The pet king of the city

Chapter 569 Survival in the desert is all learning

"The descendant of the Northwest Tiger Shape Fist? What the hell is coming?"

"Another crazy guy!"

For such people, the live studio is no stranger.

Chen Lie has more than 18 million subscribers, and naturally there has been a lot of scum.

And this descendant of the northwest tiger-shaped boxing is not an outrageous figure, just blind to show off.

He also didn't want to think about Chen Lie's identity.

Not to mention that Chen Lie is not a person in the martial arts world, even if he is, he will not accept such a challenge indiscriminately.

This type of challenge is the most endless.

He won't pick it up until his head is pretty funny.

"Nice food."

Chen Lie looked at the two bodies with a smile.

He also said: "Look, everyone, the blood and the wolf corpse have lured out the small poison hidden in this piece of weathered rock."

A big black scorpion got out of the gap under the weathered rock.

Then a gerbil came out.

There are also a few very small animals.

All moved by the wind.

"If it were before, I would really be hungry to eat them."

"But now."

Chen Lie proudly said: "With these two jackals, I don't need to worry about food for at least two days. Of course, this will still not degenerate at that time.

"We know that you double kill in one second, but don't you be too happy?"

"Brother Pet, don't pretend to be forced, and get rid of those poisonous insects quickly."

"That's right, everything we saw was terrifying, and you can still talk about it. I really admire your nerves."

The live broadcast room is speechless.

Those seemingly disgusting poisonous insects, especially small insects, wrap around the wolf carcass like flies, and the scene is extremely nauseous.

"Alright, alright, I will clean it up now."

"I don't want to rest with these disgusting things either."

Chen Lie lazily brought a stone.


Smash like crazy!

How could those poisonous insects escape Chen Lie's poisonous hands.

Even if the gerbil gave up food and escaped for the first time, it still could not escape the flying stone attack.

He was smashed on the spot and his head blossomed.

Chen Lie pulled out his dagger.

Splashes of blood spilled all over the floor.

"These blood is also the best source of water, but unfortunately I have enough drinking water now, there is no need to repeat it."

"All I need to do now is to dispose of the wolf corpse, and then hurry up."

"I'm not talking nonsense, start working!"

Chen Lie then put the live footage aside and began to dismember his work quickly.

The two jackals are not pregnant or planning to breed offspring, but are really hungry.

The starving beast is really hard to measure with common sense.

Perhaps these two jackals are the final disaster.

Chen Lie went very smoothly.

After processing the wolf meat and collecting the wolf skins, he drove the road crazy for 3 hours.

Until he was tired and cold.

As a result, he encountered a large area of ​​severely weathered mountain walls.

Also found a gerbil inhabiting a large crevice in the middle of 3 meters high.

Finally, Chen Lie drove away the gerbils, and a magpie nest came to occupy it.

"Although that gerbil is a bit pitiful, I didn't kill it because it was its greatest luck."

"Besides, I just occupy its home."

Chen Lie is phrasing his actions.

"Why choose here?"

Chen Lie simply replied: "Because it is high here, it is difficult for general poisons to enter. Secondly, there are relatively few poisonous insects in the places where gerbils inhabit and move; especially the most threatening snakes, which are the natural enemies of gerbils. It means there are no poisonous snakes."

"Choose a place to spend the night and be so particular about it, it's really hard for my pet brother."

The words "it's okay to put the rockets" speaks out the aspirations of countless people.

"Okay, I start to rest."

"Tomorrow, as soon as it breaks, I have to go on, good night everyone."

Chen Lie remained the same and did not turn off the live broadcast.

Because it makes sense.

Although the place he chose is very good, it cannot be ruled out that hungry animals suddenly do things contrary to common sense.

The two jackals have repeatedly broken common sense before, aren't they driven by hunger?

And he opened a live broadcast.

If he really fell asleep, the friends hiding in the live broadcast room would definitely call to remind him.

Isn't this tantamount to preventive measures in disguise?

It's okay to put the rocket and said: "Pet brother, please sleep at ease, we will take turns to help you stare. Your place is close to the early morning, our sun is high."

Others also said they would stare.

The same is true for Ren Qing and the others.

As for the topic of live sleep, it is naturally the direction of many people's moles.

And in the east.

In a tofu brain shop known as the No. 1 in the East.

Inheriting a century-old family handicraft, he once cooked tofu delicacies and tofu brains for many leaders in Zhongnanhai, and was named the owner of the tofu chef, nervously watching the tasters in front of him.

How can He De here be hailed as the number one in the East?

Now, you can see the long dragon over 50 meters at the door.

And on the side of the shop road.

Ghost Chef took a bite of tofu brain imports.

Tofu Yuchu and others looked at Ghost Chef nervously.

They all know that Ghost Chef is now the king of Huaguo chefs and the number one rival in the oriental food world.

Since yesterday, this guy has stepped on several famous specialty food shops at home and abroad, and their shop is the fourth.


"This tofu brain is very fresh and tender."

Ghost Chef couldn't help nodding, and closed his eyes to enjoy.

However, he finally opened it, looking at the guarded Tofu Yuchu, and applauded: "They are tender and clear, clear and sweet, all just right, and have a slight floral fragrance. Simple and natural, it will make the tofu brain itself The characteristics are brought out to the fullest."

Speaking of this, Ghost Chef concluded: "This tofu is full of flavor and flavor, and it is indeed worthy of the No. 1 reputation in the East."

Tofu Royal Chef sneered: "It's rare to hear your high evaluation of other foods."

Ghost Chef did not accept Tofu Yuchu's provocation and continued his style: "But your tofu brain is not as perfect as everyone praises."

Tofu Yuchu looked surprised.

The other diners also stopped their spoons and listened curiously.

Such a good tofu brain is still flawed, so your mouth is too spooky?

Tofu Yuchu sneered: "Pickled radish has its own advantages. What you don't like does not mean that others don't like it."

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