The pet king of the city

915 chapter inventory

Wine god.

Chen Lie's third warfare is actually drunk.

Chen Lie also said to Drinking: "Their main attack mode is physical attack, no matter what you are strength or speed, you must pay special attention to this 7-level fantastal, it should be the special occupation of the assassin, just now When I attack, I sold the taste of a paralyzed medicine on its paw. "


The wine goddened, and it was taking a fullness.


Wine gods took the pace to the enemy.

"Haha ..."

"I actually brought a bad friend of alcohol!"

Original nerve tightening whistling and Level 7 Leopard instantly showed a happy expression.

But they didn't have much nonsense and clicked directly.

Extra large chopping mountain knife is ruthlessly cut, and the 7-level battle leopard attaches the attitude of the attitude.

No matter who is hit, the wine god will die.


The bodies of the wine gods were actually shocked and there was no hazard.

Then, the god seems to be too ignorant. When you fall, try hard, but it is biased because of this gathered and perfectly avoids the horizontal Xiong of the Leopard.

Attack, dodge.

Attack, then dodge.

No matter how the color whip is attacking, no matter how the Left Leopard accelerates, the god god is with a drunkenness, and simply avoids all attacks.


All attacked even the gods of the gods did not rub half.

"I cao, what is this ghost skill?"

The color whip is getting more and more urgent, and now I want to yell.

"Unbelievable, this scene is too incredible!"

"I have never seen such a strange scene."

The moderator shouted.

But he will be active and atmosphere, and immediately ask the commentary talent around: "The big solution said, you are all masters with rich combat experience, know what the drunken monkey is?"

"Probably knows."

"That is an oriental martial artistic conception, called drunken boxing, relying on physical instinct in the hazy, with the approximate prophet's gesture to pass the enemy. It is said that this approximate prophet is called [to see the murderous murder of it is not yet , Also called [Cardios] What. "

"But there are few people who have such a realm, but they can be big, such as the famous wines."

"My God, he actually has the same martial arts as the wine Jianxian. The most fear is that this paradise will have a secret base card, which is such a horrible?"

"You are wrong! I just watched the information, this is a good life that is engaged in wine career. It is not a war. I can play two level 7 strong people."

"So ironically realistic, I really can't say a happy heart."

The nepheses you speak, say that you can't worry.

The host of the face is constantly given them to make the eyes, but they are not buying.

After all, most of them are only temporary solutions, do not need to give some large organization faces at all. It is rare to have such a chance to vent the end of the heart, they won't miss it.

"Damn, don't care about this monkey."

"First kill people again."

The color whip is angry but there is no disorder, and the strategy is changed immediately.

However, the whistling whistling just took the knife, and when I wanted to miss the wine god, the gods suddenly planted him.

This plant is too sudden, and I will leave the whistle.

The most striped is that there is also instinctive movements in the process of drunk gods. As a result, this is lifted, just chasing the Leopard of the Leopard.


The wine god hit a fullness and continued to go to the whip.

Stand up with a painful whistle.

He wants to inspire the war, but it finds that the energy damage of the war is huge.

The most horrible thing is that the internal faint pain of the place that was attacked, as if he was severely injured.

"Two idiots."

"The wine god will drink the spirits every day, and it is not much better than the ."

Chen Lie laughed: "Although your combat service is 7, it is not unlimited; not to say that there is no defense of stunning, the visceral broken, you slowly wait."


The whistle was angry and attacked, and he couldn't help but spit a blood.

And the wine god has slowly came to him.

"Wine god, play happily!"

Chen Lie took out.


It is destined from the beginning of the gods.



All people return to reality.

"The monkey is boss, you are too powerful."

Bailing exaggerated: "I used to know that you will be drunk, but I didn't expect you to NB!"

Xiao Black is also attached: "Yes, I know that I will let you set up the second actor team, with the strength of your three, the champion of the action team is almost ten nine stable."

"I don't like fight."

The gods have drank a bite and laughed back: "If the owner has a summons, I still don't want to come to the virtual world."

He is not really drunk.

Now he belongs to the kind of unsatched realm.

However, Abao thought of a worthless place, asked: "The owner, if there is a super relational household item 8, what should I do?"

Cold. "

Chen Lie did not answer his temper.

Can Abao still does not understand.

Chen Lie can only explain: "Level 6 trials must bring 7 level war pets, must have 90 points, you have to take 8-level war pet, you have to get 95 points. You also know that the high-level battle is smart Also arrogant, unless you cultivate from the beginning, don't say 95 points, even if 80 points are hard to accumulate. "

Everyone nodded and knew this.

Chen Lie's pets are cultivated from the beginning, so the feelings are almost full.

Chen Lie continued to explain: "And other items, this item must be tryler himself, or the trial is made of pets, even if it is made with others, it also has more than half the proportion belongs to the trial. For example The level of machine, that at least half of the results is this level 6 trial person or his pet pain. "

"The Yue first-order manufacturing is the genius, the more the two steps are ..."

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