"The facts are not difficult."

Chen Lie asked: "Do you know what the smartest bird is in this world?"

Liu Yifeng replied without thinking, "Parrot!"


"Bailing is not a parrot!"

Liu Yifeng thought of Bailing quickly, but changed his mind again.

In her eyes, Bailing's wisdom is similar to that of humans, and it is definitely the smartest bird in the world.

However, this is only due to the influence of the sound of nature, which makes the judgment fuzzy.

In fact, Bailing's intelligence is similar to that of Abao.

Otherwise, Bailing would have been able to communicate with Chen Lie quickly.

"Not a parrot."

"It's not a lark bird."

Chen Lie reminded: "You forgot the stories you often heard when you were young?"


Liu Yifeng's thoughts did not turn around for a while.

"a crow drinks water."

"That's just a fairy tale, okay?"

Chen Lie reminded that Liu Yifeng shook his head to win back.

"Well, let me change to a scientific example."

Chen Lie organized a speech, and then explained: "So far, many studies have found that the smartest bird in the world is not the parrot that most people imagine, nor is it the eagle at the top of the food chain, but it looks Very ordinary crow."


Liu Yifeng still didn't believe it.

"Don't make a fuss about this, because crows have a much higher brain utilization rate than other birds."

"Even, Crow's intelligence is so high that it is innovative and can use tools."

Chen Lie saw Liu Yifeng's unbelieving expression, and smiled: "Don't rush to deny it. Think back to the animal world and documentaries when you were a child. Have you ever seen a crow biting a stone and hitting a nut shell."

Liu Yifeng thought for a while and nodded.

Chen Lie told another story: "In Japan, the wisdom of Japanese crows is well known throughout the world. At the crossroads near a university in Japan, there are often crows waiting for the red light to arrive. When the red light is on, the crow will hold on to it. The walnut flew to the ground and put the walnut under the tire of the car parked on the road. When the traffic light turned green and the car crushed the walnut, the crows hurried to fly to the ground again for a good meal."

Liu Yifeng's mouth turned into an O shape.

"So never underestimate the IQ of birds."

Chen Lie concluded with a sentence.


Liu Yifeng worried and asked, "Will you find a crow for the rich second generation?"

"how is this possible."

"I'm just giving an example of how smart birds are. It's not difficult to find smart birds."

Chen Lie finally waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you don't need to pay attention to this. I will keep these little parrots for a while before selling them."


Liu Yifeng didn't understand, but he knew not to think about those complicated things.

Chen Lie carried the bird cage to the paradise.

Chen Lie smiled knowingly when he looked at A Bao and the fierce tiger who were basking in the sun.

Especially Abao's super cute sleeping face made Chen Lie have the urge to take pictures.

The silver leopard, who was drinking water, walked towards the bamboo forest leisurely. Its actions have gradually become normal, making Chen Lie's smile happier.

As for Bailing and Blue Crown, these two guys didn't know where they flew to steal the fruit. The most likely thing was to steal the fruit that A Bao had hidden.

This game has been staged several times.

At this time.

A Bao, whose sleeping face was intriguing, suddenly turned over.


A bag under its belly was exposed.

This is not Chen Lie's future pet food, 10 fans are worth a bag, ready to be used as training bait high-end pet food.

"I go!"

"Damn Bao, you stole it again!"

Chen Lie almost ran over, pressing A Bao on the ground and rubbing vigorously.



The exchange of the little parrot brought Chen Lie back to his senses.

"I will settle accounts with you later."

Chen Lie closed the door and set aside the special bird cage.

Then put the dried fruit on the tree ring, and the other one carefully took out the little parrot.

"Little parrot, don't run around."

"Otherwise, if you are discovered by the fierce tiger, you will lose a few hairs lightly."

Chen Lie gave a few warnings, and started to meditate regardless of whether the little parrot could listen.

He had a blueprint before.

Because of Bailing and Blue Crown, especially for the Blue Crown, he specially studied the strengthening potions for birds in the system mall.

To strengthen ordinary birds into super pets, such potions are naturally available, and they are still on sale.

The hot-selling bird enhancement potion can not only strengthen the overall quality of the bird, but also give the bird a little special ability, such as faster speed or stronger attack power.

But this kind of medicine is worth more than 1,000 fans, how can Chen Lie be willing.

"It's a wise bird for everything else."

"At the most, it is just a little bit more able to learn tongue, so that the parrot can listen to his orders and curse."

Chen Lie knew how to do it after analyzing the specific needs that didn't work out.

Tongue-learning potion (Elementary), a special potion that allows ordinary birds to have the ability to learn the tongue, which is worth 333 fan points.

Use 333 fan points to make a deal.

Chen Lie was not stupid enough yet.

He didn't bother to look at these undiscounted gadgets and directly opened the obsolete items that had been sealed up.

The swear word potion is a genetic potion modified from a parrot gene that can only sing 20 songs and is far more intelligent than ordinary birds.

It's a pity that there was a little mistake in the development of this medicine, which caused the birds to like swear words after injection, and they can learn swear words easily; and the swear words medicine can only make the bird's wisdom reach the level of human beings of 3 or 4 years old. The effect was not very good, and eventually it was unsalable and quickly withdrew from the market.

And it's not just its price that makes Chen Lie pay attention to it.

And its dosage.

Before the swear word medicine exited the market, it made a jedi flutter:

Super large volume promotion.

Each bottle of potion is enough to take and upgrade 10 little parrots.

But where ordinary families need such a large portion, there is no difference between 1 serving and 10 servings.

So the dying struggle of the swear word potion still did not save it.

"10 points worth of fans is a big bottle, I bought it!"

"Nothing works anyway..."

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