The pet king of the city

901 chapter spirit breakthrough critical point


"Super Bill: Nature Wrath!"

Natural magic monk and the fire magic sacrifice, a super large combination of magic, one of the rough trees, and then bathes on the endless fire.

The fire tree vine is pumped with superb.



Each hit is as strong as the wall, and each hit can easily break a hill.

And under such a brutal attack, small black is hard.


It can't support it, and the limbs are squatting, but it is not surrendered.


Its body faces collapse, and the eyes of the eyes are infiltrated, but it is necessary to maintain the wall of the rocking.

"Small black, give up!"

"We can't win."

I have a retired silver leopard, and there is a blue crown that has been folded. I don't want small black tolerance, and ask small black to give up.

"Do not!"

"How can I accept it!"

Xiao Hua was screaming, and he stood up.

But the dramatic scene appeared:

"Hey, congratulations on your super pet - small black spirit break through the critical point, reaching 7 standards."

"Because small black ability can be planned to be 7, and the orderly action team has no preparation of preparation of pet, and is in an absolute disadvantage, so the system decided to lose this game."

Chen Lie Don lived, Xiao Black was also awkward, and the silver leopard and blue crown were stupid.

As for the Magic Action Team, it was also suppressed by the heaven and earth will not move.

that's it.

The game is determined by a small black breakthrough, and the order action team is determined as the end as the end.

"Hey, it is over."

Xiao Hui Yang Sighs: "I want to take the orderly action team to go further, let the owner look at it, did not expect actually because of my breakthrough halfway."

"Small black, I have already gone to you, and the whole staff member is watching."

"I really arrogate you. Proud."

Chen Lie squatted down, touched this small black head, touch the back of the silver leopard, while the shoulders stood the tired blue crown.

Chen Lie continued to say: "You are really unrestrained. Even I think you have come to a hundred strong signs, but I didn't expect you to break through you in the death group! I am really proud!"

Small black closed eyes.

It is really tired, I really want to sleep.

Silver leopard and blue crown are also.


"Your land continued to play so many games, you have to rest well."

Chen Lie smiled and looked at the full-eyed priests, and the mood: "Perhaps awakening, there are more surprises."

To this end.

The ghosts ended the journey of the monomer, and the Order Action Team also ended their top ten tasks.

Chen Lie only left a single championship, as well as Chen Lie's 6th military group.

Compared to before.

That is easy.

Chen Lie looked at the farmer and said: "Drinking God, execute the plan! We have to give the order action team a big surprise!"


Wine gods go down.



The next morning.

The blue crown woke up from the sleep.


It finds that his body is soaked in a black liquor that is not a good taste.


"There is a bird falling down!"

It is afraid that the blue crown of the water is called.

Bailing shouted: "Don't shout, this is a 7-level medicated bath, the owner specializes in arranging you."

The blue crown found that Xiao Hui and Silver Leopard were soaked in the cartridge, closed his eyes, and enjoyed it.

"This is the enjoyment of the 8th and 9-level action teams."

"Level 7 Action Team, also eligible for those top geniuses, every other time is eligible once."

Chen Lie said: "I spent a small price to buy the formula of the medicine, and I have been tossing with the gods for more than a week."

The blue crown really feels a difficult sense of a difficulty described, it seems that the whole body is being pressed. Moche, not comfortable.

However, it is very curious, while enjoying: "The owner, what is the effect of this agent? Is it 7th, did not avoid too high?"

"Ordinary medicines can soothe tired and nourish your body."

Chen Lie is coming: "My medicine bath has been improved by my and wine gods. It turns into a soothing fatigue and strengthen the body, because they are the main material for black yuan, soaking long-term soaking, the body can be greatly strengthened. Especially yours Broken eagle blood, may cause a quality. "


The blue crown always thinks that he dragged the hind leg of the movement team, always wants to become strong.

In fact, it has not dragged, but greatly enriches the attack routine of the order, the real role is even more powerful than the silver leopard.

"This is a nectar."

"Mix the blue flowers, the flower, the flower, and the flowers of the black."

Chen Lie put 3 cups of color a little bit of resistant wine, said: "Don't look at this wine is only 6, but I have developed a few months in combination with the gods. There is a clear spirit of the god, and the effect of strong and health. It is also beneficial to you. "

The wine gods have a pity: "Unfortunately, they have been studying too late. If you have a month, your strength must be more moving, breaking through the group, will be more smooth."


"Our future road is still very long."

The small black price is grateful.

"You continue to enjoy."

Chen Lie smiled and left.

His most familiar location has already put a pot of freshly brewed wine.

Chen Lie poured a cup to himself, to play: "Jiao Jiao, you don't come to a cup?"


It continues to watch the wall.

Although it is currently, it has not seen the slightest clue, but it has a spirit of reluctance, I feel that I will feel like Chen Lie sooner or later.

"Wine color is clear, pure white as spring water, the sharing of flowers in wine incense, can be described as the nine."

Chen Lie admired a sentence, saying: "This wine can be given to you, I think they will like it."

This wine is a flavor, and the combination is brewed.

Only 3 levels are the randomness of the wine god.

But its taste is very unique, and the sale is also sufficient, plus any cosmetics than the Earth, and it is necessary to cause a grab.

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