give everyone a little time, and then I will try to help you, go out together."

Chen Lieni promised: "Well, I only hope that you should not ruin the time."

The sky is really asking: "Do you want to swear to the pet big world?"

"It is best."

Chen Lie is this.

I am afraid that the sky is really not coming out, he will wait.

However, the sky is really refreshing this time.

For her, the thousand birds are in the forest, not as good as a bird in hand.

More temptations, it is better to get the most wanted to get the hand.

And now.

Things are to get their hands, but she is sleepy here, naturally goes out.

Others are secondary.



Not much time.

Chen Lie got up and looked at the boundless night sky.

The sky is really a sense of feelings, and it is also followed.

Chen Lie launched his arms and the body as if it was sublimated.

Refining the world, chaos.

He has long completed the sentiment of the world's origin, but he didn't have a handful of inspiration to suppress the power of the heavens and the earth that contained the Avenue.

And he used to have a chance to break through 9 levels, but they have never been broken, pursue more fine power sentiments, and the foundation of more powerful consolidation, they are willing to span from level 9.

After all, Chen Lie is too weak.

Other anti-sky enchanting, there are also a hundred years of time, as well as a huge family, and organized a massive resource party to promote the 9-level giant.

Can I Chen?

From practice to now, there is no 10 years full.

So he must consolidate and consolidate.

Ensure that there is no worries, just willing to advance.

Today is the end of this feeling and accumulation.


Chen Lie's breath is a change, everything is water to the stream.

Level 9!

The new giant of the pet big world is so easily!

The sky has never seen such a relaxed advancement.

I am afraid that I have accumulated an abality, and I also have a straightforward realm and the magic weapon, and there is no such nature.

The sky is really asking: "Do you need a rest?"

Chen Lie's answer: "No, winning!"

Chen Lie's spirit and state are undoubtedly in a very subtle seat, and can even be said to be unprecedented.

If there is anything, it is afraid that it is a point of breakout.

"It is good!"

The sky is not polite, and it will accumulate it. I don't know how much fine blood is condensed in the fingertips. As a point in the last time, the blood of the blood is infused into Chen Lie's body, flowing into his limbs.

Level 9 three streams!

9th stream!

Level 9 first class!

Chen Lie's repair continues to rise, and he has been reaching a senior 9.

This is not given, but temporarily borrowed.

One of the secrets.

The truth of the sky is also beginning to skyrocket, and under the blessings of the world's home, we will break out from the ordinary 9th level to the senior level 9.

But can you break the world's barriers, then the number of unknown.

Chen Lie asked calmly: "Are you ready?"

The sky is true, and it is good to answer: "Everything is fine, the sky is also."

Can Chen, suddenly said: "I don't worry about the martial arts giants of Wu Zhen World will be interfered. I only worry that you will change your face after you go out."

The sky does not say two words, the soul of the life of this life is crystallized to her hand, ask: "Is this peaceful?"

Chen Lie took this little soul's source crystallization, smiling and nodded.

They are not ordinary people, they all know that the soul of the source is crystallized in the other party.

Perhaps Chen Lie can't rely on this soul, the origin of this source, but it can be hurt to a certain extent, if it is a battle, this is enough to determine the balance.

If you abandon all the met Chen Lie, there is no nonsense, and the soul is directly crystallized to the mouth.

The sky is a true face.

This soul is crystallized by her soul, and it is still condensed from the entrance part. Chen Lie has a symbolic meaning.

However, the sky is not a average person, and quickly recovers, calm look to the horizon.

set off!

The outbreak of the outbreak, all the power contained in all magic weapons broke out, instantly enhanced Chen Lie to improve a small level.

More than the giant, Chen Lie with the giant, rushed to the horizon with a brilliant blood.

At this moment, a super officer standing in a peak of Wu Shen, who is frowning, looking like a bloody, but there is no action on the hand.

The super offers of a Buddha door, then interrupted the classics, looking to the big world of the world, it was originally ready to move, but the result was closed.

"Strong! The pressure of this world is far more than the last time."

"No, there is still a good far, I have no signs of the world's barriers, it seems that we have to face all the will of this treasure market."

Chen Lie bite his teeth, looking at the power of terror.

A nine-day hurricane swept over and almost dispelled Chen Lie's blood.

Then, a group of stars came down, almost made Chen Lie to fly.

Although all are hard to resist, but the connected world sniper is still a lot of blood light, and he is now shocked by a silk.

"how so!"

"If you go on this, he even has no world barrier!"

"damn it!"

The sky really wants to go out, and it is not allowed to start.

She spit out a soul of the power of horror horror, crying, and all the strength is infused into Chen Lie's body.

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