The pet king of the city

Chapter 181: Arrogance

Chen Lie was deeply skeptical.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Old Li, but he is very jealous of A Bao's ability to focus.

It seems that every trip, wherever arrangements are so good, A Bao can arouse large-scale onlookers.

But Lao Li does have special experience.

This is not.

He asked Abao to drive a toy sports car, and then through the passage arranged by the Food City, he took Chen Lie directly to the backstage of the judges of the Food Festival.

Apart from the judges in the background, there are the staff.

Rao is so, still aroused small-scale onlookers.

"Panda Abao!"

"The Food City actually invited Panda Abao! That's amazing!"

Many judges and staff gathered around.

"Please restrain yourself."

"Don't scare the panda."

As soon as Lao Li's dissatisfaction appeared, the owner of the Food City immediately stood up.

After all, the judges had seen the market. After the surprise, they naturally maintained the most basic politeness and chatted with Chen Lie without saying a word.

But those employees can't restrain themselves.

Many people quietly ran to A Bao, and while bribes with fruits, they asked for co-production.

A Bao originally liked fresh fruit.

Even if it can't eat so much, it would rather take it than miss it.

Naturally, many photos were taken together.

Many of them are cute photos of it eating fruits.

"Old Li, where is the Japanese cook you said?"

Chen Lie hasn't forgotten the business.

Old Li pointed to a surveillance TV.

The owner of the food city immediately ordered: "Adjust the sound of the scene and capture the scene of the Japanese cook as much as possible."

Several successive monitoring screens are dominated by the Japanese chef.

This is a Japanese cook who is not very tall but has very flexible hands.Because he couldn't see his face for the time being, Chen Lie wasn't able to make specific judgments yet.

Li Lao explained: "His name is Saburo Tobe, the chef of a famous Japanese gourmet brand in Pengcheng. It is said that his master is the emperor of Japanese ramen."

Chen Lie didn't bother to care about the emperor of Ramen, and asked, "This time it is Oriental cuisine. It has nothing to do with him, right?"

"His shop is just across from the Food City."

Lao Li gave a simple reminder and explained the core reason.

"It's kind of a disaster."

Chen Lie shook his head and asked, "But he is also a disciple of a top chef. Is it possible that with so many chefs in the Food City, each one can handle the other?


Old Li smiled bitterly: "You really overestimate the chefs in Food City."

"Old Li, let me explain."

The owner of the Food City stood up bitterly and explained: “Although our Food City focuses on local flavors, they are just ordinary chefs who have mastered the local characteristics, at most the level of a three- or four-star hotel chef. This Tobe Saburo is a standard five-star chef."

Lao Li added: "And this Hube Saburo is very smart, knowing that there is a specialization in the art industry, so he only accepts the challenge of pasta and beef."


Chen Lie understood.

Saburo Tobe, who is powerful and knows how to measure himself, sees that there is no strong and well-known chef in the food city here, and he has come to step on the market.

If you step on the face of Food City, their business will naturally be better.

The plan is rough.

But it works.


"How? Anything else to say?"

This is Saburo Tobe in the surveillance picture with a laugh: "Of the 20 randomly selected tourists, only 3 think your steak is delicious. The remaining 17 are on my side. Are you still not convinced?"

"damn it."

"He is hyping himself again."

The owner of the Food City couldn't help but see the flashing light, and couldn't help but get a headache.

This Tobe Saburo understands self-hype.

When I came here with great fanfare, I also invited more media.

If things are not done, the reputation of their Food City will plummet.

"So many people can't suppress a Japanese."

"What a shame."

Ren Qing couldn't help but blame.

Although she knew it was not a sin, she couldn't help being angry.

Anyone can lose, but you can't lose to the Japanese.

"very angry?"

Chen Lie smiled and looked at Ren Qing.

Ren Qing asked, "Aren't you angry?"

"I'm going to vent your anger."

Although Chen Lie's culinary skills have many indirect comparisons, there is no direct culinary comparison.

It's good to be able to abuse the Japanese now.

The restaurant owner asked, "Mr. Chen is going to persuade the Japanese?"


Chen Lie's face immediately curled up with contempt.

The restaurant owner said: "Mr. Chen is an authority on pets, but for food..."

He did not go on, but the meaning was clear.

"Don't say more if you don't understand."

Mr. Li quickly brought back the restaurant owner.

What he fears most is that Chen Lie will not make a move.

As for the consequences, he didn't know much about it, but when he thought that Abao even disliked the five-star hotel chef at Music Beach, but never forgot Chen Lie's food, he regained a lot of confidence.


The Food City owner is struggling a bit.

He is now trying his best to invite chefs from other hotels over to help. Someone has already replied to him, but he didn't talk about it because of the high appearance, so he didn't want to make a difference at this moment.


Chen Lie didn't intend to consult him at all.

He came directly to the food festival scene.

"smell good."

"This is the taste of fried peanuts, but fried peanuts are generally used for wine. What is this for?"

Chen Lie did not go to Saburo Tobe directly, but followed the fragrance to the transparent window.

"It turned out to be this."

What Chen Lie saw was a Chaoshan snack.

Called Jiao Luo Qian.

It is actually an improved version of glutinous rice cake.

Make it into a big dumpling shape.

It is slightly sweet and sticky. The most important thing is to sprinkle with sesame seeds and fried peanuts. The taste is very special.

The kind that is soft when bitten, sweet and fragrant, and has a little sesame fragrance, which tastes very distinctive.


"No one else?"

"Isn't there any great food country that can convince me?"

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