The pet king of the city

Chapter 592: The Talent of the Wild God Beast

Pet: Earth Eater Bear

Owner: Chen Lie

Sex: male

Lineage: Earth Eater Bear

Name: (not yet named)

Age: 12 months

Level: Level 4 (upgradeable)

Specialty: Devour everything

Personality: Stupid

Preferences: eat, like people who can cook good food, people who prefer to give it food

Dislike: People who waste food


When Chen Lie saw the detailed information about the Devil Bear, he was instantly stunned.

Can't wake up for a long time.

Although Earth Devourer bears only has one talent special product, one is enough.

This is [Eat All Things].

Like the gluttonous gluttonous beast, it can eat everything.

Chen Lie now finally knows why this silly little bear has a "magic" character.

"Does the customer choose to receive it remotely or receive it immediately?"

"Remote it."

"I have troubled so many times anyway, I don't care about this time."

While talking, Chen Lie suddenly thought that he had just returned and his desire to go out was very low. He immediately asked, "System, can you arrange a closer collection?"


A more user-friendly system than before asked: "However, because the customer is in a special country, the distance of remote collection is too close, which will increase the variables. Will the customer continue?"

"carry on."

"It's just a little more variable, I believe the system will handle it."

Chen Lie didn't think this little thing would cause obstacles to the system.

Not to mention how easy it is to adopt a bear with his current status and status.

After all, he has all the breeding qualifications, and other aspects are even better.

It can be said that Chen Lie is more qualified to breed bears than any zoo in China.

"Thank you for your trust."

After the level was raised, the service level of the system was also improved: "Earth Devourer Bear has entered the rhythm of remote collection. Please the host can pick it up at the Pengcheng Customs Containment Center in 1 day and 7 days."

"Pengcheng Customs Containment Center!"

"This time it was really close."

Chen Lie was impressed by the efficiency of the system.

"But raising a bear is not easy."

"At least I need a lot of food every day."

"In the information given by the system, the devourer bear’s food intake is twice that of ordinary bears, and the limit food intake per meal is 10 times that of ordinary bears, and the number of words will increase with the growth of the body. A natural rice bucket."

When Chen Lie said this, he squeezed his chin and muttered: "The system said, the more the Devil Bear eats, the faster the body grows. If the supply is limited, it may only take 1 year to grow into an adult giant. The size of the bear is definitely a problem."

"It seems that the enclosure plan must be carried out in advance."

"If you want land, you have to cash in some moldy things, then you have to talk to everyone."

"I heard that Shark Live has to expand, and I want to add a sum of funds to avoid diluting shares."

"So there is business to communicate."

"And that damn ghost cook is getting bigger and bigger. It has smashed more than 20 signs. Now the food world is full of excitement."

"M's, things seem to be more and more."

Chen Lie counted carefully.

Even if he came back, he didn't have to rest. There were so many things that made him a headache.

But what good is a headache.

Have to face reality, right?

That night.

Super pet shop.

"Thank you Pet Brother for perfection."

"These gems are the best gems we have ever seen."

The gem identification experts of the major local tyrants shook hands with Chen Lie moved and left quickly.

The deal was finalized before, and everyone’s personal relationships were very good, plus the genuine goods at a fair price.

So the transaction went smoothly.

After the deal was reached, everyone's topic also shifted to reality.

For the safety of the gems, they all left immediately.

The super pet shop also quieted down.

Chen Lie just sat like this.

Drinking wine.

Taste the dishes you make yourself.

These are very simple and very common dishes to go with alcohol, but they are made by Chen Lie and have an unusual taste.

But Chen Lie only drinks by himself.

At this time.

A person sat down in front of him.


To be precise, it is a monkey.

If there is wine to drink, how can I lack Bacchus.

With so many strangers just now, it naturally did not want to come.

But now it is different.

It hasn't chatted with Chen Lie alone for a long time.

Although their chat is cumbersome, it does not hinder the communication between them.


Chen Lie asked.

Bacchus pointed around the paradise and said in sign language: "The land in the paradise is not enough."

"There will be."

"It will be there soon."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "It will be too much for you to dislike it."

Bacchus is no nonsense, toast to celebrate.

"Land land, it was a super event in ancient times, and it is not a trivial event in modern times. It is indeed worth celebrating."

Chen Lie responded with a toast.

Chi Chi!

The ghostly squirrel also jumped in, wanting to drink and want to toast.

It likes to join in the excitement.

Ha ha!

This is not Chen Lie's sneer, but the sound like "drinking".

Only A Bao could shout like this.

A Bao is smart enough.

Bring your own collection of dried fruits and put them on the table, which is considered as a part.

"Wow, we can't be less for drinking."

But Bailing and Blue Crown didn't have such awareness and came directly to occupy the position.

The fierce Jiaohu lazily raised his head and ignored it.

Black and Silver Leopard continued their light sleep.

However, Chen Lie became lively.

No feeling of loneliness before.

"You guys."

Although Chen Lie smiled bitterly, he still poured a cup of Lingguo Stuff for Bai Ling and Blue Crown.

This way everyone has a share.


"It's still the best master."

Braun also knows how to flatter.

It used to be very well-behaved. If it weren't blackened, it would definitely be Chen Lie's favorite animal now.

Nor will I think of it until now when I need a live broadcast.

And on the side.

Ren Qing and other 6 women, 4 adults and two children, all looked at Chen Lie and the pets eagerly.

"Sister Qingqing, Brother Lie doesn't seem to need us anymore, what should we do?"

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