The pet king of the city

Chapter 120 avoids its front

Chen Lie has never made a sharp outbreak, but the Bailing of the ghostless ghosts affected the four ghosts in invisible, secretly weakened their strain ability and action sensitivity, and gaining the victory of Chen Lie At a point aid, I finally gave Chen Lie to provide a perfect killing opportunity, and the power is awesome.

Chen Lie closed a little, guaranteeing: "After going back, no matter how hard, I will fix you."


A roar came.

Chen Lie felt a glimpse, and he saw a group of sacrifices to float, floating in the air, holding the sand in the sky, and the boulder on the ground.

Suddenly, the big sacrifices looked at Chen Lie.

"not good!"

Chen Lie turned and ran.

Master a big sacrifice, and a few stone lions who were chasing human masters in the desert were all over-pair of wings, and then the wings and lions changed toward Chen Lie toward Chen Lie.

Not only that, with the sacrifice around the big sacrifice, several of the special body of the body suddenly change the direction, and it is checked in the way.

This is obviously the rhythm of killing.

"Don't think you will fly!"

Chen Lie saw the endless sand, biting the teeth, using [floating "that used to use, and forced the area where the wind is unexpected.

Have to say, Chen Lie's decision has no comparative.

It was originally flexible in the wind, but the problem was that this wind is manufactured.

Oh, it should be said that the ghost is manufactured, and the coverage is naturally not very big.

"I rely!"

However, when Chen Lien saw himself, a dragon roll appeared in the air, ready to swallow him.

Without nonsense, Chen Lie fell in the first time, and then prepared for a forced breakout.

Although the resistance of the ground is much smaller, the range of sand covers is larger, and it takes longer to break around.

However, Chen Lie did not die, he drilled into the gravel, just like swimming in the water.

Lost Chen Lie's trace, the big sacrifice clearly closed his hand, turned to the other people.

But it doesn't know.

It is precisely because this is light, leading to the drama of this world.


It has led to the fall of this world.

Because Chen Lie this dream has collected enough intelligence.

Just give him a certain condition, the body can drop.

By the time.

This world must be refining.



Pets world.

Refining the fire sea, with Chen Lie, who is equal to 3 ordinary military giants, is back.

After he returned, he did not have a closed door and did not have a high-profile announcement.

It is directly to the front line.

He needs a sharpener.

Use powerful enemies to sharpen their own martial arts will.

At this time, he was washed away from the edge of the two world.

"So how much power is."

Some of the Wushen World's World Warm I saw the heart of the giant.

He is a Buddha of a Buddha.

The guard is here, preparing to plunder the world's origin and become a real Buddha.


Chen Lie's appearance was defeated his dream.

"Chen Lie? The first day of the pet big world?"

"I can't even I can't get his 3 tricks?"

"Why can the pet world cultivate such a person?"

At the same time, the Buddha is sighing, a big drink, suddenly, push the heavy hammer to hit the Buddha to the treasure - Yongle big clock!

At that moment, everyone's scorpion was focused on the heavy hammer, looking forward to the sound of the sound!


A bell with a very empty bell sounded, it is not high, and it is not awkward. Everyone listens to clear.

This sound is like falling from the nine days, like the sky, sprinkling the soul, the troubles in the hearts of the heart are being washed with an empty, and the whole person is in a chaotic that is difficult to describe.


This is also an enlightenment.

Because many usually don't think, things I don't understand, I suddenly want to pass this moment.

Thunder, the body and mind, everyone's face is consciously pending a smile.

And the Buddha, the nearest clock, while the people who hit the bell, all the effects are more obvious in his body, and the mind flashed in the mind, and the things pursued in his future, the things pursued are more clear.


This bell is not very friendly for the enemy of Chen Lie.

This can explain everything from all his actions.

Drag the clock hammer!



A bell sounded, the birds in the sky, the fish swim in the water, all the animals running on the ground stopped, looking up at the sky, as if listening, thinking.


"Actually level 9 to treasure!"

Chen Lie, who woke up, felt a compression from the world.

This is the suppression of Wu Shen World.


The enemy's wishful abacus is wrong.

While Chen Lie's breath, the suppression of Wu Shen's world was murdered.

"how can that be?"

The Buddha is so much, just a clear world of Wushen World, helping to suppress Chen Lie.

As a result, the world will of Wu Shen's world actually decided that Chen Lie is the world.

Yes it is.

The attack of Yongle big clock is the soul.

It is fatal to yourself to enlighten your heart.

Even if you are unfamiliar, the moment of instant may also cause damage to the imprisonment.

The Buddha consciously can't deal with Chen Lie who is imagined, so I came up with this trick.

"Ha ha!"

"The world in my body can be the hard work of your martial arts giant!"

The breath of Chen Lie is actually the breath of the World of Wushen.

Because of the three worlds in his body, this is a World World.

So in order to cause this misunderstanding.

"And you don't forget!"

"Here is a pet big world, you are invaders!"

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