
The rice bucket looked at Lingcai pitifully.

If it weren't for Lingcai, it was very powerful now, otherwise it would all want to grab it.

At this time, Lingcai's candied fruit was only divided into two pieces.

There is only so little left in a large pot.

No one can bear it.

The rice bucket lowered his head in disappointment.

But one thing flies.

It is candied fruit.

"Let's go together if you have something delicious."

Lingcai took out the last candied fruit, stuffed it in his mouth, and happily ran to wash his hands.

The rice bucket stuffed the candied fruit into his mouth, and he even touched the palm of his hand specifically, which was still unfinished.

But no one knows what it is thinking.

"Little mouse will really get revenge."

The only Bailing who was not assigned flew away disappointedly.

The last time it got the candied fruit, it only shared it with Blue Crown and his little brother, and didn't give half of it to the coveting Lingcai and Abao.

Lingcai even gave the Blue Crown this time, but he didn't give it. It was a tooth for a tooth.

"You guys..."

Chen Lie was really speechless for the pets' little grudges.

Fortunately, these are all innocuous little things.

Sometimes it is fun to watch them make a fuss.

There are no bothersome nuisances, and there are no complaints and guards that do not know the so-called, so pets are very relaxed.

If you continue to stay in the little paradise, where is such freedom.


This is not.

The pets are fighting again.

Wrong, to be precise, the rice bucket was beaten again.

It is estimated that it was stealing something. It was caught on the spot and smashed hard.

Such scenes are very common.

Although the fierce Jiaohu has disdain to start with the rice bucket, he is afraid that it will be damaged if it is too ruthless.

But the rice bucket is not self-loving, and often ran to steal bamboo shoots from the purple bamboo forest, or ran to the fields to find fresh crops.

So it is often taught by Bacchus and farmers.

Even A Bao also taught this stupid bear from time to time that he could have no bottom line just to eat.


The rice bucket was hurt again.

But it can't find parents now.

There is no such thing as Ren Qing and the others to comfort, and there is no Xiao Lan Kexin's snacks to soothe them. They can only secretly eat the wound and eat the sea in order to recover quickly.

"This rice bucket."

"As long as there is enough food, its body is equivalent to having a super self-healing power."

"Forget it, it's better to train it as a housework squirrel."

Chen Lie looked at the housework squirrels.

Although they are not very powerful, they are very active in housework.

So even if Ren Qing and the others rarely come here, Chen Lie doesn't have to worry about housework.

Besides, housework squirrel triplets are born with agility. Once cultivated, tacit understanding is not a problem at all, in short, they have great potential.

Compared with them, sincerity has nothing to do with it except for the blood.


"If it hadn't been for me to reluctant to share such precious blood with others, otherwise I would have made you a blood supply machine like the beasts and fire beasts."

Every time he thinks of this, Chen Lie is angry in his heart.

In order to calm down, Chen Lie thought of happy places.

Such as Yizhixiang fruit tree.

Now the Yizhixiang fruit tree has been planted.

Because this genetic fruit tree has super vitality, it can withstand even level 5 attacks, so it can withstand a hundredfold fertility.

Coupled with the three blessings of spiritual soil, spiritual root grass, and fairy gel, the foundation of the fruit tree is guaranteed, and it can grow at a hundred times faster on the basis of health.

I believe it will be fruitful in less than 10 days.

And after the first result, as long as Chen Lie needs it, he can make it bear fruit once within a day.

"Give me another month, and any pet I raise will be wiser."

"At that time, no pet company could compare to me."


Chen Lie's thoughts were interrupted by Xiao Hei.

Chen Lie saw Xiao Hei sweat all over his body and asked: "Have you finished qualifying?"

Xiao Hei nodded repeatedly.

"let me see……"

"Not bad, now it's in the top 3W. It seems that you all understand your role status."

Xiao Hei didn't play in open spaces in their recent games.

Sometimes it is Xiaojianmuxia, sometimes by the valley, sometimes by the pond.

In short, they are specially changed in order to test various virtual terrains.

A cat appeared behind Chen Lie without warning.

It's the silver leopard.

It became more and more familiar with the identity of the assassin.

"You guys did a good job."

As Chen Lie called up their fighting video, he encouraged him: "Although it has only just made 30,000, with your strength, you can make it into the top 10,000."

The Blue Crown landed and asked: "Then how can we get into the top 1,000?"

Only the top 1,000 are eligible to name the action team.

Otherwise only the number.

That is the true glory.

"You need a batch of weapons."

"such as……"

Chen Lie turned around and took out a bottle of stuff like liquid molten iron.

"I originally wanted to buy you a high-end claw sleeve."

"That claw cover is worth 30,000 fans. After you wear such a claw cover, its claws can be effectively protected, and there is no need to worry about the problem of being injured by the claw attack. The most important thing is that it can pop out. Wolverine-like claws, although not as perverted as Edman alloy, they can easily split steel with no exaggerated thickness, which can increase your attack power."

"Such a good suit, I almost bought it."

"But in the end I changed my mind."

Chen Lie pointed to the potion and said, “This is a special genetic potion. After drinking it, your body’s bones will undergo metamorphosis and become tougher and your claws sharper.”

Yin Leopard questioned: "Is the attack power like a claw sleeve?"

Chen Lie nodded and said: "They are all grade 6 and can cut steel that is not very thick, which means they are relatively easy to break."

Yin Leopard asked: "The claw set can only strengthen the claws, but this one is for strengthening the whole body. It must be very expensive, right?"

"It's a lot more expensive, but it can be upgraded."

"That's why I chose it."

Chen Lie stated his reasons without reservation.

"Thank you, Master."

The silver leopard drank it.

"Wow, it's terrible!"

The silver leopard almost vomited.

But it knows the rarity of this thing, so it gritted its teeth to restrain the desire for rebellion.


"Blue Crown, you are next."

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