The pet king of the city

Chapter 836 I'm Sorry

The captain also wanted to struggle to death.

But what responded to him was another hand with three flying knives and a wrist.

Their hands were scrapped.

"If you move again, I will cut off your legs."

Chen Lie appeared.

The captain had never seen a person so fast, and asked in horror: "Are you a human or a spirit?"

"This question is very nutritious."

Chen Lie slowly came to the remaining three people.

"Chen Lie, do you dare to kill me?"

Before the captain's words were finished, Chen Lie flashed over and cut off the captain's hands.

After doing all of this, Chen Lie seemed to have nothing happened, and asked calmly: "Dare you say I dare?"

The captain convulsed with pain and couldn't speak.

"Is there any nonsense?"

Chen Lie looked at these people carelessly.

No one answered.


Chen Lie asked: "Who on earth are you?"

"Don't answer!"

"Whoever says it must die!"

The captain roared: "Don't forget our faith."


Knife light flashed again.

This time it was no longer limbs, but neck.

The captain's head came out of his body.

The scene is very tragic.

It's just that Chen Lie didn't continue to question, the other two fell down.

"Taking poison to commit suicide?"

Chen Lie checked it and said in surprise: "It's a modern venom capsule, hidden in the teeth. It has a good camouflage. Even opening it requires special skills."

"Even suicide is so complicated, but I have no hesitation."

"What can be done like this now?"

Chen Lie had several famous people who had dead soldiers in his mind, and finally shook his head and said: "Some of them either don't have such financial resources to segregate in Orly, some or they don't have such level of dead soldiers."

"They just mentioned faith."

"Hehe, it seems that I have discovered an incredible hidden power."

Chen Liexie laughed.

To be on the safe side, he even used the system identification.

Found that they use a special signal that can be transmitted here.

Although the signal effect is far inferior to the super signal of the system, the basic connection is still possible.

As for other information, the system cannot identify it.

If you want to get more in-depth information, it is estimated that it will take 2-3 thousand fan points to identify it.

Although Chen Lie is rich now, he is not spending it like this.

"There are just a few seemingly useful things all over the body."

"It's really spicy."

Chen Lie put all the valuables into the online shop of the system mall, and then turned to the left.

Not long.

He saw Lingcai.

Although the battle was over, there was no survivor at the scene, but Lingcai's appearance was a bit embarrassed, and I don't know what happened.


Ling just started crying.

"It turns out that they used so many weapons to catch you."

Chen Lie smiled and said: "Flying nets, anaesthetic bullets, hypnotic smoke, and freezing spray are all used. But they can't dream that your strength can completely explode them, and eventually they have to commit suicide."

Chi Chi!

Lingcai listened more and more angry, wishing to whip the corpse.

"Okay, let's go."

Chen Lie, in the spirit of diligence and frugality, collects everything that can be used with you, and then continues on the road.

Lingcai asked: "Where are we going? They are all dead and didn't tell us any valuable information."

"Their existence is the best intelligence."

Chen Lie snapped his fingers, and the Mini Apache, controlled by Chen Lie's mind, dropped to a height of only meters from the ground.

Then Chen Liecai said: "Turn on the highest level of thermal imaging for me, I want to see the way they have gone."

These people are definitely elite fighters.

The way to come has been disguised.

But this is not difficult for Chen Lie.

Using the thermal imaging of the Mini Apache, the path they walk will have different temperature changes, and the use of technology can form a thermal image.

Chen Lie and Lingcai simply grabbed their tails and chased them in turn.

at the same time.

In a hidden place.

"damn it!"

"Both combat teams have lost contact."

A middle-aged man in a scientist's white robe slammed off the table and asked, "How many battle teams do we still have?"


The assistant answered immediately.

"No, it's six."

A man wearing the uniform of the Nazi generals of the Second War reported: "The other two are responsible for the defense of prisons and other places."

The middle-aged man in the white robe asked: "Then go over! That squirrel must be obtained. It may be the most perfect experiment."

"I do not think so."

The Nazi general replied: "Although you are the chief scientist here, our most perfect results in more than 70 years will never lose to that mouse."

"Not a mouse, but a squirrel."

The middle-aged man in white robe reminded: "The special squirrel occasionally received by the world's first pet trainer."

"it's the same."

The Nazi general didn't care.

The white-robed middle-aged man was also succinct enough and said, "Since you think those experimental items are perfect masterpieces, let them go out to catch that squirrel. If that squirrel is eaten, it proves not as good as a perfect masterpiece."

"it is good!"

The Nazi general replied: "The previous few times, those people were delirious, and we were unable to get the best experiment. This time, there are rare freaks who are not afraid of forgetting the dust, and they are just used for practical tests."

"up to you."

The middle-aged white-robed man asked, "But I want the first-hand video, understand?"

"I will bring the instrument."

The Nazi general retreated like this.

Chen Lie and the others did not know that they were about to usher in a new enemy, and they continued to track them.

Not long.

They saw a very old building.

"Air-defense underground structure?"

Chen Lie was puzzled when he saw that there were no two or two floors. The ground building was similar to a bungalow, and the main structure was underground air defense facilities.

This is a deep mountain and old forest.

Hairy voids.

The design of this thing is either to persecute the paranoid patient or has an ulterior secret.

Combine all information.

The result speaks for itself.



A sharp shuttle came from behind.

Immediately afterwards, more sounds of shuttled through the grass came from all directions.

"I will wipe it, no way."

"There is such a thing!"

Chen Lie was shocked immediately.

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