The pet king of the city

Chapter 139, Sheng (3rd)

Chen Lie has a new discovery.

In an accidental situation, Chen Lie has been in the original soul, but also can be used to improve the repair, but also to assist in repairing practice and martial arts.

When Chen Lie remembered that the first day of the martial arts, the blood of the life, and the congenital martial arts of the higher realm may even burn the soul.

He was inspired by this, he played a 1-point soul force, but found that he had a water to the stream when he realized it. All the contents can all be enjoyed.

So found out that Chen Lien is mad.

There is no nonsense, Chen Lie bite the rest of all the souls, and the hard-ease will be the first weight of the [Sky] even if it is the past life.

Don't underestimate this is just the first weight.

You must know that [Sky Conformed] can congenital practice, but it is not a general congenital practice method!

Don't say that the two rewards in the day of the Chen Lie District, even if the day after tomorrow, even the war of the day, the war is not necessarily to figure out the Ding point of the congenital practice law.

The original wonderful miracle can be perfect, but unfortunately Chen Lie has no soul.

In the next day, Shu is coming back, with a group of half-big children who are thin enough.

"Young master, old servants come back."

Shu is very rhythmic, and then respectfully guarded the door, waiting for Chen Lie.

Chen Lie decisively stopped cultivation, and Chen went out.

It is a group of dirty in front of you. They are not only thin, but they have lost their expectations for life, and they have no life in life.

They have injuries, some skin is ulter, and some are even two, three years old, in short, there is poly, more acid.

Chen Lie took a back: "Bring the feeding, wait for them to see it!"

"Yes, young master!"

Uncle Mo said, with this group of half a child to the kitchen.


"Can they be my class?"

Chen Lie whispered, and finally he didn't believe it.

His plan is very simple, it is from small to cultivate a group of children who are only loyal to their own.

This idea is very real, and it is also a encounter of his past life. But now it seems that ideals are full, and realistic is very bone.

"Forget it, now I have no soul, I have to make money, if I don't work hard, if you are not hard, you will not only be the mouth of me and the mouth!"

Helpless Chen Lie has left a word to Men, and then only one person, then entered the sky water.

So after ten days.

Chen Lie's wood gun hanging a colorful chicken, and an ear is actually a green rabbit, tired from the forest, appearing in the village of Chi Shui Village.

"Chen Lie Yang Ye!"

"I have seen my grandfather!"

"Young master is good!"

All the red water villagers encountered have been awarded, respectful.

Chen Lie is very high here, the reason is two things:

The first thing is that he came here, and people who saw the entire mountain village were very poor, directly changing the predetermined high-ranking rents.

The second is to share the hunting of the hiking wild boar with everyone, and prove his generosity to everyone.

Chen Lie's meaning was smiling and nodded.

Even if I wait until Chen Lie leaves their sight, they are also talking about Chen Lie's trophy, as well as a reason that may be more powerful than Lin asked Long.

"Cong Gong Welcomes Young Master!"

And when Chen Lie came to the door of his own manor, he was in an instant to welcome countless children.

Chen Lie saw the leader of Mu Shu, praised: "Shu, I didn't expect that only ten days didn't see it, you will train them into qualified families."

Moon did not dare to work, immediately replied: "This is also what they know how to cherish."

"Let's talk about it."

Chen Lie gave things to Mu Shu and came back to the study.

Everything in the study is still the well, and even more than ten books, and some fashionable clothes, it seems to have more tastes.

Shu is in the door, waiting for it.

Chen Lie asked, asked: "Shu, where did you find this boy?"

Uncle Mo said: "Young master, Qingfeng country and our green wood in the game, many people escape from us, some people who can't see the whole family starve to death, children who are not living. I will sell. I I feel that they are quite suitable for the conditions of the young master, so she carefully selected a group of distinctive brought back to the young master. "


Chen Lie didn't expect Miss Shu to use this, and smiled: "What is the leader of them, but talk to me."

Uncle Mo Shi seems to have promised Chen Lie to ask, actually respecting a list of listed information to Chen Lie.


There is a list of birth, family members, family members, roots, and feature, etc., let Chen Lie have a preliminary understanding of everyone.

There is no nonsense, Chen Lie has given a high evaluation of Miss Shu: "It seems that they have a good time these days, starting with new life direction. This is very good, and it is better to cultivate a group of wood people. The helper of the helper. "

Murchen clearly understood Chen Lie's temper and laughed.

Chen Lie was serious and said: "Shu, I will give them a strong bone Dan every person, but also taught the skills of murder, I hope they can make materials as soon as possible."

Shu's brow locked, carefully reminded: "Young master, our money seems to buy so many dead woods."


Chen Lie is mysteriously taken out, and the smile is confident.



"Pharmaceutical Lan?"

Uncle Moon looked at this big famous poisonous grass, and the expression was a bit unnatural.

Obviously, he thought that Chen Lie had to make a bad thing in U.

"Patient heartland grows in a wise marsh, survived to draw the corruption of the swamp, so ..."

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