The pet king of the city

Chapter 768 The Power of Music (Part 3)

Fierce Jiaohu recently created new kills one after another.

In addition to the Tiger Emperor Cannon, he created a unique trick the day before yesterday, and his strength is even further; and now most of the spirit wine falls into his mouth, almost turning it into a drunkard tiger.

Such a fierce tiger will improve his strength every day.

Chen Lie can still play with him now, which is amazing.

"When I take the second red blood fruit, then Jiaojiao can be suppressed as before."

"But I still get the exchange area when I have time!"

Chen Lie sighed and walked to the door.

"Oh, you guys are all together."

As soon as Chen Lie walked out the door, he saw the ready pets.

There is no other reason.

Because Chen Lie wanted to give the dragon's blood fruit that came out today, which is the fifth dragon's blood fruit in Paradise, to a super pet.

The powerful effect of dragon blood fruit is obvious to all, and it is the most sought after object of all pets.

Even Ah Bao, who likes Lingguo stuffed so much, will choose to give up Lingguo stuffed when they encounter dragon blood fruit.

"The paradise has produced 5 dragon blood fruits in total so far."

"Jiaojiao ate two, one Dionysus, and the remaining one was handled secretly."

"It's the fifth one now."

Chen Lie said: "Now this one will be given to those who have worked hard recently."

High effort?

Without saying a word, everyone looked at the farmer orangutan and the ghost squirrel.

The two of them have paid the most recently.

A laboring medicine field and a purple bamboo forest, a small pet training, all very hard.

Chen Lie sent the fifth dragon blood fruit to the farmer orangutan and the ghost squirrel, and said: "There is only one here, you can handle it yourself."

Without waiting for the genius squirrel to move, the farmer orangutan, a hardworking and good old man, moved the fruit to the genius squirrel.

Chi Chi?

The ghost squirrel was both excited and touched.

Guicai Squirrel looked at the farmer's orangutan, and after the farmer's orangutan called more than a dozen times, the Guicai Squirrel did not talk nonsense and took it decisively.

Chen Lie asked, "Ghost, what did the farmer say?"

The ghost squirrel held the dragon blood fruit tightly in both hands, unable to sign language.

Fortunately, Bacchus helped to translate: "The farmer said that he was doing farm work, and he was wasting his food. So let the ghost improve his strength as soon as possible and help his master as soon as possible."

"You do have the intention."

Chen Lie was very happy with this polite scene.


An unexpected scene appeared.

The genius squirrel actually handed the hard-won dragon blood fruit to the salivating Bai Ling.


Everyone and animals don’t understand.


"Mouse, you really are a brother."

With Bailing's character, how could he refuse such a treasure?

But when Bai Ling wanted to grab the dragon's blood fruit, one hand was sealed in front of the fruit.

"and many more!"

Chen Lie stopped and said, "Give me a reason."

The genius squirrel replied with sign language: "Teana's specialty, after being promoted, it can play a supporting role."

Chen Lie questioned: "What kind of aid? Can it help sleep like a lullaby?"

"More powerful."

The genius squirrel eagerly explained: "Music can hypnotize, stimulate fighting spirit, frustrate people, and make people angry and confused."

"No way!"

Chen Lie was stunned.

This is an ability that he never thought of.

However, he thought about it carefully. The two most famous beefs in Japan are not all for cattle to listen to music, which makes them feel better, and finally makes the meat more delicate and delicious.

The Kingdom of Flowers in the Netherlands, as early as many young people, used corresponding music to cultivate flowers, classical music, jazz, rock and so on, all have special designs.

Before the ancient army battles, war drums were used to perform simple and passionate drum music to stimulate morale.

Are these not the power of music?

Chen Lie suddenly realized how ignorant he was, and did not know what he was doing with Baoshan.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down."

Chen Lie handed the dragon blood fruit to Bai Ling.


"No matter how trash I am, I won't be like a rice bucket."

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Bailing directly grabbed the dragon's blood fruit and ran back to the lair to enjoy it slowly.

And the rice bucket that was targeted, rarely showed a trace of shame.

Until now.

The rice bucket is beaten apart from eating, and it hardly contributes to the paradise.

So no one regards it as a member of the paradise.

Even treat it as transparent.

Chen Lie glanced at the rice bucket, showing a hint of surprise, as if saying: You will be ashamed.

This expression is even more powerful than sarcasm.

Only then did the rice bucket realize that he had no place here, and was completely pushed out of the big family in Paradise.

No friends, no approval.

A feeling called "loneliness" surged from the bottom of my heart.


Chen Lie didn't bother to pay attention to the changes in his heart.

He asked: "What is the state of resting for four days and three nights?"


The fierce Jiaohu roared with a hearty roar that he could fight well.

"Then let's go!"

Chen Lie helped Han Jiaohu wear the game lock, and then threw the virtual into the real device in the middle of the open space.

The proving ground of the system mall appeared immediately.

Level 6 area.

The level 5 area is no longer challenging.

The most important thing is that there is no oil and water at all.

Chen Lie was still hiding behind the scenes this time, but the fierce Jiaohu changed his appearance this time, becoming an equally popular war leopard.

"The 6th level zone is worthy of the 6th level. A random game is based on the unit of 10,000 fans, which is much more bold than the 5th level."

"It seems that the thousands of fans I invested in the first time are still worthwhile."

Chen Lie originally thought that the reward for entering the level 6 area was at most several times higher than that of the level 5 area, but he didn't expect to directly increase it 10 times.

The bonuses and bounties for entering the 5th level are basically based on the value of thousands of fans.

Breaking through ten thousand is extremely rare.

But here, breaking ten thousand has become the most common arena bounty.

After all, level 6 customers have more resources in their hands. Any pet is a level 6 bloodline pet worth hundreds of thousands, and ordinary pets don't bother to upgrade to level 6.

of course.

The reward of the ring, that is, the bounty is so high, the difficulty is also much higher.

In order to be sure of everything, Chen Lie carefully asked, "Jiaojiao, what would happen to you if you faced the Flame Demon Wolf that you met a few days ago?"

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