The pet king of the city

Chapter 868 A Miracle

"The elimination of the action team is cruel. Each action team has to play at least 10 games and must have 10 victories to advance."

"If you lose all 3 games, you will be eliminated directly."

"The time is only 3 days, so this time the fault tolerance rate is extremely low, but we can catch the enemy's weakness, which is undoubtedly the greatest luck."

Chen Lie's words made the confidence of all members of the Order Action Team surge.

They have never had such strong self-confidence for a moment.

Compared with their optimistic situation.

Those low-level action teams with no background are much more miserable.

Play at least 10 games, lose 3 games and get eliminated.

Action teams that are a little more sensible will stare at those low-level action teams.

Just one day.

The total number of these low-level action teams, which accounted for the largest percentage, dropped by 70%.

They all became part of the record of others.

So the low-level area can be described as a wailing.



Comprehensive theater.

A certain secret ring.

Cruel death elimination is also implemented here.

It is said that in this round, all players below the A. level have to be eliminated.

But the Paradise Legion led by Chen Lie swept all the opponents with the attitude of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

"Why do you want to snipe me?"

The fierce tiger stepped on a giant crocodile that was more than 15 meters long, his face full of irony.

The giant crocodile still wants to struggle.

But when the fierce tiger's feet were slightly harder, the giant crocodile continued to sink into the ground.

Not a single breath.

The head of the giant crocodile is completely below the horizon, and the struggling amplitude is getting weaker and weaker.

You know this is the real place.

Chi Chi!

Lingcai also returned.

"Since you are back, let's end it!"

Chen Lie stood up leisurely and put the book aside.


The fierce tiger made a kick on the head of the giant crocodile.

The head of the giant crocodile, which was stronger than 3 cm thick steel, exploded instantly.

Then Chen Lie took the fierce Jiaohu and Lingcai away.

"so amazing!"

"As expected of the Paradise Legion!"

"Idols are idols after all."

Chen Lie's fans all sighed.

Now their scale has reached 60,000.

The scale has expanded a hundred times over two days ago.

All this is not only because the fierce tigers and the spirits are the most famous battle pets in the 6th level zone, but also because Chen Lie and the others did not send out the third battle pets from beginning to end.

Who knows whether the third battle pet hidden by the Paradise Legion will be the top battle pet.

On the single player side, the top battle pets sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and many well-known battle pets ranked in the top 100 were defeated by these mysterious battle pets that suddenly emerged.

As for those related households, directly put up a 7-level battle pet.

They dare not think about it.

after all.

Chen Lie is only a Level 5 tester.

"Has the odds dropped again?"

"Hehe, but you might as well not drop by 0.2."

Chen Lie shook his hand and walked away with the fierce Jiaohu and Lingcai.

Return to reality.

The caring housework, the three squirrel brothers directly handed a cup of soothing tea.

"Hey, pure celestial condensate brewed tea, this is too extravagant?"

Chen Lie was surprised.

You must know that when you were the most extravagant before, you also drank the fairy gel that was twice as diluted.

Wisdom Squirrel replied: "Old Zhu has planted purple bodhi roots in this nearby area, and now all the scattered auras in a radius of tens of miles have been collected."

Only then did Chen Lie remembered one of his own arrangements, and eagerly asked, "How many fairy gels can be collected in one day?"

"About 300 bottles can be collected every day."

"Our current supply is large enough to be sold."

The wise squirrel reports this good news like a secretary.

"Oh my God!"

Chen Lie was shocked.

More than 300 bottles of fairy gel dew means that there are more than 300 drops of natural dew every day, and there are more than 300 wild centennial ginseng or more than 30 wild millennium ginseng every day.

Robbery is not so crazy.

He did not expect that a casual arrangement could create such terrifying benefits for himself.

Purple Bodhi root, a spirit grass with weed-like vitality.

Created a miracle for Chen Lie.

The farmer happily said: "A lot of things can be unfolded now, especially the mutation experiment of the fantasy soil. I believe that with perseverance, level 7 or even level 8 spiritual plants can be mutated sooner or later.

Wisdom Squirrel reminded: "But you need more assistants."

The farmer nodded.

"It will be solved."

Chen Lie said: “After this one-hundred-year celebration, there will be hundreds of times more abandoned and exchanged pets than last year. We will definitely be able to pick good pets by then.”

Speaking of being exchanged, the housework squirrel triplets don't have to look sad again.

They were abandoned by their masters and finally came here.

Fortunately, it was an extremely beautiful and wonderful conversion.

It is simply from hell to paradise.

Bacchus suddenly said: "Master, there are too many people who have been eliminated recently, and many owners have abandoned their pets in angrily. Now the charity area and exchange area of ​​the system mall have almost exploded."

"Then let's go take a look."

Chen Lie waved his hand and the virtual world in front of him became the charity area of ​​the system mall.



All the pets looked in surprise.

Because there is too much here.

Hundreds of times more than any previous time.

In order to house these abandoned pets, the sky of the charity area was also divided, forming a stepped observation and adoption model.

Chen Lie watched with everyone:

A war tiger with an unstable temperament, a level 5 battle pet, was originally very capable of making it into the top 100, and its original owner also placed a heavy bet on it. As a result, its temperament was volatile and eventually led to an unexpected defeat. At level 5 District was eliminated in the third round.

A timid bear, a level 5 battle pet, regardless of its burly figure, but in fact it is as timid as a joke.Its original owner trained it many times without good results, and sent it to the game. It actually surrendered directly when the number 1 entered, and the desperate original owner had to abandon it.

A foul-mouthed war fox, a level 5 battle pet, it stretches out agilely, has extraordinary wisdom, and is proficient in various raid skills, but because it is born with a crow mouth and likes to curse others, it was eventually killed by an angry teammate and the action team was cancelled. Competition qualifications.The angry original owner no longer cherished it, and directly abandoned it.


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