The pet king of the city

Chapter 134 Successful Crossing

"No, the stronger, the more you can, the you can deepen it, how can you get rid of it?"

Chen Lie thought that he couldn't stand here: "Is this the world special resistance to the outside, the stronger the strength of entering, the more powerful, the sniper is, if this is the case, then I can ..."

Chen Lie wants to never condense 5-level dreams.


As a result, it is easy to kill the area that is more in-depth than the 6-level dream.

"it is as expected!"

"But this world is really unfriendly!"

After Chen Lie found the mystery, Chen Dynasty directly came out the 3-level dream.

With external forces to protect this dream, avoiding the 3-level dream to crash in the halfway of the Wanjie channel.

And after approaching the location of the world, all all relieved.

The 3-level dream has successfully entered the world of Gao Wu.


This time I saw the probably the situation of the world of Gao Wu, but it was still easily stranded.

"I don't believe it!"

When I made a temper, I wrapped up, I was ready to condensed the 1st-level dream to shock, he died.

It is not a trouble.

"Level 1 dreams, only level 1 strength."

"In this case, then I am not as good as getting a level 0, but the resistance is smaller."

"And level 0 can be close to the source, convenient for my operation. Even if you come back from the beginning, then I have no loss."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie is an idea.



A few months later.

Endless starry sky fly into a group of chaos.

This group of chaos is actually human form.

The most striped is that this fragile chaotic has countless 8-level strength body shelters to protect it from any injury.

And their goals are clear:

Distant, unknown world.


This group infinitely close to the world's own world's world barriers, such as water into the sea, instantly disappearing.

I don't know how long it is.

This silk chaotic drilled an extremely weak, biased with a born teenager.



Tianshui in the night, the darkness is .

It seems that there is no need to repair the whole manor weeds, and there is doubled under the black night.

Perhaps because of loneliness, it may be because of fear, the darkness is sublimated at this moment, with a heavy thoughts erosion Chen Lie's nerve.

Double-eyed Chen Lie looked at the darkness in front of him, the darkness of the night quietly opened his shackles, killing, fear, resentment, and death.

In an instant, Chen Lie wakes up, he does not belong to this world, but it belongs to this world because he is Chen Lie.

Chen's blood, is expelled to small landlords outside the family.

"I am Chen Lie?"

"Yes, I am Chen Lie."

"I didn't expect a chaotic, but it was not a place to be reborn, but the attachment."

"The legendary soul is wearing! Funny, but it is reasonable, after all, this time is a chaotic native source, not a real dream."

Chen Lie looked at everything in front of him, but accompanied by black and deep night baptism, his eyes gradually recovered in the Qingming, his mouth and even scribbled a smile, could not help but be self-contained: "Zongmen, Chen Yun, I am me, since I came to this world, everything has to start! "


Chen Lie suddenly lost control, suddenly patted the tree in front of him.

Unfortunately, the pain of power and shocking made him clearly realize their own fragility.

Chen Lie looked at the big hand of blood, laughing: "It is weak, weaker is very poor. No wonder you don't recognize your mother, you must recognize that the old people don't die, so-called wife is the mother. Symmers, goodness identity what!"

One of the four families of Chen and Tianshui County.

As a new family, the rigorous family rules, no one, the martial arts, is the basis for the survival of this family.

Because of this, the talent is mediocre, but also the prostitute Chen Lie has been directly expelled from the family, and it is equipped with the land owners near the Tianshui.

Perhaps some people will say that the landlord is not bad, but if you know that this landlord not only does not have any family, but also pays a hundred and two gold every year, it is equivalent to the terrorist annual supply of the total output value of Chi Shui Village. You know how bad the environment of Chen Lie is.

"Young master!"

A vigorous voice sounds behind behind.

Chen Lie collided all the expression, and he didn't ask back to the side: "Uncle, how is your blood?"

Shushu asked excitedly: "Young master, what is this?"

Chen Lie turned to see, I saw a very beautiful rooster in Mo Uncle.

If Chen Lie has not yet mistaken, this should be a first-order spirit, a crown, a child who knows that there is a hidden, but it is very weak but difficult to capture the beast.

Chen Lie seems to be completely integrated into the role, mild smile, asking: "Is it Lin Da master sent?"

Mo said, "In addition to him, can there be a cavel chicken in the village? The old servant is not wanting, but the young master is now in the key breakthrough stage, it needs to make up, the old servant is self-propelled Leave it down. "

Chen Lie said: "Uncle Mo, thank you for me."

Uncle Moon asked: "Young master, before the old servant, before leaving the family, stealing the half-plant old mountain ginseng, cooking together, will definitely let the young master understand the feeling."

Yes, Chen Lie even the most basic gas in front of me is not realized, and there is no one in the realm.

Although he is only 15 years old, there is still a quite excavation potential, but such qualifications compare a person in the person, it is really pitiful and ridiculous.

Giggle ...

The colorful crowns seem to be aware of the threat of life, wake up from the serious injured coma, crazy struggle. Unfortunately, how can it be a small moon opponent after the day after tomorrow, quickly being uniform.

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