The pet king of the city

Chapter 564 Live Broadcast Nap

In the midst of Chen Lie's scolding, he picked a hand out of the bush with a branch, and then reached directly in front of the camera.


This is a skeleton hand, not very scary yet.

"Brother Pet is funny!"

"Brother Pet, you are terrified of my sister, you have to compensate."

"Guys upstairs, I'll take care of your sister, you go to the Sahara Desert to find a pet brother to settle the account."

"I envy those who have sister papers, and by the way make a wave of marriage advertisements: I am 20 years old, and I have a house (adobe house) and a car (motorcycle) at home. Formally..."

The severe crooked building made Chen Lie smile leisurely.

"Close to the subject."

Chen Lie said: "The reason why I am so surprised is because of this."

Chen Lie spread out his left hand and revealed a ring.

"A windfall!"

"You have a share!"

"Brother Pet, is this a bitter and happy?"

"It's just a gold ring."

"If there are gems on it, then it is valuable. Now, you can get it for a few thousand dollars."

Fans are so envious.

Of course, everyone is not jealous, after all, it is just a gold ring.

Chen Lie smiled and said, "The point is not its value. Look at the imprint on it. Is it the same as the imprint on the tortoise shell and the mural here?"

"It really is!"

"That means-this ring is antique."

"And it's still a super antique for thousands of years!"

The fans were surprised, and they all looked at Chen Lie in surprise.

Chen Lie seems to have a relationship with Antique every time.

The fish intestine sword in the Hengduan Mountains, the gold ornaments of the Inca Serpent Temple in the Amazon jungle, and now they are Egyptian antiques. Such luck is really a bit scary.

However, if they knew that Chen Lie had gained much more than it seemed, they would be even more shocked and envious.

"I see the lines on the top, and I suspect that it is the same as the tortoise shell, pointing to the legendary Nile family."

"How do you say it?"

"The lines on this side are finer and seem to be more accurate."

Chen Lie put the ring away as he spoke.

This is an antique and an important indicator.

He just identified it with the help of the system, and it has a few more coordinates than the black tortoiseshell.

at least.

There are coordinates of the ruins in this little ring.

And according to the coordinate display.

Chen Lie is not far from his destination.

This is undoubtedly good news.

"Well, I have to take a break after dealing with the poisonous snake."

"In such hot weather, I'd better choose to drive in the evening or even at night, so as to reduce the consumption of drinking water and the occurrence of heat stroke and other symptoms."

Chen Lie was really simple.

Begin to mutilate the poisonous snake.

After dealing with the poisonous snake, Chen Lie buried all those that could not be used.

In the end, the live broadcast was not turned off, so I rested.

After a while, there was a uniform breathing sound.

"Sleeping so easily? It's 6!"

"A certain anchor live broadcasts a nap, with a monthly income of 10 million!"

"It seems that Pet Brother is really tired, otherwise he wouldn't sleep so fast!"

"Let the pet brother rest. Let's go away first."

"No, I'm here to help Pet Brother stare at the screen, and be careful of poisonous snakes and scorpions."


Amidst the many discussions, the popularity of the live broadcast room has indeed seen a lot of loss.

But there are still more than 4 million online.

This is the shark live broadcast, which Ren Qing and the others could not estimate.

President Hu of Shark Live said with a smile: "beauties have been sleeping on live broadcast before, but where is such popularity and viscosity!"

Qin Tiancheng questioned: "Could it be on the phone?"

President Hu asked, "What does it matter? The data is here. There is no water. Who can refute it."

Qin Tiancheng was speechless.

President Hu said: "We really want to expand and need more financing. Pet brother will stage thrilling wilderness live broadcasts one after another, but it has gathered enough popularity for us. Popularity is the life of the live broadcast platform. Now our vitality is the most vigorous. Of it."


Under Chen Lie's glory, Shark Live not only regained its vitality, but also regained its glory as the No. 1 live broadcast platform.

At this moment, many people are optimistic about Shark Live and want to invest in Shark Live.

As for the former shareholders who abandoned Shark Live, their bowels are now blue with regret.

Speaking of financing, Qin Tiancheng asked: "Boss, we are developing so well now and we are not short of funds. Why are we still expanding financing?"

President Hu replied: "Shark live broadcast cannot be done forever. We need to expand to a broad platform, and to cross fields, we must have sufficient funds."

Qin Tiancheng asked, "Will this dilute Brother Pet's shares?"


President Hu replied: "But if Brother Pet can come up with enough cash, he can not only secure the original shares, but also increase the shareholding ratio!"

Qin Tiancheng looked at President Hu with a sigh.

If this is the case, it is estimated that if you tell it to others, you will be happy in all likelihood.

But Qin Tiancheng is an insider and knows the secrets.

Even President Hu, who had lost a lot of relationships, couldn't collect enough cash and had to dilute his shares to expand the platform's strength.

Not to mention Chen Lie.

But they were wrong, very wrong.

The last thing Chen Lie lacks is cash flow.

His party in the Southwest Broken Soul Mountain Range allowed him to reap a lot of wealth.

The treasure hunt in the Amazon jungle has allowed him to reap astronomical wealth.

The recent overseas trip also has extremely terrible gains.

Than cash flow.

Chen Lie is estimated to be able to kill 99% of the rich in China.

President Hu's plan this time is destined to become Chen Lie's wedding gown to completely control the shark live broadcast.


"So comfortable!"

"It's been a long time since I slept such a long nap."

Chen Lie stretched his waist and said to the camera: "Besides being thirsty now, I am very energetic. But I am not worried because I will have water to drink next."

"I do not believe!"

"Could someone give you water to drink?"

The hardcore fans waiting in front of the computer responded to Chen Lie as soon as possible.

"Do not believe?"


Chen Lie moved his hand and brought the camera to the sandpit dug before.

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