The pet king of the city

Chapter 790 The more you study the stronger the slate

"Farmer, bring that stone here."

"Yes, it's the boulder Jiaojiao often use to play with."

When Chen Lie came out, he didn't talk nonsense and directly ordered the farmer to move the boulder.

Anyway, it is born with supernatural power, and this work is not difficult for it.


It's just that they protested.

This boulder is often used for jumping and training obstacles. It is a life prop.

"Ann, tomorrow I will have someone move a few more and bigger pieces."

Chen Lie waved his hand and waited for the farmer to move the boulder out of the bush.


Rao is a farmer with superb power, but he still moved very hard.

"Thanks for your hard work, but you keep a little away."

Chen Lie's words made the farmer avoid him decisively.

Chen Lie's heart moved.

call out!

The Unbounded Slate smashed past at a rapid pace that was not inferior to that of a fierce tiger using the climate.


The boulder was like a cannonball attack. It exploded with one blow, and the rubble flew around. Fortunately, the range was not very far, and other people were not injured.

The unbounded slate points are not damaged.


Chen Lie was surprised: "This is definitely not the limit of Unbounded Slate. It is limited by my unfamiliarity and my lack of qi, so it is only this kind of power. If I practice for a few more days, it is estimated to be doubled. Speed; if my qi energy expands again, it is estimated that my power will also explode."

"It's completely proportional!"

"My favorite is this kind of relationship, it's very enterprising."

Chen Lie smiled and looked at the huge boulder that was only half of it, and suddenly remembered the introduction of the Unbounded Slate: "I remember the Unbounded Slate is a load, doesn't it..."

"No, I can't try it myself first, try its ultimate load first."

Chen Lie pointed to the half of the boulder and shouted, "Farmer, come, help put the half of the stone on the slab."

While speaking, Chen Lie lowered the stone slab to a height almost close to the ground.

The farmer didn't have any nonsense, and happily moved half of the boulder to the top of the unbounded slab.

"Just appreciate your sex."

Chen Lie patted the farmer on the shoulder.

Although the size of the farmer is terrifying, he generally maintains the living habits of the orangutan.

Even standing, his hands are hanging down and touching the ground, so the height of the figure cannot be reflected.

The farmer grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Hey, if it is not a sign of your blood, it will be level 7. Otherwise, with your personality, I really want to train you well."

"Anyway, look for opportunities to strengthen your bloodline power in the future."

Chen Lie felt sorry for him, but he didn't get distracted for too long. With a false hand, the Unbounded Slate rose quickly.

There is no pressure at all.

Chen Lie was overjoyed.

"You get out of the way and step back."

Chen Lie wanted to test the more intense one this time and keep the pets away from the test site.

Seeing pets stay away obediently.

He calmed down and immediately felt the mysterious connection with the unbounded slate. What followed was that the unbounded slate began to swing flexibly from side to side, followed by high-speed rotation, and finally, doing up and down circles.

And the half-boulder on the top of the unbounded stone slab seemed to be able to fall down at any time, as if it had been glued with the best glue, and it was not moving.

The super pets were dumbfounded and talked.

"A bit exaggerated!"

Bailing yelled, looking very excited.

"Old and amazing."

"Mall high-end items? Why do I think it's not that simple?"

Lingcai, Bacchus, etc. sighed.

They are all super pets with high intelligence, knowing that this slate is by no means as simple as the surface.

"There is no pressure on half of the boulder, and there are more..."

Chen Lie became interested.

The stones keep increasing.

I moved to the mountain because there were not enough rocks nearby.

The weird thing is.

No matter how Chen Lie stacks up, even if the volume of the stone above is a hundred times larger than the unbounded slate, the unbounded slate does not have any pressure. All the objects placed on it seem to be wrapped in an invisible force and will not fall.

The only change is that as the weight of the object increases, the qi consumed to control the Unbounded Slate also increases.

If you simply used the Unbounded Slate as a flying sword before, then the consumption is completely negligible, and you can play at will.

But after 10 tons of huge boulders were stacked on top one after another, Chen Lie felt more pressure, but it was still within Chen Lie's tolerance.

But Chen Lie didn't have much to test.

After restoring the stone to its original position, he sat down quietly and thought: "Unbounded slate is obviously a gadget that transcends the understanding of science and technology. It is not physics that can explain so many stones that they will not fall when they roll."

"In addition, the energy of the Unbounded Slate is my Qi. The stronger my Qi, the heavier I can bear. With our current strength and the limit, it is estimated that we can lift a 25-ton object to a height of 10 meters."

"But my qi is very small, far less than Jiaojiao. If my current qi is expressed in numbers, it is basically 2.5, and Jiaojiao is basically 9.9. But that is because Jiaojiao is more active in cultivation than I am. There are far more spirit wines than me, so I still have a lot of room for improvement."

Chen Lie murmured as if he was talking to himself, but his thoughts seemed to deviate in the end.

"It seems that I have to increase the area of ​​ginseng fields."

Chen Lie looked at the ginseng that had already planted many acres and determined to expand the scale.

Although the current scale is very large, only half a bottle of Ginseng Spirit Wine is produced in one day, which is only enough for the fierce tiger to consume.

Chen Lie really had to wait for the opportunity to increase the total amount of Qi.

"Hey, if the ginseng in the market can be refined, then I will..."

Chen Lie's words were generally choked.

Because the ginseng with weak medicinal effect on the market can also be refined.

Now wild ginseng is rare enough to be pure luck, so the ginseng on the market is basically artificially planted garden ginseng.

Although the regular garden ginseng needs to be cultivated for 6 to 7 years before it can be used as medicinal materials.

However, with the increasing market demand, many farmers are trying to shorten the year and increase production.They can be used as medicine in just 3 years through special planting techniques and a similar ripening method.

"But even for 3 years, it can be refined."

You know that Chen Lie is also the god of wine...

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