The pet king of the city

Chapter 857 is not strong enough


Finally, the fierce tiger was swallowed by the ice dragon in the strange clash.

Countless people closed their eyes, and Bao, they couldn't bear to look straight.

Just when everyone thought the fierce tiger was over, the spiral force of crazy propaganda penetrated the dragon's mouth, piercing the body of the ice dragon like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

At last.

The fierce tiger's body appeared at the end of the ice dragon.

The right hand pinched the neck of Frost Demon Ape who was about to complete the final blow.

The Frost Demon was struggling frantically.

But the fierce tiger's claws were pinched like iron tongs, and at the same time, all the magic power in the Frost Demon Ape's body was suppressed like the burning blood and energy, so that he could not mobilize the slightest.

"You are really interested."

"Unfortunately not strong enough."


Accompanied by a turning point in power.

Frost Demon's neck broke.

The battle is over.

The fierce tiger was not only unscathed, but also turned defeat into victory in an unexpectedly tough way.

"Long live!"

"The boss is amazing!"

"This is the boss I am familiar with!"

All the pets in Paradise almost jumped up.

Even Chen Lie, who knows that the fierce tiger will win, will be laughing.

If the fighting power of the fierce tiger in the normal state, that is, using the Thunder Fist, is 100, then the Frost Demon Ape is 300, and the normal level 7 is more than 200.

But after the blessing of Qi, the fierce Jiaohu's combat power will become 200. Although it is not the opponent of Frost Demon Ape, it is already able to compete with the weakest in level 7.

However, the fierce Jiaohu still has a blessing, that is, burning blood.

After burning the blood for the second time, the fierce tiger's combat power will be changed from 200 to 400, completely surpassing the Frost Demon Ape, and its strength is strong enough to make ordinary 7th-level battle pets look at him.

Moreover, the current Qi and blood of the fierce Jiaohu have not reached the limit, and there is still a further possibility.

Chen Lie believes that before the fierce tiger breaks through to level 7, the data may reach 500.

Under the welcome of all people.

The fierce tiger is back.

Its return also brought back a terrible wealth:

1 million points fan value.

As the first favorite of the 6th level trial zone, the peak is also the most eye-catching duel, and its limit bet is naturally ridiculously high.

Chen Lie can win by unilaterally pressing himself.

The result is all profitable.

"Jiaojiao, you have done a great job again this time."

Chen Lie asked, "As before, just tell me what you want now."

Fierce Jiaohu was very direct this time, saying: "After the Dionysus's [Biyou Qiongye] is brewed, I hope to enjoy it first."

"it is good!"

Chen Lie agreed without thinking.

Biyou Qiongye is naturally one of the secret brewing recipes acquired from those desperate winemakers.

Chen Lie had collected at least a dozen secret recipes before.

Although several of them are incomplete, there are still many to choose from.

But why did you choose this?

The reason is very pure, that is, this wine is the wine of the fairy family.

As for the specific effect, it can only be known when it is brewed, otherwise it will cost more than 600,000 fan points for the system to know.

Although Chen Lie has made a lot of money recently, he is not luxurious enough.

Anyway, now Biyou Qiongye is about to be born, the effect can naturally be revealed.

No need to rush for a while.

"Bacchus, I am looking forward to your new wine."

After speaking, Yan Jiaohu walked aside arrogantly and stopped talking.

Bacchus smiled bitterly.

I don’t know whether my wine was successfully brewed, but I was worried about the result. I really couldn’t tell.

But facts are facts.

With Abao assisting Chen Lie to cook level 7 food, the God of Cooking's level has also increased rapidly, and now he has almost reached the level 7 threshold.

In contrast, Bacchus.

Originally, he had the most opportunity to challenge Level 7, but as of now, I still don’t know if my refining is successful.

If it fails.

Everything has to start all over again.

"Well, this time I won a lot of bets with the help of the system."

"Let's cook some food to celebrate."

Chen Lie clapped his hands and pulled everyone's minds back.

The system allows you to bet yourself to win, which is a confident performance.

But if you are betting on the opponent, wait for the credibility to be cleared.

Therefore, Chen Lie only bet on himself to win every time, showing enough confidence to stimulate his opponents and making big money.

"Long live!"

"You can celebrate again."

The pets cheered together, among which the rice bucket was the most eager.

Because it can open the belly again to eat.



"Boss boss!"

"Give me a few more cups of 100 yuan soup for a grade 6 gentleman, I really need it!"

A guest named [Mantis Swordsman] haunted Chen Lie.

Chen Lie's expression was strange.

This guy is a regular customer, but also an acquaintance.

He is the owner of the Golden Praying Mantis, Chen Lie's former defeat.

Chen Lie still clearly remembered that his first favorite of the battle, the Golden Mantis, was the seven consecutive cuts of gold, and in the end he even concealed a weapon to form the eight consecutive cuts of gold.

Very insidious.

But this guy didn't know the identity of Chen Lie.

Because Chen Lie's personal information is hidden, and only his pet and shop are disclosed.

However, since the rewards of the Centennial Celebration came out, this guy has been purchasing various resources frantically. Among them, Chen Lie alone has consumed no less than 200,000 fans.

Seeing Chen Lie, the mantis swordsman did not respond at all.

My heart settled for a while, and finally gritted my teeth: "Boss, as long as you share a few more cups with me, I will tell you an amazing secret about food for free."

"Tell me."

"If it is below level 7, you can save your breath."

Chen Lie finally reacted.

The mantis swordsman replied: "I don't know much about food, but I heard that secret inadvertently. We can ask the system for notarization. If the secret is false, then you can hold me accountable, how about?"

"it is good."

Chen Lie, a fool, would refuse such an exchange.

Ever since.

They did a little systematic testimony.

Then the mantis swordsman asked: "I believe you also know that plants will have a certain probability of mutation under the influence of the environment?"

"You are talking nonsense."

Chen Lie was a little dissatisfied.

"I know that high-level life testers will collect spiritual water and make all kinds of spiritual soil. But I have heard that adding a plant called [phantom flower] to spiritual soil will greatly increase ..."

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