Less than an hour after the announcement of Shark Live, Shark Live updated an announcement, and it was still a very naughty announcement:

We don’t know why the video played by Shark Live deliberately misses the 01-second audio, but we guess that too many people have been digging by Shark Live recently, which has caused a shortage of funds and even embezzled funds for machine upgrades in the background.

Therefore, we are very strong in the painstaking efforts of Shark Live, and incidentally made a video of Gao Yin brother, oh yes, Gao Yin brother, we suspect that you are also phoning...


"I didn't expect the technicians of Shark Live to be so naughty!"

Ren Qing and the other three women laughed miserably.

It is estimated that the shark live broadcast has been beaten up so fast.

The fact is also true.

In the shark live broadcast company that is determined to broadcast the shark, even the name is very specific.

He changed his usual style and forced the hype, surrounded by a grey-faced agent, as well as the promotion minister and the legal affairs minister of Shark Live.

The agent asked: "Look, you said it must be successful, but now it's like this?"

This agent is from Polestar Entertainment.

Just like Brother Jiu’s agent.

If Gao Yinge declines this time, then his agent as an agent will either be labelled as "bad" or be given the title of "catastrophe". At that time, he will definitely be unlucky and even unable to mix in the entertainment industry.

So he must share the glory and disgrace with Gao Yin, so he must advance and retreat together.

The Minister of Justice replied: "This is a reasonable response. If Shark Live does not respond to us, we should be worried."

"You didn't seem to say that before."

The agent put on the big name Polestar Entertainment and said: "Do you think I am young and better fooled?"

The promotion minister replied: "We made a mistake, but Shark's response this time was really fast, and it killed us by surprise."


Gao Yinge shouted: "We are now a coalition of interests. We should not be here to wrestle with each other and shirk responsibility. I just want to know how to use this opportunity safely."

He focused on the word [safety].

10 million!

He is not the kind of money madman like Brother Jiu.

All his net worth in recent years is just this number.

"Given the degree of protection they provide to the pet brother, relying on those little tricks can't toss the storm."

The Minister of Law thought carefully and analyzed: "So I think our main energy is still on the lark."

Gao Yin asked: "Are you sure that the smartest bird in the world can't sing human songs completely?"

"Very sure!"

"Extremely sure!"

One sentence from the two departments seemed extremely confident.

Even the agent said: "I also asked the experts before, they all said that Bailing's ability to learn tongue is strong enough to cheat, and said that there is no such thing as a lark in this world."

The experts they said were right.

But the problem is that Bailing is not an earth creature, but a genetically modified super pet in the future.

The judgments of these experts must die prematurely.

By the way, he pitted this group of people to grandma's house.

"So many experts have given such firm judgments, then I can rest assured."

At this point, Gao Yin brother completely affirmed that Bailing was [false singing], so he said: "Then we have to use this point to counterattack back. Didn't they threaten us with 10 million yuan? We can do the opposite and let them I lost my wife and broke down."

Brother Gao Yin could not control his emotions when he thought of taking this opportunity to make a fortune.

"Why go back?"

"Let them lose the madam and break the soldiers?"

The two ministers were dumbfounded.

Gao Yinge said, "Don’t they want us to pay 10 million yuan? Then we will bet with them. If they can let us prove that we are singing in public, then we will pay 10 million yuan; but if they can’t prove, Then they will compensate us 10 million in turn."

"On gambling?"

The promotion minister seized this selling point in an instant, and said excitedly: "Such a big gambling is simply unprecedented in the live broadcast industry. Such a good gimmick will definitely make you very popular!"

The Minister of Justice also squeezed his chin and echoed: "There is indeed a possibility of a big fire, but the procedures are more troublesome, but it can be solved."

"Then do it now."

The Minister of Promotion said: "Shark Live is on the opposite building, and you can go over and sign a gambling agreement with them now. Anyway, in this society, gambling agreements are already very common, and the legal aspects are completely tenable."

The Shark CEO’s hatred of Shark Live is direct and clear.

This is not only reflected in the name of the live broadcast platform, but also the office location of Shark Live.

Because the headquarters of Shark Live is just across from Shark Live, it's a complete arena.

But this time it was cheaper to sign the gambling agreement.

"it is good!"

"You continue to provoke the shark live broadcast."

The Minister of Justice finally made a final decision: "When they are impatient, I will come directly to the door, so that it will be foolproof."

The other three nodded together.

The matter is finalized like this.

A few hours later, a 10 million yuan gambling agreement was established.

Both parties handed over to the notary office for stamping.

This was not only an uproar in the live broadcast industry, but also shocked other areas of the Internet.

The popular news feeds, the key promotion of Weibo and other channels all broadcast this famous anti-counterfeiting news for the first time.

That night.

The live broadcasts of Brother Pet and Brother Gao Yin have not yet started.

The respective rooms were full of spectators who came to watch the game.

Various comments also appeared.

"Haha, finally someone beat Pet Brother's fake, the sky is open!"

"Did you take medicine upstairs?"

"Ignore that person upstairs. He just ran out. The car that tied him back is on the road."

"What's the matter with the pet brother? Is the pet brother your father or your grandfather, so protect him?"

"That is, there is no such kind of throat bird in this world, it is completely unscientific. If it is not a fake singing, I will eat shit live!"

This is when the queen drove up and appeared: "I remember your words..."

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