The pet king of the city

Chapter 757 Sonic Ability (Second More)

Bacchus is not as strong as the fierce tiger, and I don't know how many days it takes to take dragon blood fruit to sleep. What if I accidentally sleep for too long?

He naturally had to make some precautions in case.

Bacchus is gone.

But its bloodline evolution journey.

Although the fierce tiger has always been the paradise's first force, it is what makes everyone afraid.

The only one who can convince everyone the most is the oldest Bacchus.

Bacchus in the paradise basically belongs to the level of the big brother and the elders.

"Everyone is in your place."

"Jiaojiao, take a good rest for a long time, we will fight again tomorrow."

Chen Lie lightly patted the head of Daeng Jiaohu.

Since Bacchus cannot do things, Chen Lie can only take over.

after all.

He is also a Bacchus.

Moreover, he realized the benefits of Shenling wine, how could he be willing to stop planting in the garden.

There are two big consumers at home now.

Therefore, the ginseng garden must not only be taken care of, but the area must be expanded linearly.

To ensure that a pot of ginseng wine can be extracted every time.

The days seem to pass in constant fighting and a lot of farm work.



When the first ray of sunlight fell on the earth in the early morning, Chen Lie had been up for an hour.

It's not that he was born to work hard.

But since practicing Qi, the sleep time he needs every day has decreased again.

If you sleep in a small paradise for 6 hours before, you can be full of energy.

So he only needs 5 hours now, then he can recover to full state, the sleep effect is more comfortable than ordinary people sleeping for 10 hours.


Chen Lie separated from Han Jiaohu.

"If you have something to do today, let's stop here."

Chen Lie took the initiative to end the discussion.

Fierce Jiaohu nodded and went to train alone.

Now in the paradise, apart from Chen Lie, other animals are not qualified to accompany him to warm up.

So it can only figure out martial arts in a lonely area.

And Chen Lie quickly started farming in the ginseng garden that belonged to Bacchus.

Chen Lie's life is very stable now.

If it wasn't for him to have a live broadcast job, otherwise he could be a hermit now.

"Go away!"

The cry of Bailing came from the air.

Chen Lie looked at the sky.

Bai Ling was following Blue Crown, with a few particularly beautiful birds, driving away a group of sparrows.


There was an eagle cry.

The weak sparrow was frightened to fly.

This is Bailing's trick.

It has the specialties of nature, and it sounds like a perfect sound.

The expulsion was successful.

The group of sparrows that have become scary birds dare not come over in a short time.

If these sparrows are just living on the small Jianmu, but they dare to shoot purple bamboo shoots, ginseng, and even other rare fruits, they won't be able to keep them.

Chen Lie looked at the little birds behind Bai Ling and couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Now Bai Ling also has a younger brother."

"Quack, the expulsion succeeded again."

Bai Ling took the little brothers and landed on Zizhu beside Chen Lie.

Chen Lie asked, "I said Bailing, it's useless for you to collect these little birds?"

"Mouse has so many little brothers, I must have them too."

Bailing replied stubbornly: "I am its predecessor."


"as long as you are happy."

Chen Lie was too lazy to care too much.

I don't want Bailing to actually ask: "Master, I need strong power."

Chen Lie was stunned and asked, "Didn't you say that you don't like violence? Why do you need strength now?"

Bailing replied: "I am bullying the bird at best, what if the eagle comes?"

Chen Lie was speechless.

"If the eagle comes, you are likely to be injured."

"You are now the main player in the live broadcast, you can't get hurt."

After thinking about it, Chen Lie agreed, "Well, I will find a suitable strengthening route for you. But you have been a little more careful recently, I will let the drone protect you."


Bailing flew away contentedly.

When it left, it deliberately stopped on the shoulder of the farmer's orangutan, and after obtaining the fruit that the farmer's orangutan treasured, it ran to the canopy of Xiao Jianmu to perch.

After Chen Lie took care of the medicine field.

Sit down and rest.

By the way, go to the system store to see what is suitable for Braun.

With the elevation of authority, he can buy and trade more things.

For example, a genetic medicine that can only be purchased with Level 5 authority can make Bailing's feathers extremely powerful, with the strength of steel, but the weight of red hair.

"This is not suitable."

"Bailing is not a combat type after all, it relies solely on IQ and throat to feed."

"Wait, throat..."

Chen Lie thought of Bai Ling's talent, and suddenly remembered something he had skipped before.

Knowing that after he has the ability to remember not to forget, many of his memories become vivid, and he even has many impressions of some products that he has seen but forgotten.


There are scientific and technological products, genetic medicines, and special talents that are extended by blood.

"There are sonic weapons in modern times, let alone the future."

"A search is a big piece, ranging from level 1 to level 5."

"I wipe it. A level 5 sonic weapon can instantly stun a group of buffaloes. If you focus on the attack, it can instantly smash a large buffalo to death, with full lethality."

Chen Lie analyzed it to the end, but regretfully said: "The only pity is that technology products have no room for improvement, and they are external forces, so let's put them aside for now."

"Sonic genetic medicine, this kind of genetic medicine will eventually form a gadget with similar skills, but any genetic medicine will have problems of one kind or another."

"For example, the Maniac Gene Potion can make people mad to chaos and even death. It is very evil and has no boxes. But after taking it, the limit of Bailing is fixed, and it can hardly be improved in the future."

"And this concussion magic sound potion can produce concussion magic sound after taking it, producing an effect similar to a shock wave, but this will damage the specialties of Tianlai, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

Chen Lie regretfully said: "Genetic drugs always have problems of one kind or another. Unless there is no choice, I won't choose it."

Chen Lie finally focused on the special bloodline.

It's okay not to look at it, Chen Lie is dazzled when he sees it:

"I rub, the level 5 [Zhuniao Bloodline] has the weird power to paralyze people, but it needs more than 100,000 fans, which is too exaggerated."

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