The pet king of the city

Chapter 572 Oasis of Life

Chen Lie was sent to the old camel with branches full of green leaves.

The old camel was obviously starving.

Don't care what it is, just take half of it in one bite, and then start chewing.

"It's obviously starving."

"Now you can eat everything."

Chen Lie then said: "However, camels have super digestive abilities. They feed on various desert plants such as Haloxylon, Populus euphratica, and Saguaro jujube. They eat almost any plant that grows in deserts and semi-arid areas, and it is hard to swallow. Even saline-alkali plants with slight toxicity can be digested, so you don’t have to worry about it being too old to be digested."

"Congratulations to pet brother for getting another pet."

"Big pet is a big pet after all, no wild animals can escape in your hands."

"Even the Inca snake has to kneel down in front of my pet brother, let alone the mere old camel."

Chen Lie's irons began to flatter unscrupulously.

Chen Lie has no time to pay attention to them now.

He happily communicated with the old camel and checked the old camel's condition by the way.


"The situation of this camel is not optimistic."

"It is too old, so old that all body functions are declining."

Chen Lie said with a sigh: "Moreover, its eyesight has been severely degraded, and what it can see now is not far away. Most of its walking is aided by its not-degraded sense of hearing and smell."

"And he has obviously been hungry for many days and does not have enough physical strength to carry people."

"Next I will not only continue to walk, but also take care of it."

"Things turned upside down instead."

Other people in the desert are all camels helping humans.

Chen Lie is fine now, and in turn takes care of the camel.

It's okay to let the rocket smile and ask: "Pet brother, is this a standard dim eye?"

"Forget it."

That's what Chen Lie said, but he kept going.

It was the same way anyway, and it was fine to bring an old camel.

that's it.

Chen Lie has an extra partner on his journey.

Although this partner is a bit old and a bit pitted.

But overall it is still a good partner.

At least it can help Chen Lie keep out the wind and sand, help Chen Lie locate his direction, and avoid getting lost.

It took another two full hours.

It was almost noon.

"No way."

"There is no water."

Chen Lie looked at the old camel and asked, "Old man, you can help me find a temporary rest. I am tired and thirsty now, and urgently need water supply."


When the old camel saw Chen Lie who had stopped to rest, he turned his head, bit Chen Lie, and kept pulling forward.

"I know I must hurry, but give me a break."

Chen Lie shook his head.

But the old camel was very anxious.

It unexpectedly came behind Chen Lie and arched Chen Lie forward.

"So eager?"

Chen Lie suddenly grasped the key point and asked, "Do you mean that I am already very close to the water source?"

The old camel didn't know what Chen Lie said, and continued to arch Chen Lie forward.

"it is good!"

"I'll hold on again."

Tired Chen Lie gritted his teeth and moved on.

Chen Lie has been walking for a full 6 hours since the dawn of the morning.

If it is in a normal environment, many people can walk for 6 hours without stopping.

But here is the Sahara Desert, the Jedi that consumes countless lives every year.

Walking here for 6 hours is harder than walking for 12 hours in a normal environment.


So it took another half an hour.

Chen Lie gritted his teeth.

His lips were dry enough to penetrate blood.

In order to avoid waste, and to moisturize the soil a little bit, Chen Lie kept the bloodshot from being wasted.

The old camel kept moving forward, looking very anxious.


Chen Lie suddenly noticed that there was a color different from sand in the front rippling like water waves:


Chen Lie saw the long-lost green.

He finally felt the feeling of the lost person in the desert seeing the water source now.

This is a taste of rebirth of the Jedi.

He ran over immediately.

"It's really a plant!"

"I have hope!"

Chen Lie saw that the old camel just took a few bites on the plant and then moved on.

Not long.

He let go of a high sand dune and saw the dune scene:


A real oasis.

break out!

Chen Lie was like exploding seeds, the power of his whole body instantly returned, and he walked away quickly.

The old camel started running a long time ago.

But it still had a conscience, and while running back to look at Chen Lie, it seemed to tell him to run faster with his eyes.

"Audience, I see the oasis!"

"This is a real oasis!"

"Because I just saw the desert reed! This kind of plant can only survive with relatively sufficient water resources!"

Chen Lie yelled wildly and dashed away.

Nearly tens of millions of viewers in the entire live broadcast room were also happy for Chen Lie, and they showed a relieved and pleased smile when they watched the picture of Oasis.

They were worried about Chen Lie just now.

Seeing Chen Lie's painful scene of moisturizing his lips with blood and Chen Lie's almost broken body, they couldn't wait to send water into the computer.

right now.

Finally passed.

The live broadcast room also suddenly set off a crazy gift frenzy.

Everyone applauded for this scene.


"The water is so sweet!"

"If there is heaven in this world, then here is my heaven at this time."

"Those who have not experienced my taste will never be able to feel my current mood."

Chen Lie yelled and shouted loudly.

Now he does not need to save water.

He can drink and play to his heart's content.

But at this time, someone discovered the weirdness of this lake.

Because its shape is a bit like the moon.

It's just that no one noticed this at this time, everyone was watching Chen Lie drinking and playing with water.

A local tyrant suddenly asked: "It's strange, the temperature there is so high, why doesn't the lake dry up?"

"Because this is living water."

Chen Lie, in a good mood, explained: “The endless stream of spring water gushes out of the ground, and the turbulent speed exceeds the evaporation speed, so an oasis is formed. Of course, most of the clear springs in the desert cannot create an oasis. This requires many coincidences."

"Don't talk about it now."

"Look, what did I find?"

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