"Let Bailing be the anchor?"

"Special singing?"

Ren Qing nodded, but always felt that something was wrong.

Chen Lie hesitated: "Now listening to people sing live, the lifestyle of passing the time is very popular, but now beautiful women can sing, uncles can also sing, even little loli can also sing out, the audience is a bit tired."

Ren Qing added: “It’s too troublesome to simply order songs on site, and there are too many songs that Braun has to learn.”

"Bai Ling will be able to sing a few songs in one live broadcast."

"After all, it is just a lark."

"Hey, talent is a headache."

Chen Lie started to have a headache.

Ren Qing was also lost in thought.

Open singing live broadcasts alone, and only sing a few songs for such a long time, even if they are fresh, the popularity will naturally dissipate over time.

But this is the limit of Braun.

Is it possible that Braun can grow human internal organs and sing like humans for a few hours?

Gu Xiaoyu is weak: "Since mere singing can't support it, why not bid for singing?"

The eyes of Chen Lie and Ren Qing suddenly lit up.

Feeling the scorching eyes of the two, Gu Xiaoyu boldly said: "We can use the audition method, one is the local tyrants to buy money to order songs, the other is the ordinary fan vote, and the other is the boss brother's choice."

"Yes, good advice."

Ren Qing looked at Gu Xiaoyu appreciatively.

Inspired by Gu Xiaoyu, continue to say: "If we use the next day to sing and select songs, we will have sufficient preparation time. Bailing does not even need to live broadcast independently, but directly conduct combined live broadcasts with the boss brother."


"Sing the next day, so you only need to learn a few songs."

"In this way, the pressure of Bailing is compressed to a completely bearable range."

Chen Lie became more excited as he talked, and his thoughts continued to expand: "Moreover, my recent live broadcast has reached a bottleneck. After all, I always ask pets to perform, and the audience will soon be aesthetically tired. "

Ren Qing said happily: "Now with the two points of Bailing, A Lie can relax a lot, and the popularity of the live broadcast room can not only be maintained, but also new growth points can appear."

"Then it is decided."

Chen Lie is an owner who cares about pets.

Now there is a way to get the best of both worlds, how can it be rejected.


"But we have to make some preparations."

Ren Qing echoed: "We'd better test the limits of Braun first, and then see which style Braun is best at, and how many languages ​​can be sung. In short, we must take precautions."


"The audience's requirements for the anchor are much higher than before."

Chen Lie remembered the bitterness of some singing anchors, and said helplessly: “The former anchors can sing pop songs. Now the anchors must not only be proficient in various styles of Chinese songs, but also have to sing English and Cantonese songs. The higher one has to be able to sing animated original songs."

Such demanding requirements are almost treating the anchor as a repeater.

Ren Qing's concerns are not unreasonable.

"Bailing, you have to come on."

"If you behave well, I will give you your favorite fruit."

Chen Lie gently combed Bai Ling's beautiful feathers.

It cried happily.

At the time of purchase, the system store clearly explained the many characteristics and hobbies of Bailing, so Chen Lie did not worry about the issue of favorability.

"Without further ado, let's start the simplest test now."

Ren Qing acted vigorously and started immediately.

Pet: Teana Braun

Owner: Chen Lie

Sex: female

Lineage: Bailing

Name: Bailing

Age: 9 months (lifespan is 5 times that of ordinary Braun)

Occupation: Musician

Specialty: Nature, learning tongue

Personality: lively

Hobbies: Music and singing

This is the detailed attributes of Teana Braun.

If you want to know more in-depth, you have to use the system to check.

When Chen Lie saw Bai Ling's specialty, he immediately thought that the combination of Tianlai + Learning Tongue seemed to be able to sing beautiful human songs, so he bit his teeth and bought it.

And now.

Chen Lie was extremely satisfied with this decision.

Tried for a day today.

Not only Chen Lie, but Ren Qing and the others were all fascinated by Bai Ling's sound of nature.

"do it again?"

Ren Qing listened intently.

After the song was over for a long time, she just regained her senses, but her thoughts were still unfinished.

Chen Lie looked at Bai Ling and shook his head and said, "No, it has been practiced for a long time today and cannot continue. If it goes on, it will hurt the throat, I can't bear it."

"I can't bear it either."

Ren Qing has regarded Bailing as a singer who has just been excavated. She is looking forward to this singer becoming a popular singer in the country and even the world. How can she be willing to hurt her throat now?

"Come and eat fruit."

Ren Qing broke the fruit he bought, and gave it a little bit to Bailing.

But Bai Ling looked at Chen Lie obediently.

Seems to be waiting for Chen Lie's approval.

"Eat it."

Chen Lie couldn't describe Bailing's well-being.

Although it was a day of tossing today, Bailing's favorability for Chen Lie was only 80 points.

But Bailing is born with a unique spirituality, and everything is directed towards Chen Lie.

This made Ren Qing and the others jealous again.

But helpless.

This is the case with Fierce Jiaohu, the same is true for A Bao, and the same is true for Xiao Hei, even Bailing is now like this.

They are all numb.

"Well, toss around Bailing."

"Tell me about the store."

Chen Lie looked at Liu Yifeng with a tired face and asked, "Is it very tired today?"

"Boss, I'm sorry."

Liu Yifeng suddenly burst into tears.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie was depressed instead.

Liu Yifeng said: "The number of customers entering the store today is at least half less than the previous few days, and I only sell one pet."

"Without fan group buying, the reduction in passenger flow is reasonable."

"But even if it is reduced by half, a few days ago, there were about 10 transactions every day. Why is there a sharp drop in the remaining one today?"

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