Put the condensation machine in the purple bamboo forest.

Zizhu Forest provides the most spiritual environment in Quanpeng City and even the world.

The condensing device collects this spiritual energy, transforms it into fairy condensate, and finally returns to Zizhu in turn.

What a perfect cycle.

Chen Lie is looking forward to what kind of beautiful environment he can recycle.

Early the next morning.

Chen Lie came to the purple bamboo forest that had become a small patch of bamboo and took out the antique container from the dew condensation machine.

"This is Faerie Condensation?"

"How is it like water?"

Chen Lie was puzzled.

He thought it would be the kind of refreshing cyan or colored fairy brew.

But now it looks like water.

"The amount collected is quite a lot, enough to make a dish."

"But it's just one."

Chen Lie thought for a while, and finally chose:

Take a bite.

Chen Lie's body suddenly stiffened.

It wasn't too delicious, and it was not poisonous, but as soon as it entered the throat, the fairy dew turned into an indescribable force, penetrated into the internal organs, and severely nourished Chen Lie's internal organs.

"I understand."

"It's like eating the juice of ginseng for a century, and it still doesn't have any side effects."

Chen Lie sighed sincerely, "No wonder you can strengthen your body and prolong your life."

"It's effective to drink like this, so how to make wine?"

"Also, with such a powerful effect, how about cooking after being diluted?"

"Moreover, the accompanying instructions specifically pointed out that the effect of making medicinal meals and wine making is particularly good."

Chen Lie thought of many ways to use it.

Ever since.

He immediately made the allocation that he felt was more reasonable.

First of all.

He used half of them to dilute, and gave them to the god of wine to make ginseng wine.

He knew that Bacchus can make a particularly good ginseng wine.

Chen Lie is looking forward to the combination of the effects of ginseng wine and the magic of fairy gel.


He took out the remaining half and diluted it as drinking water.

The remaining half is used to make two dishes, try the effect.

Think of it.

Chen Lie immediately went to the vegetable market to buy materials.

However, he planned to buy noodles, but he didn't want to see a newly opened store. The corners of his mouth opened immediately and he immediately changed his mind.

Until the afternoon.

Chen Lie made a lot of strange Pho.

"Huh, what is the boss doing?"

Liu Yifeng saw Chen Lie's new masterpiece and asked, "Is this Pho? But such a strange Pho, I haven't seen it before."

"I suspect it's rice rolls, but it's not like it!"

Other beauties, big and small, also found abnormalities one after another.

A Bao watching from the side.

He seemed to understand something and smiled knowingly.

And when Murong Qiuye saw Chen Lie's smile, his mood improved.

She hasn't had any worries in the past two months, let alone the torture of the virus. It's very simple to tease small animals or greet guests.

Seeing her body getting better day by day, and looking at Kexin getting more and more happy, she cherishes such hard-won days.

"You are wrong, not Pho, but Kuey Teow."

"It's a specialty from Fujian and Chaoshan."

"Hong Kong also has a certain degree of popularity."

Chen Lie smiled knowingly and explained briefly: "Kui Tiao is an improved version of Pho, which combines local characteristics and becomes more attractive."

"What a charm?"

Ren Qing, who has a unique impression of various foods, immediately asked.

"It's not that hard."

"It's just that when making it, the materials used are slightly different."

Chen Lie explained: "The final taste will naturally be a bit different. Kuey Teow is more flexible than Pho, and the production process requires relatively strict craftsmanship."

Ren Qing asked: "Can you be more specific?"

"I don't know exactly how to say it. You just need to know that the kway teow is slippery and very creamy."

Chen Lie smiled.

Continue to process other materials, and deal with the floating objects on the stew.

"Alie, what are you doing?"

Ren Qing asked curiously: "Beef with seafood, ham patties, duck blood, etc. This is the first time I have encountered such a complicated cuisine."

"I can't explain it now, you'll find out later."

"I believe you will be stimulated by the slippery and springy feeling when you eat the kuey teow later."

Chen Lie happily handled the stew and began to cut vegetables.

He continued to cook this new delicacy.

At last.

Chen Lie put the kway teow aside and asked, "What are you going to order? Beef and seafood, ham patties, duck blood and green vegetables are all fine. But I suggest you don't make it too complicated, just choose your appetite."

Gu Xiaoyu immediately said, "I want meatloaf and green vegetables."

Liu Yifeng said: "I still have seafood, a lot of seafood."

Murong Qiuye thought for a moment and said, "Give me some vegetables and some more meat."

The clever Ren Qing asked, "Alie, what do you think is the best?"

"Of course it is the classic beef kway teow!"

"A big specialty snack in Chaoshan area."

Chen Lie recommended it without thinking.

"Then I want beef kway teow."

Ren Qing looked at the others triumphantly.

Sure enough, I gained the admiration of other people.

Not long.

The kuey teow of their choice is matched.


Kuey Teow quickly conquered everyone with its smooth but not greasy taste.

The most funny is Liu Yifeng.

She sucked too fast and was splashed into her face by the chewy and elastic glutinous rice sticks.

She said embarrassingly: "It's good! I just sucked a little bit harder, and I got splashed with soup. But it feels curious, I've never had such an interesting snack."

"I never thought that the mere green vegetable soup would be so delicious."

Murong Qiuye admired Chen Lie's cooking skills to death.

"good to eat!"

"It's a classic snack! Can't stop at all!"

Ren Qing was very excited when he ate, and said eloquently: "If A Lie goes out to set up a stall with this dish, we will ensure that there will be a dragon every day."

"If I were reduced to setting up a stall, that would be bad luck."

"In fact, I couldn't achieve this level, at best, it was just to make you eat delicious and novel. Today's biggest hero is..."

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