The pet king of the city

Chapter 190: Finally Full of Favorability

The most important thing is that Chen Lie feels that it is not the time because the culprit has not been taken seriously.

The Tourism Bureau of Mount Emei hasn't noticed the sudden changes in the monkeys, all because of the white monkey, which is a super pet.

The monkeys suddenly became addicted to alcohol, and then attacked human commissaries and hotels for the sake of alcohol, which eventually led to the security of the mountains.

It all started from the moment the white monkey appeared.


Chen Lie's super pet monkey this time is the culprit.

"what are you thinking about?"

Ren Qing nodded Chen Lie, and asked, "I think so intently, is there something tricky here?"

"Nothing tricky."

Chen Lie said: "It's just that they haven't discovered the mystery yet. When they discover it, they will have more headaches."

Ren Qing said in surprise: "Now they are all overwhelmed. Isn't it the time for the most headache?"


"They haven't found the master, there are opportunities for headaches."

Chen Lie took the initiative to switch the topic: "Forget it, let's not continue this topic, let's talk about the live broadcast."

Speaking of live broadcasts, Chen Lie maintained his popular line of business, and Ren Qing immediately became serious.

Chen Lie asked, “Now Braun’s singing takes up a lot of time, and I don’t have to spend my time to let the pets perform shows every day. However, I have a bit of opinion about the noisy food cooking recently.”

Ren Qing asked, "Isn't this topic depressed?"

Chen Lie said: "I want to share the delicious food I made with fans of the lucky draw."

"good idea."

Gu Xiaoyu supported: "This way fans will feel that Brother Lie cares about them. And they will have enough enthusiasm to follow Brother Lie's food show."

"It's a kind of heart."

"But I always feel a bit superfluous."

Ren Qing thought about it, and soon she shook her head and said, "If you are like this, you might as well give tea with a lottery. The tea is yours only, and it's not as inconvenient as food. It can be done directly with the simplest express delivery."

Chen Lie was heartbroken: "Moreover, you can work with your parents to save time."

Gu Xiaoyu continued with his thoughts: "The most important thing is that we can set more lottery slots, so that fans have a more active sense of participation."

"good idea!"

"We sell it to my parents and give it to fans."

"One thing three uses."

Ren Qing said that the more excited he was, he almost wished to operate immediately.

Chen Lie is also a straightforward person.

Think of it and put it into action immediately.

"Unknowingly the history of this city has memorized your smile

The blue sky in the red heart is the beginning of life

You never sleep in the spring rain

You never sleep overnight in the spring rain, you used to sleep alone."

Sing a song.

The familiar rocket did not rise, and the live broadcast room was silent.

a long time.

Finally, a curious fan asked: "Are the old songs so flavorful? Listening to this song, I seem to have returned to that era of regret and coldness."

"I used to laugh at those who sing and listen to old songs, thinking that they are all old antiques. Only when I came to the live broadcast room I realized that the classics are classics because they have feelings."

Two consecutive fans who showed their true feelings.

Rekindle the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

The local tyrant who has the deepest feelings even brought these two sentences out with rockets to make more people feel.

"The classics are classics because they can resonate with the soul."

"The reason why imprints are imprints is because they represent an era."

Chen Lie also said a few thoughts.

"Big Brother Pet reveals his true feelings!"

"It turns out that Brother Pet is also a gifted man!"

"It's rare to see such a sentimental side of Brother Pet, I like it so hard to control it."

"Bailing, you have worked hard!"

"Okay, Braun will take a break, and I will host it next."

Chen Lie returned to the main camera.

He took out a secret candied fruit made with queen bee honey and sent it to Bailing.

"Candied fruit, delicious!"

"This is the best gift."

Bailing happily said two thoughtful words, which made Chen Lie very happy.

But what makes Chen Lie more happy is the following system prompt:

"Ding, congratulations to your pet-Bailing's favorability for you has increased by 1 point, reaching full marks."

"Because Bailing is a super pet, you have inspired a hidden trait: sharing of specialties!"

The system's voice is no longer as cold as before, this time it is very emotional, as if the system is also happy.

This is obviously a situation where the system's intelligence level has increased.

Chen Lie has understood.

The higher the customer's level in the mall, the higher the service quality of the system, which means that it is more humane and caring.

The corner of Chen Lie's mouth curled up leisurely.

You know he has coveted the specialty of Bailing for a long time.

Sound of nature.

The sound of heaven!

After getting, Chen Lie can also become a god of song.

Those who are too far away, let alone live broadcast can have huge room for tact, no longer as single as before.

Although Bailing's full score of favorability came very slowly, it was purely accumulated bit by bit.

But this made Chen Lie cherish even more.

"Bailing, thank you very much."

Chen Lie touched Bai Ling quietly.

Bailing echoed his head and wiped Chen Lie's forehead.

This scene of the Lord's kindness and filial piety has warmed many fans, especially those female fans.

"Oh, my god, what happened to my pet brother today? How did it warm up like this?"

"No, I will be melted by my pet brother."

"Don't! Come here, I promise to melt you!"

Female fans have expressed their intention to occupy Chen Lie.

It has become the target of many male fans in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Gu Xiaoyu invited Bailing out.

By the way, give it a drink that can replenish energy and restore your voice.


Chen Lie suddenly started a new topic: "I have an interesting limited-time small event here, as long as it is a subscribed fan can participate, the prize is very rich."

"What's the reward?"

It's okay to let the rocket come quickly, and immediately use the rocket to question.

"What's the reward?"

This sentence immediately dominates the screen.

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