The pet king of the city

Chapter 754 Housework squirrel triplets (fourth more)

A small cup of ginseng spirit wine can be turned into a small pot after being blended with fairy gel.

Even if the effect of the medicine will weaken a lot, it also has an excellent nourishing effect.

Chen Lie took out a small ice heart jade pot, put the blended ginseng spirit wine in it to assimilate, and said, "Here, this is for you. This wine can heal your tired body, make up your weak breath, and then get up. To the effect of health and beauty."


When the girls heard the word beauty, their eyes flashed.

They can't resist this most.

Including Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu.

They all forgot the frustration just now.

"But it will take a short while before you can drink it. Remember for yourself."

Chen Lie said briefly and ignored it.

Shenling wine can wash the menstruation and cut the marrow, replenish internal energy, even after weakening, it is also effective for the human body.

Once a person is overworked and caused by physical exhaustion and mental emptiness, it is a very common sub-health state.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this is the lack of qi caused by the loss of vitality, so it is absolutely just right to make up the internal qi.

Ren Qing smiled and asked, "Alie, how effective is this thing? Does it produce energy?"

Now she is very sensitive to any channels that can be derived into business.

"The efficacy is equal to 10 years of wild ginseng."

Chen Lie asked, "And only 100 sticks can make a half pot, what do you think?"

Ren Qing shut up immediately.

Once the simple data comes out, it shows how precious this thing is.

The other beauties also realized that Chen Lie's action just now was not stingy, but that the wine was really rare.

Ren Qing saw Chen Lie wanting to bugger again, and decisively shouted: "By the way, if you have time, go to the training base."

"Where is it?"

Chen Lie stopped.

Ren Qing replied: "It's not you yet. The ghost has transferred away the 12 smartest squirrels. As a result, there are not enough small animal trainers in the base. The older brother hamsters and prison escaped hamsters have defective personalities, so the base is now a little messy. "


Chen Lie didn't expect that.

The current training base is the former police dog training base merged with the small pet training base.

The scale has expanded more than 10 times than before.

But it also gives rise to a series of problems.

The training of the dogs is good and there are enough manpower.

But the training of small pets is different, they basically rely on ghosts.

According to Ren Qing and the others, ghosts and talents can save the base at least more than 100,000 yuan in salary expenses every month, and the training effect is more effective than pure manpower.

Ren Qing even plans to train pets with pets in the future.

See what scale it can grow.

"I will solve it as soon as possible!"

Chen Lie thought of a feasible plan.

To be precise, it is a pet.

He still remembered that there were three super squirrels abandoned by the owner in the exchange area.

The three super squirrels were originally just ordinary level 2 housework squirrels, specially used to help with housework, and they were basically a little smarter than the ghostly Twelve Gods.

But their owner had a whim, and injected them with three potions of strength, speed, and intelligence, turning them into level 4 super pets.

However, let them perform various acrobatics in an attempt to get a good place in the anniversary celebration.

Needless to say the result.

He failed, and immediately exchanged these three super squirrels.

His exchange terms are also very simple:

Three level 4 items.

"Sure enough."

Chen Lie came to the exchange area and found that none of the three super squirrels had been exchanged.

"Hey, three level 4 items are very distressing for ordinary people, but they are very simple to me."

Chen Lie took out three bottles of Lingguo Stuffed.

Ordinary spirit fruit stuffing is at most level 2, but with the addition of Faerie Condensation, it is level 4.

Chen Lie submitted the application.

The other party was obviously very curious about Lingguo Niang, and the exchange was quickly determined.

Not long.

Chen Lie received three super squirrels sent home.

"It's only 30 points?"

Chen Lie looked at the three super squirrels who were obviously a little bit resistant, and then suddenly came over: "The pets in the exchange area are not charity pets. The initial goodwill is too low. No wonder no one exchanges them."


Chen Lie laughed.

He took out three small bowls to feed his little pets and put down three candied fruits he made.

The three super squirrels looked at Chen Lie hesitantly.

Then he ate happily.

"Ding, congratulations to your three super pets-housework squirrel triplets have increased your favorability by 5 points."

"Sure enough, it improves quickly."

Chen Lie smiled and said to the housework squirrel triplets: "Don't worry, give you water."

Chen Lie extravagantly poured the fairy dew to them.

Chi Chi!

The housework squirrel triplets cried happily when they saw the fairy dew.

"Ding, congratulations to your three super pets-housework squirrel triplets have increased their favorability by 10 points."

"Look, how easy it is to improve!"

Chen Lie happily watched the ever-increasing favorability level.

After eating the candied fruit and drinking the fairy jelly, the housework squirrel triplets curiously looked at the new owner.

"It seems you agree with me a bit."


Chen Lie opened the cage and reached out to them.

The housework squirrel triplets hesitated for a moment and ran to Chen Lie's arms and palms obediently.

Chen Lie continued to use candied fruit to brush his favorability.

Finally, he said: "Your former master was very careless or even rude to you, but I will not. You come to me, that is a new life, now I will give it to you..."

Thinking about it, Chen Lie quickly got the answer: "Since your strengths are different, call it strength, speed, and wisdom. Power squirrel, speed squirrel, and wisdom squirrel are easy to remember names."

"Ding, congratulations to your three super pets-housework squirrel triplets have increased your favorability by 5 points."

Obviously, the housework squirrel triplets don't really agree with the new name.

Under normal circumstances, it will increase by 10 points.

But this time it only rose by 5 points.

It's just that Chen Lie finds it easy to remember, so he doesn't bother to change it.

"Do you like bamboo shoots?"

"This is a rare purple bamboo shoot!"

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