The pet king of the city

Chapter 109 Refining Chaos

Chen Qi: "How do you plan?"

"Remote, healing!"

The sky is very simply replied: "I am a veritable giant, it will not be injured easily, but it is difficult to recover once it is really injured."

Chen Qian asked: "If I invite you to calm down?"

The sky is really asking: "Do you feel at me?"

Chen Lie laughed, and Chen Lie did not worry.

The wolf to the room is the stupid, let alone the sky is a wolf, but a tiger, she will play a little greedy or anything, Chen Lie has been robbed, at least can't be relieved.

So this trouble is also to provoke, and continue to maintain the current mutual utilization relationship is the most appropriate choice.

"In this case, where are you going to go?"

"Three Gate Business Alliance?"

One side of Chen Lie asked, and the magistrate was a bit unreasonable.

The sky is really a happy and answering: "There is no certain goal, but the three business alliance is indeed the best choice. But after I restore, I will find a suitable opportunity to integrate everything you have gone; if there is a chance, I will also Impact Urinding. "

"Then congratulate you first, first say."

Chen Lie is ready to leave.

The sky is really asking: "You still have hurt, is it so urgent?"

"It's very anxious."

Chen Lie nodded.

The sky is really asking: "Are you ready to go home?"

Chen Lie said: "No, I am going to be familiar with the world of Wu Shen. If I have the opportunity, I want to go to the front line, there is a good opportunity to collect soul."

"I remember."

Chen Lie looked at the eyes of the sky, and he knew that the day of the day was almost ideas.

In fact, Chen Lie is planning to go to the front line.

If you collect enough soul power on the half-way, the air is going back to the world.

If you don't do it, you must take a risk to the front line battlefield searches.

Three major world war, even the giants may fall at any time, which caused countless souls, all of Chen Lie.

"That said."

The sky is really refreshing this time, and it disappears instantly.

Chen Lie is an instant to come to the original treasure house.

He said before.

The world barrier is the core of the Holy Land in the Holy Land.

And Chen Lie's goal is the entire fire sea.

Just the world's barriers were broken, it was the most weak.

At this time, I don't hurry to refine this core, waiting for when.

The world's exquisite Pagoda is out.

Chaos swallowing, soul, origin, etc.


Start refining.

If the world's wall bar is broken, he may not refine the Huahai for 10 years before he is broken.

But now it is broken.

No one thousandth is not available.


When Chen Lie took out two groups of chaos, his smile was more hats.

Because this is the two inner world of the ancestors and ruthless holy.

These two inner worlds were taken by Chen Lie to do block arrows. Under the two huge efforts, the two inner worlds were completely broken, and returned to this source.

Now there is a secondary refining of these two origins.

The time required by Chen Lie is no longer available.

Just a few days.

He can turn the Huahai to his own.

Two inner worlds plus a scourge.

Is equal to three small worlds.

Chen Lie should refine these three small worlds into their gas sea.

By the time.

He can directly jump as a senior giant.

And it is not a general senior giant, it is likely to reach the 9-level peak.

Just breaking through the heritage of senior giants.

Plus all the magic treasures and the heritage, the combat power will double the line.

Everything is so wonderful.



Chen Lie's dream is still searching in the desert world.

The more you get into the ancient temple, the more you feel that this world is not simple.

The small world blows the sky is the birth of magnitude 8, at most, the number is more.

After all, the rules are imperfect.

But what about the desert world?

It is clear that it is a small world, which can be a large amount of massive, which is neatly unusual.

And Chen Lienia in exploration encountered a very interesting thing.


A powerful corpse.

He is a strong powerful person being admired before, but after the soul is turned into a dead spirit, even the flesh is also used, and it is used to make a mysterious and evil presence.

For such a monster, Chen Lie knife has not stagnated, and a screaming knife is rushing.

Although the corpse is strong, it is not a soul, just a machinery, there is no slight dodge, his body is pulled off.


But this dead in the fourth ladder is too much, Chen Lie killed one, but there are still ten.

I saw a dry corpse roaring even if I got dried and burly. I was stiff to Chen Lie, so the direct attitude made Chen Lie can't laugh.

If he is hit by such an attack, then he really can be safe.

There is no nonsense, Chen Lie's knife has been cut out three cousin-like knives, respectively, with three angles, a large group of dried corpses in the past.

After all, the corpse is a dry corpse, and there is 5 be killed in an instant, and there are 3 limbs.

These three moon tooth knives are rules, although they are only 7 level attacks, but under the high-level experience of the 9th level, the attack power is more powerful than ordinary 8-level attacks.

This attack mode is a universal attack.

Don't say that in the world of pets, even a lot of power in the desert world is understanding.

But like Chen Lie is so direct overbearing.

Close knife.

At this time, Chen Lie's knife is not a bone, but an abandoned knife that does not know the owner.

Coupled with Chen Lie's follow-up refining, it was a bit new, although there is no special effect but the texture is extremely hard, the hard level is not in the 8-level spirit, enough Chen Chenlie played.

Why don't you use a bone knife?

That is because the bones have just refined, it is not completely mature, and Chen Lie found that this weapon belonging to the Cavalier captain, with a strong resentment.

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